The Interim Corporate Director – Education and Family Support and the Interim Head of Finance and S151 Officer gave a joint report, the purpose of which, was to seek Council approval to revise the Capital Programme for 2018 to 2028, to include a budget of £165k for the build of a new classroom at Cwmfelin Primary School. This would be met from earmarked reserves, the school in question and the Family Support Directorate budget.
The Interim Corporate Director – Education and Family Support advised, that despite staff making best use of the school premises the insufficient size of classroom spaces at the School is putting pressure on teaching and learning opportunities there. The local authority had recognised that the School needs additional space to aid the delivery of the foundation phase and undertake interventions.
He confirmed that a number of suggestions had been considered, with a scheme finally being developed for provision of accommodation suitable for groups of 20, which meets the School’s needs. It was therefore proposed to proceed on the basis of providing this space as a new build on an area of land close to the Nursery building on the School site.
This provision would provide the much needed added space, which would in turn ease pressure on existing classes, as well as supporting the delivery of interventions and group work.
The Interim Corporate Director – Education and Family Support added that it was not anticipated that any additional classroom space would be required in the near future, as projected demographic growth was relatively low in this School’s catchment area. Therefore, there was no proposal to increase the published admission number (PAN) for the School as a result of the proposal.
He then concluded his submission, by advising of the report’s financial implications.
A Member advised that he welcomed works that were being carried out in respect of schools under the ongoing School Modernisation Programme. However, he stated that sometime in the future he would also welcome feedback on the outcomes of such investment made in respect of schools, ie to establish if improvements have been secured there.
The Interim Corporate Director – Education and Family Support advised that he would be able to provide this information for Members in due course.
A Member sought re-assurance from the Interim Corporate Director – Education and Family Support, that the investment being committed to the School was a sensible option, given the proposed re-organisation of the Llynfi Valley Schools in due course.
The Interim Corporate Director – Education and Family Support advised that the School building at Cwmfelin Primary was a Condition C category build, undersized and of poor quality, with cloakrooms situated in classrooms and therefore it needed improving to bring it up to the required standard. He added that there would be a further update at a future date with regard to the re-organisation of schools at Maesteg as referred to be the Member.
RESOLVED: That Council gave approval to amend the Capital Programme to include a budget of £165k to fund the new-build classroom space at Cwmfelin Primary School, to be met from earmarked reserves, the School and Education and Family Support Directorate budgets.
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