Agenda item

2018-19 Annual Business Plan - Quarter 4 Performance Report


The Programme Director presented the quarterly monitoring report informing key stakeholders of progress with performance against the Annual Business Plan, therefore discharging the requirements of the Assurance Framework. This included a detailed work programme update, an Annual Governance Statement update, the Internal Audit action plan and a wider Investment Fund budget update.


The Programme Director explained that in September 2018 the ten point plan to evolve the City Deal was implemented. She then provided a summary of the progress made in the intervening seven months.


A member referred to the statement that developments such as Brexit and the loss of EU funding meant that City Deal was the key means through which to build a sustainable, resilient and more self-reliant future for the region. He asked why there was no reference in that part of the report to the Shared Prosperity Fund. The Programme Director replied that the important point was that City Deal would be the main vehicle and would play a significant role in how funds were allocated. After Brexit, it was likely that all new economic investment would be allocated on a competitive basis and this would require a completely different approach. 


A member asked what was being done to engage with harder to reach communities and what initiatives were in place. He also asked for a timetable and assurances in regard to promoting the commitment to sustainable development through more targeted activity with public organisations such as Bcorps, Co-ops and employee-owned organisations. The Programme Director replied that they would interact in a different way with one wide investment fund and a new approach based on different principles. In order to achieve inclusive growth they would need to tilt the playing field. In the Compound Semiconductor area there was an opportunity to build a cluster. They could make sure the mechanisms were in place not only to create wealth but also to spread wealth. By using innovative finance they could create new markets and products and they would be considering applications over the next few weeks. She added that there would be a presentation to a future meeting regarding public organisations.


A member referred to the recent announcement from Ford that the Bridgend factory was closing and the loss of skilled jobs and asked if plans were being implemented to address this issue. The Programme Director replied that the expertise in the region could be used in wider opportunities such as battery storage, electric vehicles or advanced propulsion centres. They had commissioned a piece of work to look at different areas and they had to make sure they had the skills base to encourage companies to relocate to the region. 


A member asked what work had been done to communicate with the urban community. The Programme Director replied that the  Business Council were holding sessions on skills etc but they had not yet put in place a communications table. The member asked to see examples of the clear channels of communication. The Programme Director explained that these actions were in the annual business plan for the latter part of the year and therefore showed in the progress table as an outstanding action.


A member referred to transportation around the region in light of the recent decision regarding the M4 relief road. The Programme Director replied that there was a significant issue in the region because of the bottleneck on the M4 in the Newport area. A Commission had been set up to look into a plan B. They had to consider the consequences on those looking to invest and she gave a recent example of a business party from Taiwan stuck in a 2 hour traffic jam between St Mellons and Newport. Their role was to offer alternatives such as sophisticated ways to manage congestion. Members recommended that the City Deal contribute to the current consultation.


In relation to the closure of Fords factory, a member stated that some skills were not transferable and that plans should be put in place to address any shortage in jobs. The Programme Director replied that industries of the future would be evolving and changing and they needed to press on at a pace. A piece of work had been completed looking at a strengths analysis and areas where the region was globally competitive. NESTOR were doing work around proper skills for industries focussing on apprenticeships, graduate schemes, intelligent labour markets and portfolios. There were also other areas such as the care system, prisons and young people. Prisoners in Cardiff, Bridgend and Usk were doing stem coding qualifications. They were duty bound to look at young people and to support those in deprived areas.


A member asked how many projects were in the pipeline. The Programme Director replied that there were 3 strands, Innovation, Infrastructure and Challenge and 23 schemes ready to come into the Investment Framework.


A member raised the issue of Internationalisation and building the brand and developing a profile. A member suggested working with the next potential leaders such as India and China. Another member suggested showcasing at EXPO in Dubai in 2020.


A member referred to the slippage of £1,381,600 due to changes in the project’s programme of work and asked if we had learnt any lessons from it. The Programme Director explained that it had now levelled out and was down to a timing issue.


RESOLVED          1)  Members asked that they receive an update back to the Joint Committee on the outstanding actions in the report when they receive the Q1 Performance report


The Joint Committee recommended that the CCRCD Director feedback to Welsh Government the collective views from the Local Authorities of the decision not to go ahead with the M4 relief road at Newport so they could take these into consideration in their future planning.

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