Decision details

Consultation on Community Recycling Centres

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Head of Operations, Community Services presented a report seeking Cabinet approval to formally enter into public consultation on the potential closure of three Community Recycling Centres (CRC) for one day a week and for Cabinet to note that the outcome of the consultation would be reported to Cabinet in due course. He explained that questions for the consultation were being prepared and the consultation would begin in April and last for 12 weeks. Costs for the consultation would be met from the existing budgets.


The Cabinet Member for Communities explained that as part of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy 2023-24 to 2026-27, approved by Council on the 1 March 2023, a Budget Reduction Proposal of £50,000 was included in relation to the Waste Services budget. In order to achieve these savings, it would be necessary to close each CRC for one weekday per week. This consultation would inform discussions with the current provider in terms of the most appropriate days. He added that implementation would be later in the year so it would be a struggle to achieve the £50,000 saving in the first year.


The Deputy Leader asked for details of where the three sites were and the cost of Pyle CRC not opening because of the delay with the licence from NRW.    


The Head of Operations, Community Services explained that the community recycling centres were in Brynmenyn, Maesteg and Tythegston.  The position with Pyle CRC was frustrating. They were going through a long-winded process with the current contractor and National Resources Wales (NRW) to obtain the license that was necessary to be able to operate at that site. Small technicalities had prevented it from opening to date, and the process was continuing. He did not have details of the costs to hand but would provide details following the meeting. The biggest impact was that they were still having to pay for the rental of the Tythegston site because that was not owned by the Council.


The Leader agreed that it was disappointing that they were still waiting for the license from NRW and he would be writing again to NRW because apart from the license, the site was ready to be opened. With regard to the consultation, it was important for the public to know that weekends would not be selected because of how busy the CRCs were on a weekend. Current thinking was that CRCs would close on different days of the week, so seven days of the week, at least two of the CRCs would be open and for most of the days, all three would be open.


RESOLVED:       Cabinet gave approval to commence a public consultation on the proposal to close each CRC one day per week.

Cabinet noted that the outcome of the consultation would be reported to Cabinet in due course.

Publication date: 23/05/2023

Date of decision: 11/04/2023

Decided at meeting: 11/04/2023 - Cabinet

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