Decision details

Annual Accounting Statement 2021-22

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Finance Manager, Financial Control and Closing presented a report, in order to present the unaudited Annual Accounting Statement for the 2021-22 financial year to the Joint Committee, and to obtain approval to submit the Annual Accounting Statement for Coychurch Crematorium to Audit Wales.


Following the report outlining certain background information, she confirmed that Section 1 of the Annual Accounting Statement (Appendix 1 to the report) showed that in 2021-22 Coychurch Crematorium made a net surplus of £280,724. The surplus had been added to the accumulated reserve for the Crematorium brought forward at 31 March 2021, bringing the total of that reserve to £3,179,607 at 31 March 2022, compared to £2,898,883 in the preceding year.


Table 1 in paragraph 4.1 of the report, showed a summary of the final financial position for the Crematorium for 2021-22 as compared to the budget set at the start of the financial year.


The Finance Manager, Financial Control and Closing stated that explanations for the more significant variances from budget were shown in bullet point format at paragraph 4.2 of the report.


Table 2 in the report, then reflected a breakdown of the Planned Capital Maintenance Budget along with the Outturn and Variances for 2021-22, relating to the Flower Court extension, Site Lighting and the Chapel Sound equipment.


Further to the Annual Accounting Statement, a supplementary Balance Sheet was provided in Table 3 of the report and this supplementary information provided a further breakdown of the figures recorded in the Annual Accounting Statement.


Further information to explain the balances was expanded upon in paragraph 4.4 of the Treasurers report.


RESOLVED:                                That the Joint Committee approved the                 Annual Accounting Statement for Coychurch Crematorium for 2021-22 (Appendix 1 to the report referred), and agreed that the Chairperson of the Joint Committee signs the Annual Accounting Statement prior to submission to Audit Wales.

Publication date: 15/05/2023

Date of decision: 15/07/2022

Decided at meeting: 15/07/2022 - Coychurch Crematorium Joint Committee

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