Decision details

P/21/907/FUL - 106 Nolton Street, Bridgend CF31 3BP

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


RESOLVED:                           That the above planning application be approved, subject to the Conditions contained in the report of the Corporate Director – Communities:-




Change of use from hairdressing salon to A3 cafe bar/wine bar (no hot food or takeaway element)


Subject to the inclusion of the following further Condition being added to the consent:-


6. Notwithstanding the approved plans, details of a wall mounted cigarette bin (location and type) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The approved scheme shall be implemented prior to the first beneficial use of the café bar/wine bar and shall be retained in perpetuity.


Reason:  To ensure a satisfactory form of development and to protect the amenities of the area.


Publication date: 22/05/2023

Date of decision: 28/04/2022

Decided at meeting: 28/04/2022 - Development Control Committee

Accompanying Documents: