Decision details

Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor Steven Bletsoe

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Councillor S Bletsoe gave an introductory speech on why he considered the Council should support the following Notice of Motion as proposed by him and seconded by Councillor D Harrison. He stated that in light of years of austerity from central government, which has seen BCBC budgets slashed year on year and departments in this authority referred to as "barely fit for purpose" and in light of the current Cost of Living crisis which is placing pressures on all Councils to produce a lawful, balanced budget for 2023/24:-


“This Council requests that the Cabinet reviews the CCRD agreement and if permissible considers seeking the agreement of ALL CCRD member Councils to negotiate the postponement or significant reduction of the scheduled CCRD payments for 2023/4, thus allowing authorities to set balanced budgets that maximise the resources available to protect services within their areas.”


The Leader responded by confirming that in view of current financial restraints that included the recent increase of interest rates, cost of living demands (including increased utility bills) and high inflation etc, Cabinet would look to review all the Authorities joint working arrangements with key partner organisations amongst others, due to the fact that similar to other neighbouring authorities, it was essential that the Council made efficiency savings in all areas where there was scope to do so.


Council unanimously supported the Notice of Motion.

Publication date: 23/05/2023

Date of decision: 16/11/2022

Decided at meeting: 16/11/2022 - Council