Decision details

Taflen Gwelliant

Y sawl sy'n gwneud penderfyniad: Pwyllgor Datblygiad a Rheoli

Statws: Recommendations Approved

Is AllweddolPenderfyniad?: Na

yn amodol ar gael ei alw i mewn?: Na


The Chairperson accepted the Development Control Committee Amendment Sheet as an urgent item, in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules, in order to allow for the Committee to consider necessary modifications to the Committee report, so as to take account of late representations and revisions that are required to be accommodated. 

Dyddiad cyhoeddi: 31/05/2022

Dyddiad y penderfyniad: 26/05/2022

Penderfynwyd yn y Cyfarfod: 26/05/2022 - Pwyllgor Datblygiad a Rheoli

Dogfennau Cefnogol: