Decision details

Adjudication Panel for Wales - Code of Conduct Decision

Decision Maker: Standards Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Allweddol decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Chief Officer Legal, HR and Regulatory Services notified the Committee of a recent Case Tribunal decision of the Adjudication Panel for Wales (APW) in respect of former Member Gordon Lewis.


The Chief Officer Legal, HR and Regulatory Services explained that the APW had two statutory functions in relation to breaches of the Members' Code of Conduct:

• To form case or interim case tribunals to consider references from the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (“the Ombudsman”) following the investigation of allegations that a Member had failed to comply with their Authority's Members' Code of Conduct; and

• To consider appeals from Members against the decisions of Local Authority Standards Committees that they may have breached the Members' Code of Conduct.


The Chief Officer Legal, HR and Regulatory Services explained that by letter dated 17 March 2022, the Adjudication Panel for Wales received a referral from the Ombudsman in relation to allegations made against former Member Gordon Lewis. The Case Tribunal determined its adjudication on the basis of the papers only, at a meeting on 10 June 2022, conducted by means of remote attendance technology. The Case Tribunal found by unanimous decision that the Respondent was subject to the Code of Conduct (“the Code”) of Pencoed Town Council at the relevant time. Paragraph 6(1)(a) of the Code stated that a Member must not conduct himself in a manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing his office or authority into disrepute. The Case Tribunal found that the Respondent had failed to comply with paragraph 6(1)(a) of the Code, having deliberately or recklessly completed election paperwork which falsely declared that he was eligible to stand for election in 2018, and having continued to act as Member despite being disqualified for being elected. The Case Tribunal concluded by unanimous decision that the Respondent be disqualified for a period of 24 months from being, or becoming, a member of Pencoed Town Council or of any other relevant authority within the meaning of the Local Government Act 2000, with effect from the date of the Notice.


RESOLVED:    Members noted the report and decision of the APW.


Publication date: 23/08/2023

Date of decision: 30/09/2022

Decided at meeting: 30/09/2022 - Standards Committee

Accompanying Documents: