Decision details

Budget Monitoring 2022-23 - Quarter 3 Revenue Forecast

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Chief Officer Finance, Performance and Change provided an update on the Council’s revenue financial position as at 31 December 2022. She explained the background to the settlement and that the overall projected position as at 31 December 2022 was a net over spend of £731,000 comprising £8.711 million net over spend on directorates and a net under spend of £7.980 million on Council wide budgets. 


The Chief Officer Finance, Performance and Change outlined the ongoing impact of Covid 19 including Covid related claims to Welsh Government, budget virements and technical adjustments, pay/price inflation and budget reduction proposals. She provided a summary of the financial position for each main service area and commented on the most significant variances.


The Cabinet Member for Resources welcomed the improved position from quarter 2. He referred to the pressures in the Social Services and Wellbeing Directorate and added that careful consideration should be given to that area moving forward.


The Corporate Director for Social Services and Wellbeing provided additional information around the concerning position in terms of the learning disabilities budget and the budget across social services and well-being. They were working with independent experts who had worked with local authorities across Wales, to make sure they were providing cost effective learning disabilities, care and support services. The outcome of the review would be submitted to Cabinet in the next few months.


The Deputy Leader explained some of the pressures within the social services budget and added that they were doing a piece of work looking at what how they were spending money and if it was being spent appropriately. The findings would be submitted to Cabinet shortly.  


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support provided additional information regarding the overspends in home to school transport and catering services. He also referred to children being supported out of county 

and work with partners to ensure the service was being delivered as efficiently as possible. 


The Leader referred to the latest information in the report regarding the numbers of homeless people. He welcomed the recent announcement from the Minister for Climate Change of a one-off revenue contribution and additional capital expenditure announced after the report was published.


RESOLVED:             Cabinet noted the projected revenue position for


Publication date: 31/01/2023

Date of decision: 17/01/2023

Decided at meeting: 17/01/2023 - Cabinet

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