Issue - meetings

To receive announcements from:

Meeting: 16/05/2018 - Council (Item 175)

To receive any announcements from the Mayor Councillor PA Davies


The Mayor announced that she had attended the Mosque where her/her Consort had met the Imam and the Elders who told them about their religion and what it meant to them. They had a tour of the Mosque and some tea and biscuits where a good discussion subsequently ensued.  

They also attended a ‘Tom Jones’ Tribute which was attended by 79 people and raised £1189 plus £202 from the raffle.


The Mayors Gala took place in the Heronston Hotel and she wished to thank Councillors, friends and family who attended, as it it was an excellent night.


She had also attended an event at Bridgend Fire Station to mark the number of Firemen who had lost their lives since 1902, and there was a stone laid and a Willow Tree planted in they’re remembrance.  A service took place together with a number of speeches, following which she presented the Fire Chief with a County Borough of Bridgend Coat of Arms Shield.


The Mayor also visited the Cardiff City Stadium and presented the Army Cadets with Certificates, where all the Cadets attended from the Bridgend Military Academy and gave a display of Marching, Drill Practice and Physical Exercise.


Her and her Consort had recently attended Maesteg Town Mayors Ball. She wished the outgoing Mayor/Mayoress from Maesteg Town Council well for the future now that their role had come to an end. The Mayor had also attended the Mayors Ball in Rhondda Cynon Taf CBC. She added that Margaret Tegg was an inspiration, and had supported her throughout her Mayoral term. She was 82 years of age on the day of the Ball and received a standing ovation for her services.


The Mayor had also attended the Pencoed Town Mayors Civic Sunday, and this had also been an extremely good event.


Sadly, the Mayor had recently attended ex- Colin Teesdale’s Funeral, who had been a much respected Borough County Mayor and also Maesteg Town Mayor.


The Mayor also confirmed that she would be attending the funeral of Gareth Davies on Thursday coming. A member of the HART’s team, he was a well-respected Paramedic who always went the extra mile. He had been a working colleague and long term friend of over 30 years, and would be sadly missed by everyone, and the Community had lost a dedicated professional she felt.


The Mayor/her Consort had attended a Golf Day in the Grove Golf Club with 9 Teams having taken part. She thanked all who had taken part in this event.


The Mayor had also attended the Annual Lions Ball where she and her Consort were presented with a cheque for £300 for her Charities.


The Mayor announced that she was going to take part in the ‘Stroke Walk’ on the 20th May at Newbridge Fields. If anyone wished to sponsor her, there was still time she added.


Finally, she confirmed that her year in office as Mayor had gone extremely well, and she thanked Members and Officers their continued support during the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 175