Issue - meetings

To appoint the Deputy Mayor to be invested at the Civic Inauguration Ceremony on 23 May 2018 and the Deputy Mayor (Elect) to announce their Consort/Escort

Meeting: 16/05/2018 - Council (Item 177)

To appoint the Deputy Mayor to be invested at the Civic Inauguration Ceremony on 23 May 2018 and the Deputy Mayor (Elect) to announce their Consort/Escort


A motion was made which was duly seconded, that Councillor SE Baldwin be appointed as Deputy Mayor for 2018/19.


A Member moved that a recorded vote be conducted on the appointment of the Deputy Mayor, and this was duly seconded.


An electronic vote was therefore undertaken in order to establish if a recorded vote should be taken on this appointment, the result of which was a s follows:-


For                               Against                             Abstain


50                                      1                                       0


As this was carried, a recorded vote was taken on the appointment of Councillor Baldwin as Deputy Mayor for the above period, the result of which was as follows:-




RESOLVED:                 That Councillor SE Baldwin be elected as Deputy Mayor for the year 2018/19.


Councillor Baldwin confirmed that due to the level of work commitments of his partner, he would not be having a Consort for the ensuing year.