Issue - meetings

Election of Chairperson

Meeting: 21/01/2021 - Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 203)

Election of Chairperson


RESOLVED:                          That Councillor C Green be elected as Chairperson of the Combined Meeting of all Scrutiny Committees in relation to Item 4, in respect of Social Services and Wellbeing and the Chief Executives Directorate.


Meeting: 20/01/2021 - Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 198)

Election of Chairperson


RESOLVED:                  1. That Councillor T Giffard be elected as Chairperson of the Combined Meeting of all Overview & Scrutiny Committees up to the conclusion of Item 4 in respect of Education and Family Support.


                                       2. That Councillor JPD Blundell be elected as Chairperson of the Combined Meeting of all Overview & Scrutiny Committees for the consideration of Item 4, in respect of Communities.