Issue - meetings

P/22/102/FUL - 7 Acacia Avenue, Porthcawl

Meeting: 26/05/2022 - Development Control Committee (Item 7)

7 P/22/102/FUL - 7 Acacia Avenue, Porthcawl pdf icon PDF 931 KB


Permission was granted subject to the conditions in the report of the Corporate Director Communities.  


RESOLVED:           That permission be granted subject to the conditions in the report of the Corporate Director Communities and subject to the rewording of Condition 3 to ensure that the side facing window serving the en-suite is obscurely glazed as follows:


3. The rear-facing window serving the walk-in-wardrobe to Bedroom 02 and the side[1]facing window serving the en-suite at first floor level as shown on drawing ref. 034- (99)100-B (received 12 May 2022), shall be fitted with fixed pane obscure glazing to a minimum of Level 5 on the Pilkington index of obscurity. The windows shall be fitted prior to the beneficial use of the extension hereby approved commencing and shall then be retained in perpetuity.


Reason: In the interests of privacy and residential amenities.   




Remove conservatory; construct two storey side extension; single storey rear extension