97 Bridgend County Borough Council Destination Management Plan 2022-2027 PDF 293 KB
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The Corporate Director – Communities presented a report, the purpose of which, was to seek Cabinet approval of the Bridgend County Borough Council Destination Management Plan, 2022-2027 and approve the implementation of the resulting actions.
She explained that a Destination Management Plan (DMP), is a statement of intent to manage a destination in the interests of tourism, over a specified period, setting out the ways in which different stakeholders may work together to achieve a positive impact. The new DMP is a shared statement of intent to manage Bridgend County Borough as a successful visitor destination between 2022 and 2027.
BCBC to this end, will work in partnership with Visit Wales, regional entities such as Cardiff Capital Region and the Valleys Regional Park, neighbouring authorities, and key stakeholders such as town and community councils, accommodation providers, tourist attractions, activity providers and other local businesses that support the visitor economy.
The Corporate Director – Communities confirmed, that since the last DMP was produced, significant change has taken place at global, national and local levels, with the Covid-19 pandemic, the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union and rises in the cost of living. All of these have had implications for the tourism and hospitality industries. Whilst much has changed, there is also much potential for the future.
BCBC has identified tourism as part of its foundational economy with a recovery response that includes additional funding streams, public amenity projects, infrastructure upgrades and support for the accommodation sector.
The Bridgend County Borough Council Destination Management Plan, 2022-2027, was attached at Appendix 1 to the report. If adopted by Cabinet, this was intended to set the framework for supporting the delivery of the tourism vision to 2027.
The Corporate Director – Communities stated that actions contained within the Destination Action Plan, have been developed to propose the most efficient use of resources, focus on key strategic opportunities for development, maximise external funding opportunities and where possible deliver in partnership. It would focus action upon the priorities listed in paragraph 4.5 of the report.
The goals of the Destination Management Plan, were to:
- create economic growth that delivers benefits to people and places;
- promote environmental sustainability;
- provide social and cultural enrichment for residents and visitors alike;
- incorporate health benefits (for example through promoting active travel, physical activity or mental wellbeing associated with experiencing the natural environment.)
The delivery of actions in relation to tourism will focus on maximising areas and opportunities that present greatest impact for the County Borough and utilising a range of external funding opportunities as and when they become available and this would involve partnership working. This would in turn, assist in the achievement and implementation of the the actions outlined in Appendix 1 and the successful promotion of BCB as a coherent destination.
The Cabinet Member – Regeneration stressed the importance of having a Plan such as this in place, in order to shape, promote and encourage tourism within the County Borough.
The Cabinet Member – ... view the full minutes text for item 97