18 Update On Corporate Parenting Development PDF 678 KB
The Corporate Parenting Participation Officer stated that purpose of the report was to provide the Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting with an update on the development of Corporate Parenting in Bridgend.
He introduced and went through the report. He stated they were inviting professions to make a “Promise” on what they had the ability to change and bring into the Strategic Plan. He stated that the details regarding this, could be brought to the next meeting.
He mentioned two groups that would make up the Youth Forum and sought approval for draft terms of reference.
The Leader queried the engagement from partners.
The Deputy Leader responded stating that the partners did not have an understanding before but were fully engaged now. This was reinforced by the Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Future Generations, by stating that it was important for all Councillors to involve themselves as much as their individual schedules permitted and queried from the Corporate Parenting Participation Officer about plans to promote engagement so that Council colleagues could see the wonderful work done by the team and the foster parents for the children cared for by the borough.
This was agreed by the Corporate Parenting Participation Officer who stated that the response from partners was a positive one. He also stated that the aims and objectives of the sub-groups were focussed on providing a voice of a child by way of training, promotions and championing their roles and responsibilities. He mentioned having written to professionals and Councillors with a view to promoting this.
RESOLVED: (1) That the Committee supported the progress of the Corporate Parenting Development.
(2) That the Committee approved the Bridgend Corporate Parenting Board Terms of Reference.