Issue - meetings

Schools Summary Report 2014-15

Meeting: 19/11/2015 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 220)

220 Schools Summary Report 2014-15 pdf icon PDF 56 KB

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The Corporate Director – Resources submitted a report, in order to present to Members a copy of the report issued to the Corporate Director Children’s Services, summarising the findings made by Internal Audit in relation to the school based audits concluded in the 2014/15 audit year.


The Chief Internal Auditor confirmed that during 2014/15, a total of 12 audit visits were conducted, 10 were planned visits whilst one was a follow-up where the previous visit identified control weaknesses, and the other site visit was undertaken at the request of the Corporate Director Resources and Section 151 Officer. The report presented showed attached at Appendix A, provided Members with details of the key findings made during these audit visits.


The Chief Internal Auditor then gave a resume of the main points and findings outlined in the attached Appendix A, particularly with regard to School Audit visit findings, including any follow-up audits.


She added that any recommendations relating to Internal Audit’s findings will have been presented in a report directly to the School and Governing Body concerned.


The Chief Internal Auditor culminated her submission by confirming that in order to ensure that audit days available are used in the most effective way, changes will be made to the school audit programme for 2015/16, which will allow for more in depth coverage of high risk areas. Therefore, a CRSA will be issued to all schools annually which will enable schools to self-evaluate the controls they have in place to mitigate risks.


Members also requested that the Control Risk Self-Assessment Questionnaires (CRSA)  in respect of the schools outlined in the report, be shared with Members of the Committee at a future meeting, for their information.


RESOLVED:                     That the Committee gave due consideration to the Internal Audit Annual report on schools to ensure that all aspects of their core functions are being adequately reported.