Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 14th June, 2022 14:30

Venue: remotely - via Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008.




Cllr JP Blundell declared a prejudicial interest in item 5, Capital Programme Update as he was a LEA Governor of Bryntirion Comprehensive which was mentioned in the report and withdrew from the meeting for consideration of this item. 


Cllr H Williams and Cllr N Farr declared interests in item 9, Appointment of Local Authority Governors as they had applied for vacancies listed in the report and both withdrew from the meeting for consideration of this item.



Approval of Minutes pdf icon PDF 323 KB

To receive for approval the Minutes of 08 03 22


RESOLVED:         That the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet of 8 February   2022 be approved as a true and accurate record


Revenue Budget Outturn 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 566 KB

Additional documents:


The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change presented a report giving an update on the Council’s revenue financial performance for the year ended 31st March 2022 and seeking approval for budget virements between £100,000 and £500,000, as required by the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules.


The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change gave a summary of the financial position at 31st March 2022. She explained that given the changes that had occurred which had resulted in a better financial position at the end of 2021-22, the Council was able to apply some of this funding to investments to support its residents. 


The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change provided a summary of the financial position for each main service area attached at Appendix 3 to the report and commented on the most significant variances. She also outlined the most significant variances in the Council wide budgets and summarised the movement on earmarked reserves.


The Cabinet Member for Resources asked that his appreciation be recorded for Welsh Government (WG) and their support for Local Government following successful lobbying by the WLGA, the Leader and officers. He was pleased to note that WG had listened and responded.


The Leader echoed the comments made that WG had been very supportive and acknowledged that they had been in the same position with last minute decisions from UK Government. He asked the Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change if other authorities were in the same position with unexpected grants awarded late in the financial year. He asked, with regard to the outstanding savings identified in the Streetworks review, that if they did not receive approval from WG, the Corporate Director for Communities together with the Cabinet Member for Communities should write to WG to try to achieve that budget reduction proposal.


The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change confirmed that all authorities had received money late in year and were reporting along the same lines as Bridgend with regard to underspend in year and increased reserves. 


The Cabinet Member for Communities echoed the comments made. With regard to the savings which had been identified as part of the Streetworks review, he asked that if they could not get approval from WG then it could be classed as a corporate pressure and not a pressure on the communities budget. 


 RESOLVED:      Cabinet:

• noted the revenue outturn position for 2021-22

• recommend that Council approve the virements between £100,000 and £500,000 as outlined in paragraph 4.1.15 


Capital Programme Update pdf icon PDF 190 KB

Additional documents:


The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change presented a report seeking agreement from Cabinet to present a report to Council for approval of a revised capital programme for 2021-22 to 2031-32.


The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change explained that on 23 February 2022, Council approved a capital programme covering the

period 2021-22 to 2031-32 as part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy

(MTFS). A review had been undertaken of available capital resources, taking into consideration uncommitted funding in the capital programme, the anticipated year end revenue position for 2021-22, the position on earmarked reserves and revenue budgets available for 2022-23. As a result of this, a number of new capital schemes had been proposed by

Directorates, which had undergone rigorous review and challenge by

members of Corporate Management Board, before being submitted for

inclusion in the capital programme. This report was only seeking approval for the inclusion of new schemes within the capital programme that was approved by Council in February 2022.


The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change outlined the current situation and the proposed new capital schemes including funding. A revised Capital Programme, incorporating these schemes was included at Appendix A to the report.


The Cabinet Member for Resources stated that as discussed in the previous report, the authority was now in the fortuitous position where almost £10 million pounds could be invested in the County Borough with a number of schemes in education and communities that would benefit from the extra investment.


The Cabinet Member for Communitieswelcomed the massive investment in education and community facilities and in particular, children’s playground facilities taking the total investment to over a million pounds. 


The Leader said that he was particularly pleased to see the proposals for the investment in three schools which would enable major expansion and more classrooms allowing more children to attend those schools. Section 106 funding had also been secured totalling almost £1.3 million to support the funding committed to those schemes. There was also critical investment in the telecare project which would allow the analogue network to be switched off and a transfer made to digital to continue to provide a service giving independence to individuals allowing them to stay at home.  There was earmarked funding for Penprysg Road so that it could accommodate two-way traffic leading to the eventual closure of Pencoed’s railway level crossing. The infrastructure project required early design work and this funding would allow that to be undertaken. 


RESOLVED:        Cabinet agreed that the revised Capital Programme

(Appendix A to the report) be submitted to Council for approval.


Recycling and Waste Service Post 2024 pdf icon PDF 360 KB


The Corporate Director Communities presented a report providing an update on the future direction of the recycling and waste service and seeking Cabinet approval to proceed to tender, for an interim contract for the recycling and waste collection / community recycling centre management contract, for up to a two year duration. Approval was also required to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Communities to negotiate and finalise acquisition fees for the existing vehicles, plant and equipment utilised in the provision of the current service with Kier Services Limited and to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Communities to negotiate terms with Kier to change fuel supply for the existing fleet of recycling and waste vehicles and plant to a hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) derived fuel, in the period up to the end of the contract in 2024. The Corporate Director Communities was seeking approval to commence work on the future service provision post 2026, including looking at decarbonisation of the waste fleet and additional material streams for

recycling with the aim of being the best performing waste & recycling Local

Authority in Wales.


The Corporate Director Communities outlined the background to the recycling and waste contract which was awarded to Kier Services Limited in April 2017, due to end on 31st March 2024.  The current recycling & waste service overall performed very well. BCBC were well ahead of the recycling target with a low missed collection rate and a good rate of customer satisfaction. There was a great deal of uncertainty with regards to the methodology and targets for the future recycling and waste service model and it was difficult to see what a future contract should look like. For these reasons Cabinet was strongly recommended to make a decision to put a short-term interim contract into place, of no more than two years, to cover the period from 2024 to 2026. This would allow time for key decisions to be made re collection methodology and time to look at the fleet they wanted to bring forward.


The Corporate Director Communities explained that no public consultation was required at this stage as the contract would provide virtually the same contract as the current one. BCBC had the right to acquire plant and equipment from Kier as this was built into the original contract. They would negotiate to acquire these assets and this would be subject to a further report. Also an interim step was being explored and discussed between

Kier and Council officers, namely the introduction of Hydrogenised Vegetable Oil (HVO) derived fuel vehicles. Kier had undertaken investigations and confirmed that the existing fleet was able to be run using this fuel type.


The Cabinet member for Communities explained that a lot of work had taken place to get to this position. Measures needed to be put in place for the short term and long term and all options remained on the table at this stage. He added that the success of the scheme was primarily down to the residents  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Levelling Up Fund Priority Projects pdf icon PDF 271 KB


The Corporate Director Communities presented a report providing a background on the UK Government Levelling Up Fund (LUF) and updating Cabinet on the development of projects previously endorsed by them to be developed for this and future rounds of the fund. The report also sought endorsement to submit projects in the next round of the fund.


The Corporate Director Communities explained that the LUF would invest in local infrastructure and capital projects that had a visible impact on people and their communities. This included a range of high value local investment priorities, including local transport schemes, urban and economic

regeneration projects and supporting cultural assets. Each constituency bid could be up to the value of £20m. However, there was also scope

for investing in larger, high-value transport projects, allowing for bids of up to £50m, with each bid being encouraged to contribute a minimum of 10% funding from local and third-party contributions.


The Corporate Director Communities reported that applications for round two of funding must be submitted in full by midday on Wednesday 6 July 2022. Updates were provided on the three constituency projects which were previously reported to Cabinet, setting out the current position and proposals for the way forward.


The Corporate Director Communities explained that for the Bridgend Constituency they would be proceeding with the Porthcawl Pavilion

Redevelopment. The principal objectives of the renewal of the Grand Pavilion would address the issues of risk to the building fabric that existed in the condition of the concrete structure whilst also meeting the needs and aspirations of local people for extended and improved arts, heritage and library services. A number of new facilities were proposed including new function spaces at first floor (Esplanade) level, new rooftop function and cafe spaces offering elevated sea-views across the Bristol Channel and a new Studio theatre. The local MP supported the bid.


For the Ogmore constituency, agreement had previously been sought to

pursue a Bridgend Enterprise Development Project, which officers felt was the most advantageous project to meet local needs and achieve the aspirations of the Levelling Up programme, by delivering commercial and employment space in key locations. UK Government Levelling Up officials had been unsupportive of this project, and they did not believe that this project would be successful and would not find favour during the assessment process. Despite having considered other strategic opportunities within the constituency area, no other projects had been developed to a point where officers could recommend the submission of an alternative project. Officers would like to take the opportunity to identify an alternative strategic project and potential partners to develop a bid for the communities of the Llynfi, Garw and Ogmore Valleys, in anticipation of the next bidding round.


The Transport bid was for the Penprysg Railway Bridge, a long-standing infrastructure project for Bridgend included in the current and replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) as well as predecessor land use plans.

This project would result in the rebuilding of the Penprysg road bridge so that it could accommodate  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Bridgend Net Zero Carbon - Hydrogen Technology Demonstrator pdf icon PDF 432 KB


The Corporate Director Communities presented a report updating Cabinet on discussions on the opportunity to develop a Hydrogen Demonstrator Project in Wales providing local green hydrogen that supported decarbonisation of the Council’s assets and the wider region.


The Corporate Director Communities outlined the background. In 2021, Welsh Government (WG) were approached by the Japanese Consortium Marubeni, global specialist in renewables and hydrogen projects, to ask if they were interested in an investment opportunity for a Hydrogen

Demonstrator Project in Wales. The Japanese Government’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation (NEDO) pledged some £13m to co-fund Hydrogen Power Demonstrators Projects with the Marubeni Corporation in the UK. The key to this project was the supply of Green Hydrogen power for heat and transportation using green energy sources. Bridgend was chosen as the most appropriate location and potential investment partner.


The Corporate Director Communities outlined progress made so far and explained that the project would potentially bring a total of £26 million external investment funds into the borough through the NEDO (£13M) and Marubeni (£13M) that would develop a unique local energy and management system providing green low-cost energy and heat. The Cardiff Capital Region had in principle agreed to consider the opportunity for investment on receipt of a detailed proposal and were engaged with the project. WG, having introduced the opportunity, were also keen to see the project to fruition and to support its development. A draft Memorandum of Understanding was being prepared which set out a non legally binding commitment to cooperate in good faith and the framework under which BCBC and Marubeni Corporation would closely collaborate during any development stage. Funding would need to be determined during this period and a report would be submitted back to Cabinet.


The Cabinet Member for Communities added that these were exciting times with a £26 million investment and unknow opportunities and a chance to lead the way.


The Cabinet Member for Resources supported the project and added that this would put BCBC in a good position to reduce its carbon footprint. He asked that his thanks to the previous Cabinet Member and the Leader, be recorded for building relationships to help win this project.


The Leader also paid tribute to the efforts and the work of the previous Cabinet Member, Cllr Young who was a very enthusiastic and passionate champion for the pioneering work undertaken with partners. It was important to note that WG were very supportive of work undertaken so far and the work that would be undertaken in the future. This was crucial because they could provide funding to progress the scheme. They would look at ways of briefing all Members and provide detailed briefings for local members when sites were identified.


RESOLVED:           Cabinet:

·           Noted the progress to develop; Bridgend Net Zero Carbon – Hydrogen Demonstrator Project

·           Delegated authority to the Corporate Director of Communities, in consultation with the Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change and Chief Officer - Legal and Regulatory Services, Human Resources and Corporate Policy,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Appointment of Local Authority Governors pdf icon PDF 252 KB


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support presented a report seeking approval from Cabinet for the appointment of local authority governors to the school governing bodies listed at paragraphs 4.1 and

4.2 of the report. He explained that for the 15 current local authority governor vacancies at the 13 schools in the table, all applicants met the approved criteria for appointment as a local authority governor and there was no competition for these vacancies. He explained that there was competition for one vacancy and that the panel had noted that Cllr Neelo Farr had recently become an elected member for part of the school’s catchment area since submission of the application form. Therefore, in accordance with the criteria identified in the Council’s ‘Guidance on the appointment of local education authority governors’, the recommended appointment was Cllr Neelo Farr.


The Cabinet member for Education thanked the officer for the report and all the people who had put their names forward to be a school governor. There were still many vacancies and this was a call for volunteers to apply for these very important roles. 


RESOLVED:         Cabinet approved the appointments detailed at paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 of the report.


School Modernisation Programme - Mynydd Cynffig Primary School Outcome of Published Statutory Notice pdf icon PDF 335 KB


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support presented a report informing Cabinet of the outcome of the published statutory notice in respect of the proposed enlargement of Mynydd Cynffig Primary School, as detailed in the Objection Report (Appendix A); seeking approval to publish the Objection Report, as prescribed by the School Organisation Code 2018 (Code); seeking approval to implement the proposal with effect from the beginning of the autumn term 2025; and seeking approval to issue and publish a decision letter, as prescribed by the Code.


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support outlined the background to the report. He then explained the current position and that following Cabinet approval on 8 February 2022, the consultation report was

published on the Council’s website and stakeholders were advised accordingly. The statutory public notice was published on 7 March 2022 for a period of 28 days and formal written objections were invited during this time. The Council received one email in respect of the proposal during the statutory notice period. Legal advice was sought and it was recommended to consider the correspondence as an objection to the proposal. An Objection Report was published summarising the objection and the local authority’s response to the objection. Cabinet would now need to consider the proposal in light of the objection. Cabinet could then accept, reject, or modify the proposal. The attached Objection Report (Appendix A to the report) set out the objection received and the local authority response.


The Cabinet member for Education thanked the officers for their hard work and added that this was an exciting project to bring a new school to the area. He hoped it would be delivered as quickly as possible. The objection had been dealt with and the allotments had been given a new home and stability for the future.


RESOLVED:       Cabinet:


·      Noted the outcome of the published statutory notice in respect of the proposed enlargement of Mynydd Cynffig Primary School as detailed in the Objection Report (Appendix A);

·      Gave approval to publish the Objection Report;

·      Determined to implement the proposal with effect from the beginning of the autumn term 2025; and

Gave approval to issue and publish a decision letter.


School Modernisation Programme - Heronsbridge School Outcome of Consultation Process pdf icon PDF 1018 KB


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support presented a report informing Cabinet of the outcome of the consultation in respect of the

proposal to make regulated alterations to Heronsbridge School; presenting the findings of the consultation in a detailed Consultation Report

(Appendix A); and seeking approval to progress the publication of a statutory notice as prescribed in the School Organisation Code 2018 (the Code).


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support outlined the background to the report. He then explained that in order to progress the proposed regulated alterations to Heronsbridge School, consultation exercises were carried out between 4 April and 18 May 2022, in accordance with the statutory School Organisation Code 2018. The consultation document invited views and opinions to be submitted in respect of the proposal. A summary of the issues raised by consultees and the local authority’s responses were provided in the Consultation Report as detailed

in Appendix A of this report. Cabinet would need to consider the Consultation Report and determine the preferred way forward.

Should Cabinet wish to proceed with the proposal, the next stage of the

process would be to publish a statutory notice outlining the proposal which would need to be published for a period of 28 days. Any formal written objections would be invited during this time If there were no objections during the statutory notice period, then the proposal could be implemented with Cabinet’s approval. If there were objections at this statutory notice stage, an Objection Report would be published summarising the

objections and the local authority’s response to those objections. Cabinet would need to consider the proposal in light of any objections made. Cabinet could then accept, reject or modify the proposal.


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support outlined the financial implications. 


The Cabinet member for Education was really excited about this project, a purpose built school with the aspiration to be the best in Wales. The Head teacher, parents and pupils were all very excited about getting a purpose- built building to give them the facilities that they needed.


The Leader said that it was very uplifting to read the consultation report and in particular the feedback received from students and the voice of the learner. Points raised early in the process had been addressed eg facilities for the daily mile walk, allotments and an orchard. The swimming pool would offer hydrotherapy and this would be a green school with solar panels and the highest level of insulation and heat pumps.


The Cabinet member for Education confirmed that if the proposal went ahead there would be no damage to hut 9 which was a protected building and there would be no detrimental impact on that site.


The Leader explained that the current building was also listed and protected by CADW.


RESOLVED:        Cabinet:

·      Noted the outcome of the consultation with prescribed consultees, as detailed in the attached Consultation Report and appendices;

·      Approved the Consultation Report (Appendix A) for publication; and

·      Authorised the publication of a statutory notice in respect  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


School Modernisation Programme - Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Ogwr Outcome of Consultation Process pdf icon PDF 892 KB


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support presented a report informing Cabinet of the outcome of the consultation on the proposed

enlargement of Ysgol Gymraeg (YG) Bro Ogwr; presenting the findings of the consultation in a detailed Consultation Report (Appendix A) and

seeking approval to publish the Consultation Report and progress the

publication of a statutory notice as prescribed in the School Organisation

Code 2018 (the Code).


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support outlined the background to the report. He then explained that following ministerial approval in November 2021 and Cabinet approval in January 2022, a statutory consultation was progressed to make a regulated alteration to enlarge YG Bro Ogwr to a 2.5 FE school, with a 90-place full-time-equivalent nursery plus an 8-place observation and assessment class on land off Ffordd Cadfan. The proposal would come into effect at the beginning of the autumn term 2025. In order to progress the proposed regulated alteration to YG Bro Ogwr in the form of an enlargement, consultation exercises were carried out between 7 February 2022 and 21 March 2022, in accordance with the statutory School Organisation Code 2018. The consultation document invited views and opinions to be submitted in respect of the proposal. A summary of the issues raised by consultees and the local authority’s responses were provided in the Consultation Report as detailed in Appendix A to the report. Cabinet would need to consider the Consultation Report and determine the preferred way forward. Should Cabinet wish to proceed with the proposal, the next stage of the process was to publish a statutory notice outlining the proposal which would need to be published for a period of 28 days. Any formal written objections would be invited during this time. If there were no objections during the public notice period, then the proposal could be implemented with Cabinet’s approval. If there were objections at this public notice stage, an Objections Report would be published summarising the objections and the local authority’s response to those objections and Cabinet would need to consider the proposal in light of any objections made. Cabinet

could then accept, reject or modify the proposal.


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support outlined the financial implications. 


The Cabinet Member for Education thanked officers for their hard work. This development was a very important step in developing the Welsh language in Bridgend. It would be the biggest Welsh medium school in Bridgend with a state of the art building allowing the school and the Welsh language to grow and flourish. Welsh Language was a key commitment of this Cabinet and local authority and this went a long way to demonstrating that. 


The Cabinet Member for Communities welcomed the report. This was an exciting project with community facilities and separate picking up/dropping off facilities. He looked forward to seeing the school completed and better services for the Welsh language.


The Leader was pleased to see that included in the proposals there were plans for an observation class for children with additional  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Outcome of Consultation to Open Provision for Pupils with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Establishing a Learning Resource Centre (LRC) for Pupils with Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) at Ysgol Cynwyd Sant pdf icon PDF 810 KB


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support presented a report informing Cabinet of the outcome of the consultation to open provision for pupils with ALN establishing a LRC for pupils with MLD at Ysgol Cynwyd Sant; presenting the findings of the consultation in a detailed consultation report (Appendix A) and seeking approval to progress to the publication of a statutory notice as prescribed in the School Organisation Code.


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support outlined the background to the report. He then explained that in order to progress the proposal, consultation exercises were carried out between 6 January 2022 and 17 February 2022 in accordance with the statutory School Organisation Code. The consultation document invited views and opinions to be submitted in respect of the proposal. A summary of the issues raised by consultees and the local authority’s responses were provided in the Consultation Report as detailed at Appendix A of this report. Cabinet would need to consider the Consultation Report and determine the preferred way forward. Should Cabinet wish to proceed with the proposal, the next stage of the process was to publish a statutory notice outlining the proposals which would need to be published for a period of 28 days and any formal written objections would be invited during this time. If there were no objections during the public notice period then the proposal could be

implemented with Cabinet’s approval. If there were objections at this public notice stage, an Objections Report would be published summarising the objections and the Authority’s response to those objections. Cabinet would need to consider the proposal in light of objections. Cabinet could then accept, reject or modify the proposal.


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support outlined the financial implications. 


The Cabinet Member for Education thanked all those at the school for taking part in this initiative. It was a great move forward and he hoped it would be as much of a success as they were hoping.


The Leader explained that this was undoubtedly progress. This was about inclusive education and that was at the heart of the strategy for supporting children with additional learning needs. The LRC was the first in the north of the borough in the medium of Welsh. The whole school would benefit from this resource as there could be other children within the school that may not be eligible for direct support but they could benefit from the specialist staff.


RESOLVED:       Cabinet:

·      noted the outcome of the consultation with interested parties as detailed in the attached consultation report (Appendix A) and appendices;

·      approved the consultation report (Appendix A) for publication; and

authorised the publication of a statutory notice in respect of the proposal.


Outcome of Consultation to Open Provision for Pupils with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Establishing a Learning Resource Centre (LRC) for Pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at Tremains Primary School pdf icon PDF 630 KB


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support presented a report informing Cabinet of the outcome of the consultation to open provision for pupils with ALN establishing a LRC for pupils with ASD at Tremains Primary School; presenting the findings of the consultation in a detailed Consultation Report (Appendix A) and seeking approval to progress to the publication of a statutory notice as prescribed in the School Organisation Code.


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support outlined the background to the report. He then explained that in order to progress the proposal, consultation exercises were carried out between 6 January 2022 and 17 February 2022 in accordance with the statutory School Organisation Code. A summary of the issues raised by consultees and the local authority’s responses were provided in the Consultation Report as detailed at Appendix A of this report. Cabinet would need to consider the Consultation Report and determine the preferred way forward. Should Cabinet wish to proceed with the proposal, the next stage of the process was to publish a statutory notice outlining the proposals which would need to be published for a period of 28 days and any formal written objections would be invited during this time. If there were no objections during the public notice period then the proposal could be implemented with Cabinet’s approval. If there were objections at this public notice stage, an Objections Report would be published summarising the objections and the Authority’s response to those objections. Cabinet would need to consider the proposal in light of objections. Cabinet could then accept, reject or modify the proposal.


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support outlined the financial implications. 


The Cabinet Member for Education agreed that this was a way of making sure every child received the support they needed. He wished that this level of support had been available for his family when they went to school.


The Leader said that it was evident from the consultation process how much support there was from the staff, governors and pupils. The school already had a number of specialist classes so was already experienced in supporting children with additional learning needs and ensuring wherever possible they could access mainstream activities to make sure they were part of the whole school.


RESOLVED:       Cabinet:

      noted the outcome of the consultation with interested parties as detailed in the attached consultation report (Appendix A) and appendices;

      approved the consultation report (Appendix A) for publication; and

           authorised the publication of a statutory notice in respect of the proposal.


Proposed Dates for Meetings of Cabinet, Cabinet Committee Equalities and Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting pdf icon PDF 395 KB


The Monitoring Officer presented a report proposing for approval, the programme of meeting dates for Cabinet, Cabinet Committee Equalities and Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting for the municipal year 2022 – 2023 as set out at 4.1 of the report. She added that the date of the Budget Cabinet meeting could be subject to change, depending on the timeline of the Welsh Government Local Government Settlement. Subject to the Programme of meeting dates being approved, the meetings would be

placed in Members and Officers electronic calendars.


The Monitoring Officer explained that a survey of the timings of all Committee meetings had taken place with Members’ feedback on this currently being collated. Therefore, whilst the dates of Cabinet and Cabinet Committee meetings were shown above, the timings of these would be added following the outcome of the survey.


RESOLVED:       Cabinet approved the Programme of meeting dates for Cabinet, Cabinet Committee Equalities and Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting, as outlined in paragraph

4.1 of this report. 


Representation on Outside Bodies & Joint Committees pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Additional documents:


The Monitoring Officer presented a report seeking Cabinet’s approval for the appointment of Members to joint committees and the nomination of Members to outside bodies. A list of the joint committees and outside bodies concerned was appended to the report at Appendix 1. Appointments to outside bodies were an important mechanism within the County Borough for community leadership, partnership and joint working and knowledge and information sharing.


The Monitoring Officer explained that this was a provisional list and when complete, it would be circulated to all members and published on the website.



RESOLVED:       Cabinet:

appointed the requisite number of Members to the joint committees and other outside bodies as listed in Appendix 1 to the report (names of individual representatives to be added to the list and when complete, the list to be circulated to all Members and published).


Urgent Items

To consider any items of business that by reason of special circumstances the chairperson is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency in accordance with paragraph 2.4 (e) of the Cabinet Procedure Rules within the Constitution.



There were no urgent items.


Exclusion of the Public

The following item is not for publication as it contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 12 of Part 4 and Paragraph 21 of Part 5, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007.


If following the application of the public interest test Cabinet resolves pursuant to the Act to consider this item in private, the public will be excluded from the meeting during such consideration.



RESOLVED:        That under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business as it contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 12 of Part 4

and Paragraph 21 of Part 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Following the application of the public interest test it was resolved that pursuant to the Act referred to above, to consider the following item in private, with the public excluded from the meeting, as it was considered that in all circumstances relating to the item, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.


Approval of Exempt Minutes

To receive for approval the exempt minutes of 08 03 22


RESOLVED:         That the exempt minutes of the meeting of Cabinet of 8 February 2022 be approved as a true and accurate record.