Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 10th December, 2014 15:00

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend

Contact: Mr Mark Anthony Galvin  Senior Democratic Services Officer - Committees

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence (to include reasons, where appropriate) from Members/Officers


Apologies for absence were received from the following Members for the reasons so stated:


Councillor C L Jones


Childcare commitments

Councillor C J James



Councillor P James


Family commitments

Councillor R D Jenkins



Councillor L C Morgan


Hospital appointment

Councillor G Phillips



Councillor C E Rees


Work commitments

Councillor D Sage


In hospital

Councillor P J White


Hospital appointment

Councillor P John





Approval of Minutes pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To receive and confirm the following Minutes of Council:-


Ordinary meeting – 12 November 2014


RESOLVED:         That the minutes of the meeting of Council held on the 12

                               November 2014 were approved as a true and accurate record.




Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008


Councillor D B F White declared a personal interest in Agenda item 7 due to his wife being employed in the Business Support Section of the Wellbeing Directorate, which was presently being re-structured.





To receive Announcements from:

(i)            Mayor (or person presiding)

(ii)           Cabinet Members

(iii)          Chief Executive

(iv)         Monitoring Officer




The Mayor announced that he was sure that all Members would like to join him in sending  best wishes to Councillor Clive James, who has been through a very tough time recently with his health, and that our thoughts were with him and Councillor Pauline James.


He pointed out that one of the events that Councillor James enjoyed the most last year was the Mayor’s Citizenship Awards, and he was pleased to say that nominations are now open for this year’s event which will be held in March 2015.  Further details could be found in the latest Bridgemembers newsletter which Members should have all received today, so he asked them to please think about any charity champions, outstanding volunteers or remarkable citizens who Members may like to put forward for an award.


The Mayor stated that the talent of local school children never failed to impress him, and he was delighted to attend the launch of a new anti-bullying calendar at Heronsbridge School recently.  The calendar featured drawings that had been created by pupils from across the County Borough, and was an excellent way of helping to spread the message among children that we need to stamp out bullying.

The Mayor stated that the Christmas season was fast approaching, and that he was enjoying the pleasure of attending several festive events. The Nearly Christmas Dinner was an excellent charity event hosted by First Minister Carwyn Jones at the Heronston Hotel last week, and he was looking forward to his charity Carol Service at St Mary’s Nolton Church in Bridgend on Wednesday, 17 December.  No tickets are required for the service, which will start at 7.00pm and he hoped other Members and Officers could attend this.


The Mayor finally announced that if Members had also not made any plans for this Saturday afternoon, then they were welcome to join him in Adare Street in Bridgend town centre for the annual Elf-steddfod event.  Little helpers of all ages were invited to be there at 1.00pm for another attempt at the world record for gathering the most elves in one place.  Each participant will be given an elf hat, but are asked to please wear a green or red jumper if possible.


Finally, the Mayor thanked Members for their support and wished them all a happy Christmas and a healthy New Year.




(1)     Cabinet Member - Communities


            In the absence of the Cabinet Member – Communities the Cabinet Member – Strategic Change presented his announcements.


He confirmed that the Cabinet Member - Communities welcomed the Minister of Natural Resources, Carl Sargeant, to Maesteg on 21 November, to officially launch the Bridgend Nature Keepers Project.  This was an innovative project attracting new visitors to the County Borough that uses poetry, oak sculpture and digital technology to encourage people to experience the natural environment in Bridgend County Borough.  The seven foot tall oak Keepers are the guardians of the story of the land. Inspired by, and building on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 432.


To receive the report of the Leader


           The Leader announced that the Council had received some exiting news recently with confirmation that the Senior Open golf tournament was set to return to the County Borough.  Following the successful staging of this highly prestigious event at the Royal Porthcawl Golf Club earlier in the year, organisers had announced that they want to bring the tournament back to Porthcawl in the summer of 2017. The most recent event drew huge crowd and praise from visitors and players alike. This was excellent news and a welcome boost for trade and tourism.  He understood that the Royal Porthcawl would also host the Amateur Championship in 2016, so it was great to see the area developing such a reputation for top quality golfing action.


            The Leader also announced that he was sure that Members would join him in congratulating Bettws resident Paul Jenkins and Pencoed Comprehensive pupil Rhys Jones for their success at this year’s Wales Sport Awards, which took place earlier in the week.  Paul received ‘Coach to Disabled People of the Year’ in recognition of his work as a wheelchair rugby coach, which has included helping the British team take gold at the Incivtus games.  Meanwhile, Rhys won ‘Young Volunteer of the Year’ for his involvement with a ‘learn to cycle’ scheme at Pencoed Primary and contributions at Bridgend Athletics Club where he acts as an assistant coach for the junior section. He also mentioned that Rhys, who is 16, works with the Council’s Active Young People team as part of their leadership and Five by Sixty programmes.  Paul and Rhys thoroughly deserved this recognition for the inspirational work within the County Borough.


            Finally, the Leader stated that he was delighted to inform Members that Coleg Cynunedol y Dderwen, out £39m ‘gateway to the valleys’ school, has won the title of Project of the Year in the recent CLAW Sustainability Awards.  The awards were launched in 2006 to promote and reward excellence in the field of sustainable development among Welsh local authorities, and anyone who has had the pleasure of touring Y Dderwen will know that the school is second to none in that department.  Featuring a mix of low and zero carbon technologies, the school’s carbon neutral biomass boiler, a solar hot water system, rainwater harvesting facilities and use of excess energy generated by the adjacent Ynysawdre Sports Centre have already helped it to achieve a five star ‘outstanding’ rating from sustainable building specialists BREEAM as well as a UK BREEAM Education Award.  This latest accolade was a further tribute to the project team and contractors who have delivered this truly impressive landmark school, and marks a significant achievement in the ongoing school modernisation programme, too.  Well done to everyone who had played a part in its success.  The Leader then formally presented the project team and contractors with the CLAW Sustainability Award.   




To receive the following question to the Leader/Members of the Executive

Question from Councillor R C Jones to the Cabinet Member – Strategic Change


A recent news report concerned a Care Home Operator being fined £92k by HSE after a service user fell from a 1st floor window and died from the fall in 2010 at Brocastle Manor Care Home, Ewenny. The HSE investigation found the window restrictor use could be over-ridden. Hafod Care Association admitted a Health and Safety charge and also had to pay £100k. BCBC have Contracts with Hafod Care Association for 2 services – Picton Court and Brocastle. Does this represent any risk to the Authority?


Question from Councillor Cherie Jones to the Cabinet Member - Strategic Change.


“A recent news report concerned a care home operator being fined £92,000 by HSE after a service user fell from a first floor window and died from the fall in 2010 at Brocastle Manor Care Home, Ewenny.  The HSE investigation found the window restrictor use could be over-ridden.  Hafod Care Association admitted a Health and Safety charge and also had to pay £100,000.  Bridgend County Borough Council had contracts with Hafod Care Association for 2 services, Picton Court and Brocastle.  Does this represent any risk to this Authority”?


Response from the Cabinet Member - Strategic Change


This was a tragic accident that happened in 2010.  Following the incident the Council held a multi-agency meeting to review the circumstances of the incident and Hafod Care gave assurances that the window restrictors had been updated.  They subsequently provided written confirmation and verification that all the windows in their 15 Care Homes across Wales had been changed.  The restrictors have been accepted by the Care and Social Services Inspectorate in Wales (CSSIW).


The Council holds contracts with Hafod who have two residential and nursing care homes in the Borough, one at Brocastle Manor, near Bridgend and the other at Picton Court, near Porthcawl.


Brocastle and Picton Court have modern facilities with each catering for up to around 80 individuals for residential, mental health and nursing care need.


Vacancies at Brocastle and Picton Court are filled quickly and the perception of the general population in Bridgend is that both services offer positive experiences for residents and demand for places is usually high.


Quality and Evaluation


Bridgend County Borough Council and Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University have a joint contract for purchasing places with Hafod and this is due for renewal in March 2016.  There is ongoing monitoring of this contract.  Reviews by Social Workers and Nursing Assessors indicate that very good support is generally offered in the homes. As with all care settings, there are the odd low level issues at the home from time to time.  Although in general the feedback is that both services offer good experiences for residents.


Earlier in the year, both Brocastle and Picton Court were visited by Members as part of the Council’s ongoing rota visiting scheme.  Members visiting had a very positive experience in the home with all comments being complimentary of the overall service offered. Examples of feedback from these visits were tabled at the meeting.


Officers from Adult Social Care’s Contract Monitoring Team undertake announced and unannounced visit to observe the hands on support being offered or to respond to issues that may arise.  Officers also visit to benchmark the services against the Council’s Care Fees Quality Payment Scheme where feedback from staff, residents, their families and visiting officers collectively form the basis of a yearly score which gives an overall indication of how well support is offered in the homes.  The exercise is currently ongoing for 2014/15 but indications from previous  ...  view the full minutes text for item 434.


Director Responsibilities - Social Services, Education and Transformation pdf icon PDF 30 KB


The Chief Executive submitted a report, that sought approval for the proposal to realign the responsibilities of the Corporate Director – Wellbeing and the Corporate Director – Children. Namely that the former would assume line management of the Safeguarding Children Teams, and therefore become the Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing, and that the Corporate Director – Children would assume overall responsibility for the Council’s transformation programme, and therefore become Corporate Director – Education and Transformation.


The report gave some background information, and confirmed that the above proposals had been put forward in order to address two key corporate concerns, firstly to drive the Council’s Transformation Agenda which comprised of major projects, the success of which was critical to the delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan and MTFS.


A Transformation team would be established to both lead on and ensure delivery of the Projects.


The second concern explained the Chief Executive was to ensure to address clarity and conformity over Social Care professional leadership and accountability, and to give greater emphasis as to the consideration of children and adults at risk more holistically speaking.


The report highlighted the main changes anticipated in terms of service delivery as a result of implementation of the proposals, which would come into effect from 1 January 2015.


RESOLVED:         That Council agreed:


(1)          For the Corporate Director – Wellbeing to assume line management of the Safeguarding Children Teams and therefore become the Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing.


(2)          For the Corporate Director – Children to assume overall responsibility for the Council’s Transformation Programme and therefore become the Corporate Director – Education and Transformation.


(3)          For the Corporate Project Management team to move from the HR service to report directly to the Corporate Director – Education and Transformation.




Capital Programme 2014-15 to 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Additional documents:


The Corporate Director – Resources submitted a report, in order to obtain from Council for a revised Capital Programme for 2014-15 to 2024-25.


The report gave some background information, and the Corporate Director – Resources then advised of a number of changes to the Capital Programme since it was approved by Council in July 2014. These were itemised in paragraph 4.1, whilst the Capital Programme was attached at Appendix 1 to the report.


She explained that the programme approved in July totalled £40.835m for 2014 -15. The position at the end of quarter 2 was £29.685m. The main reasons for the variance were highlighted in paragraph 4.2 of the report, including a number of new approvals that were sanctioned.


In terms of capital receipts, the Council had secured a total of £2.3m receipts during 2010-11 to 2013-14, and is anticipating securing £19.2m usable receipts between 2014-15 and 2017-18, £9.5m of which are ring-fenced for the 21st Century Schools Programme.


The Corporate Director – Resources stated that in addition, the Council has committed to match funding of £11.135m of school capital receipts and £2m of general capital receipts to the school modernisation programme.


She explained that there had been changes to some schemes which require Council approval in order to adjust or include them in the proposed Capital programme


These schemes were:


Strategic Regeneration Funding for EU Schemes

Maximising Space and Technology

Llynfi Valley Development

Provision of a Playground at Ffordd yr Eglwys, North Cornelly

Nantymoel Community Facilities


The Corporate Director – Resources confirmed that a revised capital programme allowing for the proposed changes along with anticipated slippage from 2013-14, additional external funding approvals and changes to expenditure profiles was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.


A Member noted from the Maximising Space and Technology scheme that a further £360k was required to address existing problems in the building which had emerged during the refurbishment, and to meet essential safety requirements on Level 1 that had been identified during the design phase.


He asked why these had not been accounted for in the original budget for the works.


The Corporate Director – Resources confirmed that primarily these were for further costs relating to the installation of electrical facilities on Level 4 that were needed to meet health and safety requirements, including further re-wiring works. Changes also needed to be made to the design of the office so as to accommodate employees from Sunnyside offices which was being sold.


The tender price for the works had also come in higher than that which was originally budgeted for, due to other changes relating to the scope of the project, that included provision of alarms in interview rooms and special lighting equipment in rooms for employees who worked outside normal office hours. There had also been an extra cost for the harmonisation of 3 different card systems that were required.


RESOLVED:         That Council approved the revisited Capital Programme, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report.




Information Reports for Noting pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Additional documents:


            The Monitoring Officer presented a report, the purpose of which was to inform Council of the information reports which had been published since the last meeting.


RESOLVED:         That Council acknowledged the publication of the documents listed in the report as follows:




Date Published


Welsh Government’s White Paper Reforming Local Government – Expression of interest for merger with the Vale of Glamorgan Council

Chief Executive

4 December 2014

Urgent Delegated Decision report

Monitoring Officer

4 December 2014





The meeting closed at 4.30pm.



Urgent Items

To consider any item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency