Venue: remotely via Skype for Business
Contact: Democratic Services
Note: Please note: Due to the current requirement for social distancing this meeting will not be held at its usual location. This will be a virtual meeting and Council Members and Officers will be attending remotely. The meeting will be recorded for subsequent transmission via the Council’s internet site which will be available as soon as practicable after the meeting. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact or tel. 01656 643147 / 643148.
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest from Members/Officers in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008.
Minutes: Councillor SE Baldwin declared a prejudicial interest in Agenda item 12 - School Modernisation - Band B Capital Programme - Land Costs and took no part in the consideration of this item.
Councillor DBF White declared a personal interest in Agenda item 12 - School Modernisation - Band B Capital Programme - Land Costs as a governor of one of the schools mentioned in the report. |
Approval of Minutes PDF 107 KB To receive for approval the minutes of 18/11/2020
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of Council of 18 November 2020 be approved as a true and accurate record. |
To receive announcements from: (i) Mayor (or person presiding) (ii) Members of the Cabinet (iii) Chief Executive
Minutes: The Mayor The Mayor announced with great sadness of the recent passing of a colleague and friend Kevin Stephens from Covid 19. Many Members will have known Kevin personally as he was a very well-regarded member of the democratic services team, indeed he would have today been assisting at this meeting of Council making sure that everything ran smoothly. Kevin had been a dedicated and hardworking member of BCBC for over 25 years and has in that time made many lifelong friends across the authority, Council’s thoughts and support therefore go out to those staff who are coming to terms with the loss of their friend and colleague. Kevin was also a proud family man and in their time of loss Members send their heartfelt condolences to his wife Annie, his sons James and Luke and his mum Elsie. The Mayor informed members that he and his Consort had met the family outside the church prior to the funeral service taking place. As a mark of respect and in Kevin’s memory all present observed a minute’s silence.
The Mayor announced that he had the pleasure last week of saying thank you to all social services staff and volunteers who made the Santa appeal possible this year. Organising the collection while complying with the pandemic regulations was challenging for everyone involved, especially as the number of nominations of families in need had increased to over 300 children and young people. He stated that it was a credit to the Council’s partners, Brackla Tabernacle Church, Bridgend Tesco, Hafod Y Wennol hospital and Brynteg School year 9 pupils, that the appeal was particularly successful and can reach as many children and young people as are in need.
Deputy Leader The Deputy Leader informed Council of the details of the Christmas and New Year recycling and waste collection arrangements and announced a very important change that Members may want to help make people aware of. Households where someone is showing coronavirus symptoms are requested to make sure that any tissue waste, such as kitchen roll, toilet paper or wet wipes, is double-bagged and set aside for 72 hours. After this, the bag can be placed out inside the household rubbish bag. To help keep collectors safe, on no account should such waste be included with paper recycling.
The Deputy Leader announced that collections this year will be carried out as normal on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, but not on Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Year’s Day. Waste that is due to be collected on Christmas Day will be picked up on Sunday 27 December. Collections due on New Year’s Day will be picked up on Saturday 2 January. With the Boxing Day bank holiday moving to Monday 28 December, collections will take place as normal on this day. Residents will also be able to put out one extra rubbish bag for the first scheduled refuse collection after Christmas. There will be an additional vehicle collecting cardboard, so this may be collected ... view the full minutes text for item 482. |
To receive announcements by the Leader Minutes: The Leader was relieved and pleased to inform Members that Councillor John Spanswick has been discharged from the Princess of Wales Hospital and is now recovering at home. Following a positive test for coronavirus, Councillor Spanswick became very ill, and was admitted to intensive care after developing pneumonia. The Leader read out a statement which Councillor Spanswick had posted on social media.
“Just over two weeks ago, I tested positive for Covid, and for the next week I curled up and slept. One week later, unable to breathe properly, I was admitted to the Princess of Wales Hospital, and that's where our amazing NHS staff took over and gave me the best treatment I could have ever wished for.
After several scary moments thinking I may not be coming home, I have been one of the very lucky ones. The reason for this post is to give the biggest shout-out possible to all of the staff working in the hospital who turn up each day to battle with this dreaded Covid, and to all of the patients who desperately need their help. Most of the staff have had Covid themselves, yet they still turn up for work to make a difference in what are now very difficult circumstances. I will never be able to thank all of the NHS staff enough for the care and treatment they have given me, but they are the true heroes of our country. We all now need to play our part to help avoid this Covid spreading any more rapidly.”
The Leader asked Members to join him in wishing Councillor Spanswick well as he continues to recover at home.
The Leader informed Council that that the situation is quickly becoming dire. Just a few hours ago, Welsh Government announced that Wales is moving to alert level four, and that a series of new national changes will be implemented. All non-essential retail, including close contact services and all leisure and fitness centres, will close at the end of trading on Christmas Eve, and all hospitality premises will close from 6pm on Christmas Day. On 28 December, tighter restrictions for household mixing, staying-at-home, holiday accommodation and travel will also come into force.
He informed Council that £340m will be made available to support businesses affected by restrictions into the New Year, and further support has been promised for businesses affected by the new restrictions. Some important council services are now at risk because local cases of coronavirus are continuing to rise. In less than two weeks, Bridgend County Borough has moved from being one of the most improved local authorities in Wales to becoming the third highest area for positive cases of Covid-19.
Directorates are currently in the process of identifying services that are absolutely critical for preventing threats either on the basis of serious damage to human welfare, or serious damage to the environment. These are definitions of emergency as defined by the Civil Contingencies Act, and this is the first time that this Council ... view the full minutes text for item 483. |
Minutes: The Chief Executive introduced a presentation to Council by the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and informed Members that discussions will be held with Group Leaders on a programme of future presentations to be delivered by the Council’s partners in 2021, to possibly include partners such as Awen and Halo. Members of Council were introduced to Professor Marcus Longley, Chairperson, Paul Mears, Chief Executive and Alan Lawrie, Chief Operating Officer of Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board.
The Chairperson of Cwm Taf expressed his thanks to the Council for its work in partnership with the Health Board during the pandemic. He informed Council of the key headlines from the last 12 months which had seen the publication of the Joint Review into Quality Governance; a response to Targeted Intervention (Quality and Governance) and Special Measures (Maternity Services); the implementation of a new operating model; the response to Covid-19; the appointment of a new Chief Executive; the launch of the CTM values and behaviours and a focus on stakeholder engagement.
The Chief Executive of Cwm Taf informed Council of the key headlines over the next 12 months, namely a clear long term Integrated Health and Care Strategy for the organisation; to learn from the new operating model; to continue to manage the Covid-19 pandemic; elective surgery recovery; a focus on population health; work to explore further opportunities for integration and partnership working and to maximise the opportunities from the digital agenda. He updated Members of the very rates of infection at present throughout its boundaries and informed Council that the Test, Trace, Protect project is partnership working at its best. Whole population testing is underway in Merthyr Tydfil and the Upper Cynon Valley and the vaccination programme is underway, which commenced in Bridgend. He stated that the Health and Care System is under significant strain, with higher number of COVID-19 patients in hospitals than ever before and that Ysbyty’r Seren is open and 53 beds occupied. There is proactive management of delayed transfers of care in collaboration with the Council.
The Chief Executive of Cwm Taf outlined its ambition together with its mission, vision and strategic objectives. He commented on the process for the integration of the Bridgend locality into Cwm Taf and that the underlying principle of the boundary change was no change in service provision to patients, but the opportunity to maximise synergies across the newly enlarged Health Board. There was an opportunity to learn from leading example of health and social care integration in Bridgend and a new operating model has created an Integrated Locality in Bridgend, which facilitates close working with Council colleagues and voluntary sector. He outlined examples of collaborative working and the integrated winter plans, developments in primary care and the improvements which had taken place to Maesteg Hospital. He informed Council of the significant progress made in maternity services. Moving forward, the Chief Executive informed Council of the Health Board’s plans for the continued management of the COVID-19 pandemic; the completion of outstanding ... view the full minutes text for item 484. |
Review of Political Balance - Changes to Committee Membership PDF 75 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officerreported on the outcome of a review of the political balance of the Authority resulting from changes to the membership of political groups; sought approval of the revised political balance; requested a nomination from the Independent Alliance Group to sit on the Town and Community Council Forum and for the Plaid Cymru Group to relinquish a seat on the Forum and for Council to note that Councillor T Thomas will no longer sit on the Appointments Committee as this was a role undertaken in his role as Group Leader of Plaid Cymru and will now be undertaken by Councillor RM James, the Group Leader of Plaid Cymru.
The Monitoring Officer reported that the Council is required by legislation and the provisions of Part 4 of the Rules of Procedure (Council Procedure Rules) of the Constitution, to undertake arrangements which will continue to facilitate and carry out the decision-making processes of the Authority. On 30 September 2020, Council at its Annual Meeting, approved the political balance and made appointments to Committees to reflect the political make-up of the Authority.
The Monitoring Officer outlined the recent changes to the membership of political groups, in respect of the membership of the Plaid Cymru Group and the Independent Alliance Group. Councillor T Thomas has left the Plaid Cymru Group and has joined the Independent Alliance Group. Councillor R Stirman has left the Plaid Cymru Group and will sit as a stand-alone Independent member. Councillor RM James is now the Leader of the Plaid Cymru Group. Councillor J Williams will no longer sit as a stand-alone Independent member and has joined the Independent Alliance Group. Councillor S Aspey has left the Independent Alliance Group and will sit as a stand-alone Independent member.
RESOLVED: That Council:-
(1) noted the change to the political composition of the Council;
(2) approved the allocation of seats to political groups in accordance with the political balance rules as set out in Appendix 1 of the report and approve the changes to the membership of Committees as outlined in paragraph 4.3 of the report.
(3) appointed Councillor AJ Williams from the Independent Alliance Group to sit on the Town and Community Council Forum.
(4) noted that Councillor T Thomas will no longer sit on the Appointments Committee as this was a role undertaken in his role as Group Leader of Plaid Cymru and will now be undertaken by Councillor RM James, the Group Leader of Plaid Cymru. |
Information Report for Noting PDF 76 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer Legal, HR and Regulatory Services and Monitoring Officer reported on the Information Report which had been published since the last meeting of Council.
RESOLVED: That Council acknowledged the publication of the document listed in the report. |
Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor T Giffard Notice of Motion 1. This Council believes that: 1.1. Woodland and open green spaces play a vital role in our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as being an integral part of Bridgend’s biodiversity 1.2. The Covid-19 pandemic, and the nature of local and national lockdowns, has increased the need for open and accessible outdoor recreational spaces, and that these are essential for building cohesive and healthy communities which ensures the wellbeing of future generations 1.3. Local government has both a duty and a moral responsibility to limit ecological damage and negative impacts on local biodiversity 1.4. Any loss of open green space or woodland in Bridgend is hugely regrettable, and will have a negative impact on the ecology and biodiversity of Bridgend, and the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of its residents 1.5. Bridgend County Boroughs Council could lead Wales and the United Kingdom in tackling biodiversity loss, promoting the positive impacts of green open space, and ensuring all new developments are delivered in a way that improves, rather than detracts from, the accessibility and biodiversity of Bridgend’s open green spaces and woodlands 2. This Council acknowledges that: 2.1. A review is being held of the Outdoor Sports and Children’s Playing Space Audit as part of the emerging replacement LDP, ensuring the typology of open space categorisations outlined in the Welsh Government’s Technical Advice Note 16: Sport, Recreation and Open Space are followed, with particular attention to differentiating outdoor/natural green space and amenity green space. 2.2. The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 calls on Bridgend County Borough Council to: 2.2.1.“improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural wellbeing” of Bridgend 2.2.2. contribute to creating “a nation which maintains and enhances a biodiverse natural environment with healthy functioning ecosystems that support social, economic and ecological resilience and the capacity to adapt to change” 2.2.3. contribute to creating “a society in which people’s physical and mental well-being is maximised and in which choices and behaviours that benefit future health are understood”
2.3. The Bridgend Public Services Board’s Well-being Plan, of which Bridgend County Borough Council is a significant member, requires the council to: 2.3.1. ensure “communities place a greater value on their environment and more people get involved in local issues and recognise the importance of green space in wellbeing and as a prevention factor” 2.3.2. promote “healthy active people in resilient communities, volunteering, keeping young people in the local area, reducing travel to work, increased use and awareness of green spaces” 2.3.3.“work together to maximise the benefit from cultural, built and natural assets” 2.3.4.“make sure that as many people as possible know about the mental and physical benefits of spending time outdoors” 2.3.5.“preserve and protect habitats, promote sustainable management of green spaces, prevent loss of assets. Mitigate against climate change, biodiversity decline and flood risk” 2.3.6.“provide safe and accessible cultural and green assets for older people, carers, disabled people, young families and children” 2.3.7.“encourage community interaction by providing safe and accessible cultural and green assets. Communities feel connected ... view the full agenda text for item 487. Minutes: 1. This Council believes that: 1.1. Woodland and open green spaces play a vital role in our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as being an integral part of Bridgend’s biodiversity
1.2. The Covid-19 pandemic, and the nature of local and national lockdowns, has increased the need for open and accessible outdoor recreational spaces, and that these are essential for building cohesive and healthy communities which ensures the wellbeing of future generations
1.3. Local government has both a duty and a moral responsibility to limit ecological damage and negative impacts on local biodiversity
1.4. Any loss of open green space or woodland in Bridgend is hugely regrettable, and will have a negative impact on the ecology and biodiversity of Bridgend, and the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of its residents
1.5. Bridgend County Boroughs Council could lead Wales and the United Kingdom in tackling biodiversity loss, promoting the positive impacts of green open space, and ensuring all new developments are delivered in a way that improves, rather than detracts from, the accessibility and biodiversity of Bridgend’s open green spaces and woodlands
2. This Council acknowledges that:
2.1. A review is being held of the Outdoor Sports and Children’s Playing Space Audit as part of the emerging replacement LDP, ensuring the typology of open space categorisations outlined in the Welsh Government’s Technical Advice Note 16: Sport, Recreation and Open Space are followed, with particular attention to differentiating outdoor/natural green space and amenity green space.
2.2. The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 calls on Bridgend County Borough Council to:
2.2.1.“improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural wellbeing” of Bridgend
2.2.2. contribute to creating “a nation which maintains and enhances a biodiverse natural environment with healthy functioning ecosystems that support social, economic and ecological resilience and the capacity to adapt to change”
2.2.3. contribute to creating “a society in which people’s physical and mental well-being is maximised and in which choices and behaviours that benefit future health are understood”
2.3. The Bridgend Public Services Board’s Well-being Plan, of which Bridgend County Borough Council is a significant member, requires the council to:
2.3.1. ensure “communities place a greater value on their environment and more people get involved in local issues and recognise the importance of green space in wellbeing and as a prevention factor”
2.3.2. promote “healthy active people in resilient communities, volunteering, keeping young people in the local area, reducing travel to work, increased use and awareness of green spaces”
2.3.3.“work together to maximise the benefit from cultural, built and natural assets”
2.3.4.“make sure that as many people as possible know about the mental and physical benefits of spending time outdoors”
2.3.5.“preserve and protect habitats, promote sustainable management of green spaces, prevent loss of assets. Mitigate against climate change, biodiversity decline and flood risk”
2.3.6.“provide safe and accessible cultural and green assets for older people, carers, disabled people, young families and children”
2.3.7.“encourage community interaction by providing safe and accessible cultural and green assets. Communities feel connected to and engaged ... view the full minutes text for item 487. |
Urgent Items To consider any item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency.
Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Exclusion of the Public The Report relating to the following item is not for publication as it contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4, and Paragraph 21 of Part 5 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007.
If following the application of the public interest test the Committee resolves pursuant to the Act to consider this item in private, the public will be excluded from the meeting during such consideration.
Minutes: RESOLVED: That under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business as it contained exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 and/or Paragraph 21 of Part 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Following the application of the public interest test it was resolved that pursuant to the Act referred to above, to consider the following item in private, with the public excluded from the meeting, as it was considered that in all circumstances relating to the item, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information. |
School Modernisation - Band B Capital Programme - Land Costs |