Agenda, decisions and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 13th March, 2024 16:00

Venue: Hybrid in the Council Chamber Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB /remotely via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence from Members.




Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest from Members/Officers in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008. 



Approval of Minutes pdf icon PDF 172 KB

To receive for approval the minutes of 17/01/2024




To receive announcements from:

(i) Mayor (or person presiding)

(ii) Members of the Cabinet

(iii) Chief Executive



To receive announcements by the Leader


Single Transferable Vote (STV) pdf icon PDF 235 KB


Pay Policy Statement - 2024/2025 pdf icon PDF 213 KB

Additional documents:


Related Party Transactions 2023-24 for Statement of Accounts pdf icon PDF 272 KB

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Elected Member Personal Safety Protocol pdf icon PDF 294 KB

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Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Annual Report 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 249 KB

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Information Report for Noting pdf icon PDF 108 KB

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To receive the following Question from:

Councillor R Penhale-Thomas to the Cabinet Member – Climate Change and the Environment


‘Will the Cabinet Member outline how the Council is addressing the scourge of fly-tipping and dog fouling across the County Borough.’



Notice of Motion Proposed by Councillor Alex Williams:

Motion for Debate: Towards a more sustainable and resilient system of local government funding


That this Council:


           Notes that there has been a major sustained failure to properly fund local government;


           Notes that Bridgend County Borough Council’s future budget position is challenging, and that further significant budget reductions will be highly likely over the course of the medium term financial strategy which will have a negative impact on the provision of core services and the wellbeing of our residents;


           Calls on central government to implement a fairer and simplified funding formula which ends the series of ad hoc one-year settlements and ring-fenced competitive bidding;


           Calls on central government to consider the viability of moving towards a more sustainable and resilient system of local government funding which:


(1)       redistributes funds between local authorities more closely in line with an assessment of need; and

(2)        assigns a fixed percentage of national tax revenues to local authorities.


           Calls on the Welsh Government to establish a formalised standing Commission to act as a liaison between local and central government to consider any developing central government policies which would affect local government competencies and ensure that all national legislative commitments are fully funded.




Urgent Items

To consider any item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency. 




Adoption of the Replacement Local Development Plan 2018-2033 pdf icon PDF 340 KB

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