Venue: Level 3 Conference room - Civic Offices Angel Street Bridgend CF31 4WB. View directions
Contact: Mr Mark Anthony Galvin Senior Democratic Services Officer - Committees
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008. Minutes: None |
Would Members please note, a site visit will take place to the site of the proposed Primary School on Penprysg Road, Pencoed at 11.00am. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairperson welcomed all to the meeting and introductions were made and outlined the procedure to be adopted.
The Traffic and Transportation Manager presented the report of the Corporate Director Communities which sought a resolution to the formal objection received in relation to the proposals at Penprysg Road, Pencoed for traffic calming measures and the establishment of a formal crossing in connection with the new Pencoed Primary School.
He reported that a statutory public notice, in respect of the proposed closure of the existing Pencoed Junior and Infant Schools and the establishment of a new school to serve these traditional catchment areas was published on 15 June 2016. He stated that as there were no objections to the proposal, Cabinet at its meeting on 6 September 2016, considered and approved the proposal the published proposal, in accordance with the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013. He also stated that as part of the proposals to site the new Pencoed School on Penprysg Road, planning consent was granted on 29 September 2016, subject to a number of planning conditions (P/16/603/BCB). The Traffic and Transportation Manager informed the Panel that the condition which led to the objection under consideration by the Panel is Condition 8 of the planning consent notice and advisory note.
The Traffic and Transportation Manager reported that the reason for this condition and advice note is to ensure appropriate visibility for vehicles whilst exiting the new school access road and to protect the interests of children travelling to school both by bus and car and especially as pedestrians as they are considered a vulnerable group and every effort must be made to protect this group from potential harm. He stated that there had been a number of road traffic accidents on this section of Penprysg Road in the recent past, of which the principal contributory factor in all cases was excessive speed. He informed the Panel of the proposal for new school to accommodate a total of 611 pupils and the new access road will operate as a one way system and under an advisory 10 mph speed limit. He described the arrangements for a pupil drop off zone and for the staff car park along with the entry and exit positions of the car park which had been selected in view of the need to reduce conflict points and to mitigate the opportunity for pedestrians using drop off spaces to walk through this car park. He also informed the Panel there would be an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing on a raised table arrangement located between the staff car park access point to connect the car park to the school plaza area.
The Traffic and Transportation Manager reported that in order to comply with planning condition 8 and the advisory note a number of options were considered .Guidance (Welsh Assembly Government Circular No 24/2009) and experience had shown that the most effective way of achieving such low speeds on any road was either to design a road with sufficient ... view the full minutes text for item 14. |