Agenda and minutes

Appeals Panel - Thursday, 26th July, 2018 10:00

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Offices Angel Street Bridgend CF31 4WB. View directions

Contact: Mark Anthony Galvin  Senior Democratic Services Officer - Committees

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008.





Approval of Minutes pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To receive for approval the minutes of the Appeals Panel of 26/10/17 continued on 13/11/17    




RESOLVED:           That the minutes of the meeting of the Appeals Panel of 26 October 2017, continued on 13 November 2017 be approved as a true and accurate record. 


Proposed Introduction of a Pedestrian Crossing Associated With Proposed Primary School on Penprysg Road Pencoed pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairperson welcomed all to the meeting and outlined the procedure to be adopted.


The Legal Officer informed the Panel that the objector, Mr H Guilford further to his formal objection had submitted a response to the report before the Panel for the Panel’s consideration. 


The Panel adjourned to consider the response submitted by Mr Guilford.  On reconvening, the Panel determined that it would take into account Mr Guilford’s submission when making its decision.


The Group Manager Highways presented the report of the Corporate Director Communities which sought a resolution to the formal objection received in relation to the proposal at Penprysg Road, Pencoed for the establishment of a pedestrian crossing in connection with the new Pencoed Primary School.


He reported that the Panel met on 26 October 2017 to consider objections to the traffic calming measures and to the location of the pedestrian crossing which the objector believed to be incorrect.  The Panel rejected the objection received to the proposed raised traffic calming scheme on Penprysg Road and authorised the implementation of the traffic calming scheme, excluding the pedestrian crossing and adjourned to consider the objection received in respect of the proposed pedestrian crossing on Penprysg Road following a further site visit and verification of the distance specified in the Notice.  He stated that following an internal meeting, officers determined that as there was a potential ambiguity in respect of the description of the location of the crossing in the public notice, a further notice would be published.  Due to the above, officers considered that the site visit would be cancelled as it would serve no purpose. 


The Group Manager Highways reported that the Panel met on 13 November 2017 and resolved that due to the ambiguity of the distance specified in the Public Notice, the Notice be re-advertised with an amended description to remove any ambiguity in respect of the location of the proposed crossing.  The Panel resolved to adjourn to consider any objection received in respect of the proposed pedestrian crossing on Penprysg Road following re-advertisement of the proposal. 


The Group Manager Highways reported that public notice was published on 31 January 2018 requiring objections in writing by 1 March 2018.  He stated that one representation in writing was received from the resident who had objected to the initial proposal.  The Group Manager Highways outlined to the Panel the points made in the objection together with the responses to the points of objection.  Further letters were received from the objector on 16 March and 30 May 2018.  The Group Manager Highways stated that in view of the lack of any objection from the emergency services, bus companies, disabled groups and any other individual, it appeared that the views of the objector were not widely supported in such an important area outside a school. 


The Group Manager Highways informed the Panel that officers are satisfied that the appropriate public notice has been given with accurate measurements and that all the appropriate consultation and procedure has been followed in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.