Agenda and minutes

Cabinet Committee Equalities - Thursday, 2nd April, 2015 10:00

Venue: Committee Rooms 2/3, Civic Offices Angel Street Bridgend CF31 4WB. View directions

Contact: Andrew Rees  Senior Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence (to include reasons, where appropriate) from Members/Officers


Apologies for absence were received from the following Members for the reasons so stated:


Councillor C L Jones – Holiday

Councillor L C Morgan – Hospital Appointment

Councillor C Reeves – Work Commitment

Councillor D Sage – In hospital

Councillor P J White – Unwell.   


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008




Approval of Minutes pdf icon PDF 40 KB

To receive for approval the Minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet Equalities Committee dated 5 February 2015


RESOLVED:              That the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet Committee Equalities of 5 February 2015 were as a true and accurate record subject to the Leader’s decoration being amended to an OBE in the list of Members present.      


Issues Facing Disabled People in Bridgend County Borough pdf icon PDF 25 KB


The Committee welcomed Simon Green and members of the Bridgend Coalition of Disabled People in order to discuss issues faced by disabled people.  Members of the Coalition raised concerns regarding direct payments; wheelchair accessible taxis and the development of a dedicated bus shuttle service between Bridgend railway station and bus station. 


The Coalition expressed concern at the lack of availability of wheelchair accessible taxis at all times of the day which did not promote independence for wheelchair users.  A member of the coalition commented that some taxis had put seats back in and were unable to accommodate wheelchairs.  A member of the Committee commented that taxis were subject to inspection twice a year in addition to spot checks being carried out by enforcement officers.  The Cabinet would take up the issue of the availability of wheelchair accessible taxis with the Licensing Section. 


The Coalition requested that a dedicated bus shuttle service between the railway station and bus station be put in place due to the distances between both bus and railway stations with the railway station situated at the top of a hill, which often necessitated a taxi journey having to be taken to get to the railway station.  The Coalition also stated that a combined bus and train ticket could be purchased however there was no bus stop outside the railway station and passengers were faced with taking a taxi to connect with the bus station.  The Committee commented on the need to address linkages between the bus and railway stations and that there is a plan for an integrated hub between both stations which has been postponed due to the rail electrification plans, but would be progressed as a matter of urgency between the Council and Network Rail.  The Cabinet would also take up the lack of timetabling of a regular bus service between the bus and railway stations with the Highways and Transportation Department.  A member of the Coalition questioned whether OTED would be interested in providing a link between the bus and railway stations.  A member of the Committee commented that OTED could not pick up from regular stops.  A member of the Committee also commented that he had recently met with representatives of Network Rail who had advised that some local authorities work up bids for projects such as integrated hubs for when funding becomes available.  A member of the Committee commented whether existing bus services could be re-routed to go up Station Hill to pick up passengers.  A member of the coalition stated that this issue had been raised with the bus operators previously however some buses would have difficulty in negotiating the turn at the top of the hill.  


A member of the Committee asked whether the coalition had checked out the suitability in relation to the provision of dropped kerbs of the route of the re-located Shopmobility facility to the Town Centre.  A member of the coalition commented that the re-location of Shopmobility had met with a mixed response and that there  ...  view the full minutes text for item 99.


Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 44 KB


The Equality and Engagement Officer reported on the Committee’s proposed forward work programme for the forthcoming year, which were based on the key areas of the Strategic Equality Plan and Welsh Language Scheme; suggestions made by the Committee during the past year; changes to the national equalities agenda and on half yearly reporting arrangements for the Strategic Equality Plan and Welsh Language Scheme / Standards.  He stated that it was intended that the Committee meet 3 times per year. 


The Equality and Engagement Officer informed the Committee that notice had been issued to VALREC terminating the Council’s Service Level Agreement with that group.


RESOLVED:               That the Committee approved the Forward Work Programme.    


Equality and Diversity Learning and Development pdf icon PDF 43 KB


The Equality and Engagement Officer reported on an update on equality and diversity learning and development for the Council’s employees.  He stated that the requirement for training was outlined in the Public Sector Equality Duty and Welsh Language Scheme, with a need for managers and staff to have an awareness and understanding of equality and diversity when preparing Equality Impact Assessments and delivery and when delivering frontline services.  Welsh language training and awareness is based on identified business need for frontline services. 


The Equality and Engagement Officer informed the Committee that the Strategic Equality Plan and Welsh Language Scheme outline a commitment to implement, evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of equality, diversity and Welsh language training.  He informed the Committee that whilst the Welsh language was not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act, Welsh language learning for appropriate employees must be considered by the Council.  He stated that a 3 year learning and development plan had been approved by the Committee in October 2014 is in place which outlined the levels and types of training to be provided, together with targeted numbers of staff. 


The Equality and Engagement Officer informed the Committee of a summary of feedback of the equality and diversity training undertaken between November 2014 and February 2015 and following the pilot phase the programme would be delivered to other services within the Council. 


He also informed the Committee of the steep increase in the number of consultations being undertaken across the Council by service areas and the Marketing and Engagement Team and an integral element of this process is to undertake an Equality Impact Assessment.  He stated that an EIA training pilot programme would be developed within the Resources Directorate and introduced across all other service areas from April 2015. 


The Equality and Engagement Officer informed the Committee that elected Members had previously received equality and diversity training and it was proposed that a further programme of training is delivered.  The Committee considered the importance of equality and diversity training being delivered to Members and attendance at this training should be compulsory, however in order to encourage greater attendance it may be beneficial to hold the training as a pre-Council briefing.  


The Equality and Engagement Officer informed the Committee that the new Welsh Language Standards due to be introduced in 2015 highlight the requirement for the Council’s customers to undertake their business in the language of their choice.  He stated that whilst there was no requirement for all frontline staff employees to be fluent in the Welsh language, customers and visitors can expect an initial meet and greet and some basic business to be conducted through the medium of Welsh.  To this end, the Council is working with the University of South Wales to develop a programme of Business Welsh to be delivered to all employees whose roles require a public interface.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development informed the Committee that she would ensure the use of the Welsh language is publicised in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 101.


Urgent Items

To consider any other item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Rule 4 of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency


There were no urgent items.