Agenda and minutes

Cabinet Committee Equalities - Monday, 19th May, 2014 10:00

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend

Contact: Mr Mark Anthony Galvin 

No. Item


Election of Chairperson

To appoint a Chairperson for the meeting


In the absence of the Deputy Leader, and Chairperson of the Committee, it was necessary to appoint a Chairperson for the meeting.


            Following a motion that was supported by Members of the Committee, it was


RESOLVED:         That Councillor H J David be appointed Chairperson for the Committee in the absence of the Deputy Leader.



Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence (to include reasons, where appropriate) from Members/Officers.


Apologies for absence were received from the following Members/Officers for the reasons where given:-


Councillor D Sage      



Councillor P J White



Councillor C Reeves


Work Commitment

Councillor C L Jones


School Governor Commitment

E Blandon


Other Council Business



Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members' Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008.





Approval of Minutes pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To receive for approval the minutes of the Cabinet Committee - Equalities held on 13 March 2014. 


RESOLVED:         That the minutes of a meeting of the Cabinet Committee - Equalities dated 13 March 2014 be approved as a true and accurate record. 



Bridgend County Borough C.O.A.S.T. Project. pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Additional documents:


The Corporate Director - Wellbeing submitted a report that updated the Committee regarding progress and achievements made through the above project.

            The Group Manager - Wellbeing confirmed that the C.O.A.S.T.AL Project was a Regional Strategic Project covering six local authority areas of Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot, Swansea, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion.


            The Project aimed to promote vocational guidance, employment, skills training and lifelong learning opportunities for individuals who are currently economically inactive as a result of:



    Disability (Mental Illness, Learning Disability)

    Physical Disability, Sensory Impairment)

    Substance misuse problems

    Serious social disadvantage associated with the transition from long-term care into adulthood


            Swansea City Council is the lead authority for C.O.A.S.T.AL and had a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the Welsh European Funding Office (W.E.F.O) as part of the convergence programme. 


            The Group Manager - Wellbeing stated that Bridgend C.O.A.S.T. had delivered a £2million training and employment project to participants across the County Borough over the last three years. One million pounds was funded by ESF convergence grant funding and the balance was provided as “match funding” by Wood B, B Leaf and Environmental Projects managed by Bridgend County Borough Council (B.C.B.C.) The main aim had been to raise levels of employment and economic activity, and secure higher participation in the labour market.


            The Group Manager - Wellbeing referred Members to the information at appendix 1 to the report, that showed in graphical format, a report of outcome data regarding the project to the end of April 2014.  These graphs showed targets for the number of people enrolled on to the project; the number of people entering employment; the number of people gaining a qualification; the number of people entering further learning, and the number of people gaining a positive outcome.  A positive outcome would constitute the following: an interview, non-accredited training, work placement or volunteering opportunity.


            The data in the graphs was explained in more detail in Paragraph 4.2 of the report, and covered:-


1.         Information regarding participants enrolled onto the Project.

2.         The number of participants claiming a qualification.

3.         The number of participants entering further learning.

4.         The number of participants entering employment.

5.         The number of participants achieving a positive outcome.


The Project C.O.A.S.T. Manager then, for the benefit of Members, expanded upon the data detailed in the reports appendix.


She added that all targets set for Bridgend C.O.A.S.T had been achieved and exceeded with the exception of the further learning target.  


The Project C.O.A.S.T. Manager further added that at the end of the project, all participants still active will be sign posted to the most appropriate employment or training organisation.  Also, Bridgend was working very hard to achieve a Social Enterprise from the current work related projects that we provide at B Leaf, Wood B and the Environmental Project.


The Group Manager - Wellbeing advised that the C.O.A.S.T.AL project has been part funded via the European Social Fund, which had met all the additional costs of delivering the outcomes identified in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Welsh Language Provision in Youth Services pdf icon PDF 36 KB


The Corporate Director - Children submitted a report, that updated the Committee on the delivery of youth services through the medium of the Welsh language.


By way of background information, the Youth Service representative advised that Bridgend County Borough Council’s Youth Service delivered many Welsh language medium services. An analysis of this provision was provided in the 2012/13 Welsh Language Scheme Annual Monitoring Report, which was approved by committee on 12 June 2013. Members also requested that a further report be presented at a future Cabinet Equalities Committee to explore this provision in more detail.       


            She confirmed Bridgend County Borough Council Youth Service undertook a consultation in September 2013 with young people accessing clubs and projects in order to identify gaps and ensure the needs, in relation to Welsh, were being met.


            Of the 153 young people who chose to respond to the consultation, 57 young people attended a Welsh speaking school, 93 young people did not want to access activities in Welsh and 83 young people stated that they were happy accessing the activities already in place but did not want any additional activities delivered through Welsh in relation to Welsh culture. Activities delivered by centres and projects included Welsh cookery, Welsh culture, incorporating IT research, arts and crafts centred around Welsh heritage, off site activities to venues such as the Welsh Mining Museum, St Fagan’s and the Millennium Stadium.


            The Youth Service representative advised that over a seven month period, from September 2103 to February 2014, 64 Welsh activity sessions were delivered within youth centres.


            A further training event for staff was scheduled for the end of May 2014 to continue to develop and raise awareness of delivering Welsh in English speaking clubs and projects.


            BCBC Youth Service had also developed the Youth Inspire Awards which is an informal Youth Service accreditation recognising the skills and knowledge young people gain from taking part in a range of curriculum activities, with the award having three different levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold.


The Youth Service representative added that the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme actively encouraged young people to develop an awareness of the diversity in the topography of Wales by the utilisation of National Trust areas when undertaking expeditions. 6 young people completed their Duke of Edinburgh Award in Welsh through the online eDofE model last year.


She further added that the Youth Service has developed three new volunteer packs supporting the development of volunteering programmes for young people through to adulthood. The volunteering packs incorporate Junior Leaders aged 14-16 years, Senior Members training 16 - 18 years and 18 + volunteering. The packs have been developed in collaboration with The Vale Youth Service and are currently being translated into Welsh. These can be utilised in both statutory and Third Sector organisations so all young people have the same opportunities to participate in standardised progression routes.


            The Youth Service representative confirmed that the BCBC Youth Service offered a counselling service through the medium of Welsh at YGG Llangynwyd via  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Forward Work Progamme pdf icon PDF 44 KB


The Corporate Director - Resources submitted a report, that provided the Committee with a proposal for a Forward Work Programme (FWP) for Committee for the ensuing year, Appendix 1 to the report referred.


            The Equalities and Engagement Officer, then expanded upon the items that were contained in Appendix 1 for the benefit of Members.


            In terms of any amendments or additions to the FWP, Members were asked if consideration could be given to the following items being added to the FWP, and being included as  agenda items for a future meeting:-


·         Autism

·         Support avenues for immigrants living in South East Wales


The Chairperson suggested that if Members have any further items than those contained in the FWP and/or detailed above, then these be raised with either the Chairperson of the Committee, or alternatively the Equalities and Engagement Officer.


RESOLVED:         That the Committee approved the FWP subject to the additional items specified above.



6 monthly report on Equality in the Workforce. pdf icon PDF 32 KB

Additional documents:


The Corporate Director - Resources submitted a report, the purpose of which was to provide the Cabinet Equalities Committee with data on the council’s workforce, together with comparative information and an update on employment related developments.


            The Equalities and Engagement Officer gave some background information, namely that reliable workforce data enabled the Council to:-


·         assess our performance in relation to the statutory duties set out under the Equality Act and the council’s Welsh Language Scheme;

·         work within the WLGA’s Equality Improvement Framework;

·         provide meaningful information aiding decision making.


            He then confirmed that Appendix 1 provided half yearly profiles and a data analysis of the contracted workforce from 30 September 2012 until 31 March 2014. From 31 March 2014, the profile now included data relating to the number of employees disclosing as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender captured following the recent data collection exercise and also a more detailed breakdown of employees’ Welsh speaking, reading and writing skills. 


The Equalities and Engagement Officer then confirmed that a revised data capture project is underway with a fresh approach to “marketing” the project to employees. The revised focus is on the benefits to employees of completing the questionnaire and disclosing sensitive information. The project would be re-launched in the summer and have an end date of 30 September 2014, and had a number of benefits to the council and its employees and these were shown in paragraph 4.2.1 of the report.

            He then added that four employee information packs had been developed and published on the council’s intranet site. The packs comprised of:-

·         Pregnancy and maternity including partners and adoptive parents;

·         Support for employees who are carers;

·         Retirement, and;

·         Domestic abuse/Sexual violence.

Additionally, edited versions of these packs (for use by the general public) have been published on the council’s public facing website and made available on the screens in the Customer Contact Centre.

The Equalities and Engagement Officer then stated that work is underway to meet the four actions in the “Council’s role as an Employer” objective which are due for completion in 2015. Information on this was included in paragraph 4.2.3 of the report.


            Following Council’s appointment of the Deputy Leader as Mental Health Champion, work was now underway to raise awareness of mental health issues amongst employees. Talking about mental health in the workplace helped to tackle discrimination which can have a significant effect on workplaces and employees. More information on this initiative was shown in paragraph 4.2.4 of the report.


            A Member noted that in terms of employees who are bi-lingual within the Council, the Appendix to the report reflected that as at 30 September 2013 there were 622, when six months previously to that there were 251.  He asked Officers for an explanation on this significant increase in a relatively short space of time, further asking if this figure included staff in the Education Department.


            The Equalities and Engagement Officer advised that this figure was a total figure that included staff in all Council services.  The reason for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Urgent Items

To consider any other item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Rule 4 of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency.