Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices Angel Street Bridgend CF31 4WB. View directions
Contact: Mr Mark Anthony Galvin Senior Democratic Services Officer - Committees
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence from Members.
Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from the following Members:-
Councillor JE Lewis Councillor S Dendy |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers including those who are also Town and Community Councillors, in accordance with the provisions of the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008. Members having such dual roles should declare a personal interest in respect of their membership of such Town/Community Council and a prejudicial interest if they have taken part in the consideration of an item at that Town/Community Council contained in the Officer’s Reports below. Minutes: Councillor Amanda Williams declared a prejudicial interest in the following application, due to the fact that she had both objected to it and pre-determined a decision upon it – P/18/929/RES |
Site Visits To confirm a date of Wednesday 27 March 2019 for proposed site inspections arising at the meeting, or identified in advance of the next Committee meeting by the Chairperson. Minutes: RESOLVED: That a date of Wednesday 27 March 2019 was agreed by Committee for proposed site inspections arising at the meeting, or identified in advance of the next Committee meeting by the Chairperson |
Approval of Minutes PDF 191 KB To receive for approval the minutes of the 03/01/2019 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of a meeting of the Development Control Committee dated 3 January 2019, be approved as a true and accurate record. |
Public Speakers To advise Members of the names of the public speakers listed to speak at today’s meeting (if any). Minutes: There were no public speakers. |
Amendment Sheet That the Chairperson accepts the Development Control Committee Amendment Sheet as an urgent item in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules, in order to allow for Committee to consider necessary modifications to the Committee Report, so as to take account of late representations and revisions that require to be accommodated. Minutes: There was no Amendment Sheet. |
Development Control Committee Guidance PDF 154 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the summary of Development Control Committee Guidance as detailed in the report of the Corporate Director – Communities, be noted. |
P/16/609/FUL - Land Between 47 & 49 Woodland Avenue, Porthcawl, CF36 5HW PDF 1 MB Minutes: RESOLVED: (1) That having regard to the following application, the applicant enters into a Section 106 Agreement to:-
i. ensure the Woodland Hall/Scout Hall is not demolished and no development is commenced until the Local Planning Authority has received and acknowledged a copy of the legal documents showing that Gilgal Hall has been acquired by Valleys to Coast and leased to the Scouts and written evidence that the Scouts have physically relocated to Gilgal Hall.
ii. provide 30% of the residential units as affordable housing units in accordance with the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG).
iii. provide a financial contribution for the sum of £8,510 towards the further enhancement of the recreation space at Heol Y Goedwig, Porthcawl.
(2) That the Corporate Director – Communities be given plenary powers to issue a decision notice granting consent in respect of this proposal once the applicant has entered into the aforementioned Section 106 Agreement, subject to the Conditions contained in his report to Committee dated 3 January 2019.
Demolish existing structures and construct 10 dwellings and associated works |
P/18/954/RLX - Land At Moor Lane, Porthcawl, CF36 3EJ PDF 2 MB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the above application be granted, subject to the Conditions and Notes contained in the report of the Corporate Director – Communities:-
Vary Condition 1 of P/17/554/RLX to amend the height of the chalet units from 3.05m to 5m. |
P/18/929/RES - Playing Fields At Parc Derwen, Bridgend PDF 3 MB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the above application be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee in order that Members may have the opportunity to undertake a full Committee Site Inspection.
Re-profiling and landscaping of earth bank on southern side of playing fields. |
Minutes: RESOLVED: (1) That the Appeals as detailed in the report of the Corporate Director – Communities, received since his last report to Committee, be noted.
(2) That the Inspector appointed by Welsh Ministers to determine the following Appeals has directed they be Dismissed:-
Code No. Subject of Appeals A/18/3213353 (1841) Construction of 2 detached 2 storey dwellings – Plot 65, Duffryn Oaks Drive, Pencoed.
A/18/3214133 (1843) Proposed new lambing shed: Land south side of Pant Hirwaun, Heol-Y-Cyw.
A/18/3215516 (1846) Conversion of workshop & construct side extension to provide a detached single storey dwelling; sub-division of rear garden to provide amenity space, parking etc: 63 Ogwy Street, Nantymoel.
(3) That the Inspector appointed by Welsh Ministers to determine the following Appeal has directed that they be Allowed, subject to Conditions:-
Code No. Subject of Appeals A/18/3215314 (1844) Variation of Condition 4 of P/16/844/FUL and Condition 2 of P/17/940/RLX regarding the use of the steel staircase: First floor flat & rear garden, 12 Suffolk Place, Porthcawl
D/18/3216843 (1847) Construction of a double detached garage with storage in loft (Resubmission of approval P/16/331/FUL with amendments): Bradford Cottage, Llangeinor |
Bridgend Replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) Candidate Site Register PDF 30 MB Minutes: The Corporate Director – Communities presented a report, the purpose of which, was to inform the Development Control Committee of the register of Candidate Sites (attached at Appendix 1) which have been received from interested parties following a call for such sites to be submitted between 14 September 2018 and 9 November 2018.
The Development Planning Team Leader advised that the Bridgend Replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) is a high level strategy which must be prepared by the Council. The LDP sets out in land-use terms all the priorities and objectives of the Corporate Plan. The future Replacement LDP will be required to express in land-use terms the wellbeing objectives and priorities of the Bridgend Public Services Board’s Wellbeing Plan.
The call for sites was advertised as was detailed in paragraph 3.2 of the report and by the closing date of 9 November 2018, 172 sites had been duly submitted and collated into a ‘Candidate Site Register’ appended to the report.
The report detailed the next steps in terms of process of this document.
The Development Planning Team Leader stressed to Members, that it is important to reiterate at this stage that the publication of any site in this Candidate Site Register does not confirm any status or suggestion that it will be taken forward for inclusion within pre-deposit proposals or the deposit LDP nor does it imply any preference of the Local Planning Authority regarding its merits. This includes any sites submitted by internal Departments of the Council.
He also emphasised that this register is not a public consultation document but rather it is a factual compilation of the sites which have been submitted.
Paragraph 4.8 of the report gave information as to the methods by which the Development Planning Team has publicised and made the register available.
The Development Planning Team Leader advised that the cost of theReplacement LDP would be met from the Development Planning budget and carried out by Development Planning staff with expert advice and evidence procured from consultants and through collaboration with neighbouring authorities as required.
RESOLVED: That Members noted the contents of the Candidate Site Register.
Minutes: The Development Planning Manager presented a report to the Development Control Committee on the draft vision and objectives, growth and spatial strategy options for the Bridgend Replacement Local Development Plan (LDP).
He explained that the 3 technical reports (attached as appendices A, B and C to the covering report) provided background information in respect of the draft vision and objectives, growth options and spatial strategy options proposed for the Replacement LDP.
It is intended that these technical reports will inform the ongoing pre-deposit engagement and participation in and also inform the preparation of the preferred strategy and subsequent stages of plan preparation:
· Technical Report 1: Draft Vision and Objectives (attached as Appendix A); · Technical Report 2: Draft Strategic Growth Options (attached as Appendix B); · Technical Report 3: Draft Spatial Strategy Options (attached as Appendix C).
The next sections of the report, outlined executive summaries of the above Technical Reports and the Development Planning Manager gave a resume of the key points of each for the benefit of Members.
RESOLVED: That the Development Control Committee approved the content of Technical Reports 1, 2 and 3 (attached to the report at Appendices A, B and C) as the basis for preparing the Preferred Strategy document that will be published for formal public consultation in October/November 2019. |
End of Year Report - Planning Performance 2018 PDF 982 KB Minutes: The Development and Building Control Manager presented a report on planning performance in relation to various areas of Planning and Development Control, statistics and associated information which were detailed in the following appendices:-
Appendix A – Section 106 Agreements Appendix B – Appeal statistics Appendix C – Enforcement action, etc Appendix D – Building Control statistics Appendix E – Customer Satisfaction survey Appendix F – Development Management Quarterly Survey Jan – Sept 2018 Appendix G – Performance Framework Tables 2017/18 Appendix H – Complaints (in 2018)
Paragraph 3.5 of the report outlined some of the key points arising from the collation of data in respect of the above, and the Development and Building Control Manager expanded upon this for the benefit of Members.
In terms of customer satisfaction levels, he added that during the period 2016-2017, 62% of survey respondents thought that Bridgend gave good planning advice against a Welsh average of 62%. For 2017-2018, 50% of respondents agreed that the LPA gave good advice (against a Welsh average of 60%). The decline in customer satisfaction can be attributed to a number of factors such as a low response rate (14%) due to possible survey fatigue and the fact that customers who receive a good service just expect it and do not feel the need to complete the surveys.
RESOLVED: That Members noted the report.
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the report of the Corporate Director – Communities listing up and coming training sessions for Members as part of the Committees Training Log, be noted. |
Urgent Items To consider any other item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Minutes: None. |