Venue: remotely via Skype for Business
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers including those who are also Town and Community Councillors, in accordance with the provisions of the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008. Members having such dual roles should declare a personal interest in respect of their membership of such Town/Community Council and a prejudicial interest if they have taken part in the consideration of an item at that Town/Community Council contained in the Officer’s Reports below.
Minutes: None.
To receive for approval the minutes of the 29/10/2020
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of a meeting of the Development Control Committee dated 29 October 2020, be approved as a true and accurate record.
Public Speakers To advise Members of the names of the public speakers listed to speak at today’s meeting (if any).
Minutes: The following objector’s registered to speak on the undermentioned planning applications. As they could not attend the meeting, the Legal Officer read out their respective written representations in their absence at the meeting. The applicant’s agent attended the meeting and responded to these, as part of his right of reply to the representations so made, in respect of each application:-
Objector Applicant’s Agent Planning Applications A Corrigan S Courtney P/20/263/FUL A Frisswell S Courtney P/20/266/CAC
That the Chairperson accepts the Development Control Committee Amendment Sheet as an urgent item in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules, in order to allow for Committee to consider necessary modifications to the Committee Report, so as to take account of late representations and revisions that require to be accommodated.
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Chairperson accepted the Development Control Committee Amendment Sheet as an urgent item in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules, in order to allow for the Committee to consider necessary modifications to the Committee report, so as to take account of late representations and revisions that are required to be accommodated.
Development Control Committee Guidance Minutes: RESOLVED: That the summary of Development Control Committee Guidance as detailed in the report of the Corporate Director - Communities be noted.
P/20/263/FUL - Land at former St. John's School, Newton, Porthcawl, CF36 5SJ Minutes: RESOLVED: (1) That having regard to the above application, the applicant enters into a Section 106 Agreement to provide:-
i. 8 affordable housing units on site and an off-site contribution for 9 affordable housing units which will be of equivalent value to the provision of 4 Social Rented and 5 Intermediate dwellings on site. The off-site contribution will be calculated in accordance with SPG13 Affordable Housing as it will be subject to adjustment in line with market prices at the time of construction. ii. a financial contribution of £75,450 to improve provision off-site to the local children’s play area to improve the existing LEAP facility. iii. a financial contribution of £8,000 to fund a Road Traffic Order to designate the development site as a 20mph zone. iv. a Public Art Strategy/Plan to be agreed by BCBC to include details of:
• a costed scheme for the provision of public art, including detailed drawings; • a schedule for implementation; • a description of commission or selection process; • evidence of consultation with local residents and Members; and • details of future care and maintenance of the art work/s.
(2) The Corporate Director Communities be given delegated powers to issue a decision notice granting conditional consent in respect of this proposal, once the applicant has entered into the aforementioned Section 106 Agreement, subject to the Conditions contained in the report of the Group Manager Planning and Development Services.
Demolition of the existing buildings and construction of 57 dwellings, including 8 affordable apartments, landscaping, public open space, SUDS and associated works.
Note: Subject to reference to Bryneglwys Gardens in Condition 23 of the report, being amended to Bryneglwys Avenue.
P/20/266/CAC - Land at former St. John's School, Newton, Porthcawl, CF36 5SJ Minutes: RESOLVED: That Conservation Area Consent be granted for the above application, subject to the Conditions contained in the report of the Group Manager Planning and Development Services.
Conservation Area Consent for the demolition of the existing school buildings within Newton Conservation Area.
P/19/659/FUL - Plot adjoining 40 Bryn Road, Ogmore Vale, CF32 7DW Minutes: RESOLVED: That planning permission be granted for the above application, subject to the Conditions contained in the report of the Group Manager Planning and Development Services.
Construction of two pairs of semi-detached houses.
Minutes: RESOLVED: (1) That the Appeal received since the last Committee meeting as detailed in the report of the Group Manager Planning and Development Services, be noted.
(2) That the following Appeal Decision as contained in the report of the Group Manager Planning and Development Services and decided by the Inspector appointed by the Welsh Ministers since the last report to Committee, be noted:-
C/20/3250570 (1889) – Unauthorised use as a holiday let, Ivy Cottage, Court Colman, CF31 4NG - DECISION – Appeal be Dismissed (see Appendix A to the report).
Minutes: The Group Manager – Planning and Development Services presented a report, to advise Members of the potential to use Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs) with developers as part of a system of cost recovery in dealing with (mainly) major development proposals, with the principle equally also being applicable to smaller scale developments.
By way of background information, he confirmed that the main purpose of a PPA is to provide a framework agreed between the Local Planning Authority (LPA) and the applicant or potential applicant, about the process for considering a major development proposal. A PPA was a flexible mechanism adaptable to proposals where the issues raised are relatively straightforward to those where the issues are complex, a number of parties may be involved and the process may be staged over a long period. In the case of a Planning application this could range from the pre-application submission to the final agreement of Planning conditions. There was no standard PPA as each one is likely to be unique to its particular circumstances. A PPA is viewed as an efficiency tool which provides a clear timeframe to progress significant development and associated economic benefits, as well as where necessary additional resource to ensure service continuity.
The lack of adequate resource of Planning functions within local Authorities in Wales is a national issue identified by both Welsh Government and the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI). It is apparent that there is a critical loss of Planning and related skills within local Authorities together with a corresponding impact on the ability to deliver sustainable development in line with national policy. Lack of adequate resource within Planning Authorities is also identified as one of the principal reasons behind delays in the Planning system.
The Auditor General for Wales undertook a thorough examination of the Planning System in Wales and specifically its ability to implement the aims and objectives of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act (Effectiveness of Local Planning Authorities in Wales, June 2019). Further to this, both the Welsh Parliament Public Accounts Committee (Effectiveness of Local Planning Authorities in Wales, June 2020) and Future Generations Commissioner (The Future Generations Report 2020) raised concerns on the ability of Planning teams to deliver key national legislation and policy. Lack of adequate resource within Planning teams was cited as a key risk factor across all these independent reports.
The Group Manager – Planning and Development Services, advised that Bridgend was no exception to this national picture and staffing levels within the area of Planning had reduced by 50% over the last 8 years together with a loss of specialist roles including GIS, Minerals Planning and urban design expertise. In order to meet the challenge of resource issues against a need to deliver a vital service against a challenging backdrop of radical changes to policy and legislation, the service had been rationalised and restructured on a number of previous occasions.
He continued by stating, that due to high workloads, increasing complexity of technical submissions as well as the implementation ... view the full minutes text for item 437. |
Minutes: The Corporate Director Communities submitted a report, the purpose of which, was to inform Development Control Committee that Welsh Government are seeking views on their policy intent for the subordinate legislation required to establish the procedure for Strategic Development Plans, to be prepared across Wales by Corporate Joint Committees.
The report set out in detail the legislative background to the making and adoption of Local Development Plans (LDPs) and Strategic Development Plans (SDPs) in Wales. The policy intent in respect of SDPs is to introduce a more strategic approach to plan making at a scale greater than individual LDPs. Welsh Government state that there is an identified need to improve how the Planning system addresses issues that cross local authority boundaries to reflect how people live their lives today and in the future. SDPs should provide a more consistent, cost effective and efficient approach to Plan Making with key decisions taken once at the strategic level.
The Local Government Elections Bill (LGEB) was introduced into the Senedd in November 2019. It introduces Corporate Joint Committees (CJCs) as the Welsh Ministers’ preferred means of preparing an SDP. The LGEB confers a power on the Welsh Ministers to establish CJCs via Regulations. The Minister for Housing and Local Government has confirmed the Welsh Government’s intention to establish the first CJCs as soon as possible. The Regulations will be called the Town and Country Planning (Strategic Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2021 (the SDP Regulations).
Once a S D P is adopted an LDP will still need to be prepared by the local authority. LDPs prepared under an adopted SDP will be more focussed in nature, dealing with local issues and policies, that will identify site specific allocations, prepared in general conformity with the adopted SDP.
Welsh Government’s consultation document sought the Planning Authority’s views on 9 specific questions. The questions were detailed in the report, together with a proposed response to each of the questions.
RESOLVED: That the Development Control Committee noted the contents of the report and authorised the Group Manager – Planning & Development Services (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities) to formally respond to the 9 specific consultation questions.
Urgent Items To consider any other item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency.
Minutes: None.