Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee A - Tuesday, 30th July, 2019 10:00

Venue: Committee Rooms 2/3, Civic Offices Angel Street Bridgend CF31 4WB. View directions

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008.


Cllr A Pucella declared a prejudicial interest in item 13 and left the room during consideration of this agenda item, as he knew the applicant.


Cllr M Kearn declared a prejudicial interest in item 15 and left the room during consideration of this agenda item, as he knew the applicant’s family.


Approval of Minutes pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To receive for approval the Minutes of the 04/06/2019 and 11/06/2019

Additional documents:




That the minutes of the meeting of the 04/06/2019 and 11/06/2019 be approved as a true and accurate record.


Application to Licence Hackney Carriage Vehicle pdf icon PDF 89 KB


The Head of Legal and Regulatory Services submitted a report asking the Sub-Committee to consider an application to grant a license for a Hackney Carriage vehicle.


The application was made by Karl Svensen to licence a Dacia Logan MCV, vehicle registration number AU17 USM as a Hackney Carriage vehicle to seat 4 persons. The vehicle was pre-owned and was first registered at the DVLA on March 2017.


The Sub-Committee inspected the vehicle.


The Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer advised members that the current mileage of the vehicle was 9,506 miles. She stated that the application fell outside the Hackney Carriage Vehicle Policy approved by the Licensing Committee for the reasons outlined in the report.


The vehicle was not wheelchair accessible, but there were specific policy guidelines in respect of the first licensing of Hackney Carriage vehicles which fell outside policy guidelines, outlined in paragraph 4.6 of the report.


For Members’ information, a service history had been provided dated 27 April 2018 and 31 May 2019 with the mileage recorded at 5,307 and 9197 respectively




The Sub-Committee considered the application to register AU17 USM as a Hackney Carriage vehicle.


Members noted that it fell outside of policy 2.1 due to the age and mileage.


Members noted that the policy could be relaxed as set out in para 2.2 of the policy as the vehicle displayed exceptional interior and exterior quality and exceptional standards of safety. As such, the Sub-Committee were happy to grant the licence.       


Application to Licence Private Hire Vehicle pdf icon PDF 99 KB


The Head of Legal and Regulatory Services submitted a report asking the Sub-Committee to consider an application to grant a license for a Private Hire Vehicle.


The application was made by Mark Chegwen to licence a Mercedes V250 D AMG, vehicle registration number CN19 ZZG as a Private Hire Vehicle to seat 7 persons. The vehicle was pre-owned and was first registered at the DVLA on 13 March 2019.


The Sub-Committee inspected the vehicle.


The Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer advised members that the current mileage of the vehicle was 5,031 miles. She stated that the application fell outside the Private Hire Vehicle Policy approved by the Licensing Committee for the reasons outlined in the report.


The vehicle was not wheelchair accessible, but there were specific policy guidelines in respect of the first licensing of Private Hire Vehicles which fell outside policy guidelines, outlined in paragraph 4.4 of the report.


For Members’ information, there was no service history for this vehicle




The Sub-Committee considered the application to register CN19 ZZG as a Private Hire Vehicle.


Members noted that it fell outside of policy 2.1 due to the age and mileage.


Members noted that the policy could be relaxed as set out in para 2.2 of the policy as the vehicle displayed exceptional interior and exterior quality and exceptional standards of safety. As such, the Sub-Committee were happy to grant the licence.       


Application to Licence Private Hire Vehicle pdf icon PDF 100 KB


The Head of Legal and Regulatory Services submitted a report asking the Sub-Committee to consider an application to grant a license for a Hackney Carriage vehicle.


The application was made by Eric James Chauffeuring Limited, to licence a Mercedes S Class LWB, vehicle registration number KT67 BNB as a Private Hire Vehicle to seat 7 persons. The vehicle was pre-owned and was first registered at the DVLA on 27 September 2017.


The Sub-Committee inspected the vehicle.


The Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer advised members that the current mileage of the vehicle was 12,517 miles. She stated that the application fell outside the Private Hire Vehicle Policy approved by the Licensing Committee for the reasons outlined in the report.


The vehicle was not wheelchair accessible, but there were specific policy guidelines in respect of the first licensing of Private Hire Vehicles which fell outside policy guidelines, outlined in paragraph 4.4 of the report.


For Members’ information, the service history provided had incorrect details regarding mileage. The correct mileage at that time was 1,516 not 15167 as indicated in the report.




The Sub-Committee considered the application to register KT67 BNB as a Private Hire Vehicle.


Members noted that it fell outside of policy 2.1 due to the age and mileage.


Members noted that the policy could be relaxed as set out in para 2.2 of the policy as the vehicle displayed exceptional interior and exterior quality and exceptional standards of safety. As such, the Sub-Committee were happy to grant the licence.       


Application to Licence Private Hire Vehicle pdf icon PDF 101 KB


The Head of Legal and Regulatory Services submitted a report asking the Sub-Committee to consider an application to grant a license for a Private Hire Vehicle.


The application was made by Sharon Evans to licence a Mercedes C220d SE Estate, vehicle registration number KJ67 BGU as a Private Hire Vehicle to seat 4 persons. The vehicle was pre-owned and was first registered at the DVLA on 28 February 2018.


The Sub-Committee inspected the vehicle.


The Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer advised members that the current mileage of the vehicle was 13,897 miles. She stated that the application fell outside the Private Hire Vehicle Policy approved by the Licensing Committee for the reasons outlined in the report.


The vehicle was not wheelchair accessible, but there were specific policy guidelines in respect of the first licensing of Private Hire Vehicles which fell outside policy guidelines, outlined in paragraph 4.4 of the report.


For Members’ information, a service history was provided on the 17 June 2019 with the mileage recorded at 13,772.




The Sub-Committee considered the application to register KJ67 BGU as a Private Hire Vehicle.


Members noted that it fell outside of policy 2.1 due to the age and mileage.


Members noted that the policy could be relaxed as set out in para 2.2 of the policy as the vehicle displayed exceptional interior and exterior quality and exceptional standards of safety. As such, the Sub-Committee were happy to grant the licence.       


Urgent Items

To consider any other item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Rule 4 of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency.




Exclusion of the Public

The reports and minutes relating to the following items are not for publication as they

contain exempt information as defined in Paragraph 12 of Part 4 and/or Paragraph 21 of Part 5 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information)(Variation)(Wales) Order 2007.


If following the application of the public interest test the Committee resolves pursuant to the Act to consider these items in private, the public will be excluded from the meeting during such consideration.





That under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business as they contained exempt information as defined in Paragraph 12 of Part 4 and/or Paragraph 21 of Part 5 of Schedule 12A of the Act.  


Following the application of the public interest test it was                     resolved that pursuant to the Act referred to above, to consider the following items in private, with the public excluded from the meeting, as it was considered that in all the circumstances relating to the items, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information, because the information would be prejudicial to the applicants so mentioned.


Approval of Exempt Minutes

To receive for approval the exempt Minutes of the 04/06/2019 and 11/06/2019




That the exempt minutes of the 04/06/2019 and 11/06/2019 be approved as a true and accurate record.


Application for Grant of Licences


Disciplinary Hearing for Existing Taxi Driver


Disciplinary Hearing for Existing Taxi Driver


Disciplinary Hearing for Existing Taxi Driver


Disciplinary Hearing for Existing Taxi Driver