Venue: Committee Rooms 2/3, Civic Offices Angel Street Bridgend CF31 4WB. View directions
Contact: Andrew Rees Democratic Services Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence from Members.
Minutes: Cllr JE Lewis |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008.
Minutes: The following declarations were received: Cllr B Jones – item 5 – Family known personally to him Cllr B Jones – Item 7, 8, 9, 10 – Knew the applicant and his wife Cllr G Thomas – Item 7, 8, 9, 10 – Knew the applicant |
To receive the for approval the minutes of the Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee (B) of 07/03/2019
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee B of 07/03/2019 as a true and accurate record. |
Application To Licence Private Hire Vehicle Minutes: The application was made by David Llewellyn to licence a Mercedes E Class Estate, registration number S100 DKL as a Private Hire Vehicle to seat 4 persons. The vehicle was pre-owned and first registered at the DVLA on 29 April 2015
Members and Officers then proceeded to inspect the vehicle that was available for inspection in the Civic Offices car park, and briefly adjourned the meeting for this purpose.
Upon the meeting reconvening, the Team Manager (Licensing) advised Members that the mileage of the vehicle currently was 31,749 miles. She added that the application fell outside the Private Hire Vehicle Policy approved by the Licensing Committee. The vehicle was not wheelchair accessible, but there were specific policy guidelines in respect of the first licensing of Private Hire Vehicles which fell outside the policy guidelines outlined in paragraph 4.4 of the report.
A full service history of the vehicle had been provided by the applicant with the most recent on 7 March 2019.
A Member asked the Mr Llewellyn if the vehicles intended use was to be the same as his other licenced vehicles or if there were any changes. Mr Llewellyn confirmed that this vehicle would be used as all of his others.
RESOLVED: The Sub-Committee considered the application to licence Vehicle Registration number S100 DKL as a Private Hire Vehicle.
Members noted that the application falls outside the Licensing Policy at paragraph 2.1 due to the vehicles age.
Members further noted that the Policy at paragraph 2.2 allows it to be relaxed in exceptional circumstances, and examples of these were detailed in paragraph 2.4 of the Policy.
Having examined the vehicle, the Sub-Committee felt that the vehicle was exceptional in terms of its quality both interior, exterior and its safety qualities. The Sub-committee therefore granted the licence. |
Application To Licence Private Hire Vehicle Minutes: The application was made by James Bickerstaff to licence a Renault Trafic , registration number YC17 OBK as a Private Hire Vehicle to seat 4 persons. The vehicle was pre-owned and first registered at the DVLA on 22 March 2017
Members and Officers then proceeded to inspect the vehicle that was available for inspection in the Civic Offices car park, and briefly adjourned the meeting for this purpose.
Upon the meeting reconvening, the Team Manager (Licensing) advised Members that the mileage of the vehicle currently was 24,384 miles. She added that the application fell outside the Private Hire Vehicle Policy approved by the Licensing Committee. The vehicle was not wheelchair accessible, but there were specific policy guidelines in respect of the first licensing of Private Hire Vehicles which fell outside the policy guidelines outlined in paragraph 4.4 of the report.
For Members information a full service was undertaken on 4 June 2019 which Mr Bickerstaff provided to the committee.
RESOLVED: The Sub-Committee considered the application to licence Vehicle Registration number YC17 OBK as a Private Hire Vehicle.
Members noted that the application falls outside the Licensing Policy at paragraph 2.1 due to the vehicles age.
Members further noted that the Policy at paragraph 2.2 allows it to be relaxed in exceptional circumstances, and examples of these were detailed in paragraph 2.4 of the Policy.
Having examined the vehicle, the Sub-Committee felt that the vehicle was exceptional in terms of its quality both interior, exterior and its safety qualities. The Sub-committee therefore granted the licence. |
Application To Licence Private Hire Vehicle Minutes: The application was made by Lee Grabham to licence a Ford Transit Tourneo, registration number WF15 CUY as a Private Hire Vehicle to seat 8 persons. The vehicle was pre-owned and first registered at the DVLA on 22 March 2017
Members and Officers then proceeded to inspect the vehicle that was available for inspection in the Civic Offices car park, and briefly adjourned the meeting for this purpose.
Upon the meeting reconvening, the Team Manager (Licensing) advised Members that the mileage of the vehicle currently was 69,830 miles. She added that the application fell outside the Private Hire Vehicle Policy approved by the Licensing Committee. The vehicle was not wheelchair accessible, but there were specific policy guidelines in respect of the first licensing of Private Hire Vehicles which fell outside the policy guidelines outlined in paragraph 4.4 of the report.
The Team Manager Licensing advised Members that no MOT certificate had been provided as the requirement for one was not necessary due to the vehicles age. A full service was provided dated 16 March 2015, 23 July 2016, 3 September 2018 and 26 March 2019.
She asked Mr Grabham when he obtained the vehicle as they did not have that information. Mr Grabham explained that he obtained the vehicle on 1 June 2019.
RESOLVED: The Sub-Committee considered the application to licence Vehicle Registration number WF15 CUY as a Private Hire Vehicle.
Members noted that the application falls outside the Licensing Policy at paragraph 2.1 due to the vehicles age.
Members further noted that the Policy at paragraph 2.2 allows it to be relaxed in exceptional circumstances, and examples of these were detailed in paragraph 2.4 of the Policy.
Having examined the vehicle, the Sub-Committee felt that the vehicle was exceptional in terms of its quality both interior, exterior and its safety qualities. The Sub-committee therefore granted the licence. |
Application To Licence Hackney Carriage Vehicle Minutes: The application was made by Karl Svensen to licence a Volkswagen Caddy, registration number DX65 XJF as a Hackney Carriage Vehicle to seat 5 Persons configured as 4 regular seating and 1 wheelchair The vehicle was pre-owned and first registered at the DVLA on 30 November 2015
The Chair expressed her pleasure in seeing a wheelchair accessible vehicle being registered as there is an increasing demand on these vehicles.
Members and Officers then proceeded to inspect the vehicle that was available for inspection in the Civic Offices car park, and briefly adjourned the meeting for this purpose.
Upon the meeting reconvening, the Team Manager (Licensing) advised Members that the mileage of the vehicle currently was 79,856 miles. The vehicle was confirmed as wheelchair accessible
An MOT certificate was submitted on 4 June 2019 and a service history was also provided dated 3 June 2019.
RESOLVED: The Sub-Committee considered the application to licence Vehicle Registration number DX65 XJF as a Hackney Carriage Vehicle.
Members noted that the application falls outside the Licensing Policy at paragraph 2.1 due to the vehicles age.
Members noted that the vehicle was wheelchair accessible and noted the policy guidelines at 2.2.4.
Members further noted that the Policy at paragraph 2.2 allows it to be relaxed in exceptional circumstances, and examples of these were detailed in paragraph 2.4 of the Policy.
Having examined the vehicle, the Sub-Committee felt that the vehicle was exceptional in terms of its quality both interior, exterior and its safety qualities. The Sub-committee therefore granted the licence. |
Application To Licence Hackney Carriage Vehicle Minutes: The application was made by Karl Svensen to licence a Volkswagen Caddy, registration number SA67 FEM as a Hackney Carriage Vehicle to seat 8 Persons. The vehicle was pre-owned and first registered at the DVLA on 27 October 2017
The Chair expressed her pleasure in seeing a wheelchair accessible vehicle being registered as there is an increasing demand on these vehicles.
Members and Officers then proceeded to inspect the vehicle that was available for inspection in the Civic Offices car park, and briefly adjourned the meeting for this purpose.
Upon the meeting reconvening, the Team Manager (Licensing) advised Members that the mileage of the vehicle currently was 31,821 miles. The vehicle was confirmed as wheelchair accessible
For Members information an MOT certificate was not provided as there was no requirement for one due to the vehicles age, however a routine service was undertaken at 25,000 miles and this was supplied to the committee.
RESOLVED: The Sub-Committee considered the application to licence Vehicle Registration number SA67 FEM as a Hackney Carriage Vehicle.
Members noted that the application falls outside the Licensing Policy at paragraph 2.1 due to the vehicles age.
Members further noted that the Policy at paragraph 2.2 allows it to be relaxed in exceptional circumstances, and examples of these were detailed in paragraph 2.4 of the Policy.
Having examined the vehicle, the Sub-Committee felt that the vehicle was exceptional in terms of its quality both interior, exterior and its safety qualities. The Sub-committee therefore granted the licence. |
Application To Licence Hackney Carriage Vehicle Minutes: The application was made by Karl Svensen to licence a Dacia Logan Diesel Estate, registration number VX15 YBU as a Hackney Carriage Vehicle to seat 4 Persons. The vehicle was pre-owned and first registered at the DVLA on 22 April 2015
Members and Officers then proceeded to inspect the vehicle that was available for inspection in the Civic Offices car park, and briefly adjourned the meeting for this purpose.
Upon the meeting reconvening, the Team Manager (Licensing) advised Members that the mileage of the vehicle currently was 28,408 miles.
For Members information an MOT certificate was not provided as there was no requirement for one due to the vehicles age, however a service sheet was supplied which detailed a number of servicing reports.
The Team Manager Licensing advised Mr Svensen that at the time the report was drafted, the MOT check history at indicated that the vehicle had an outstanding safety recall in place. She asked Mr Svensen if he knew why this was the case
Mr Svensen commented that it was due to a chip in the windscreen which turned into a crack. He assured members that this was dealt with and that he was unaware why it was still showing as a recall. He confirmed that he would check on the reason for this.
RESOLVED: The Sub-Committee considered the application to licence Vehicle Registration number VX15 YBU as a Hackney Carriage Vehicle.
Members noted that the application falls outside the Licensing Policy at paragraph 2.1 due to the vehicles age.
Members further noted that the Policy at paragraph 2.2 allows it to be relaxed in exceptional circumstances, and examples of these were detailed in paragraph 2.4 of the Policy.
Having examined the vehicle, the Sub-Committee felt that the vehicle was exceptional in terms of its quality both interior, exterior and its safety qualities. The Sub-committee therefore granted the licence. |
Application To Licence Hackney Carriage Vehicle Minutes: The application was made by Karl Svensen to licence a Dacia Logan Diesel Estate, registration number WM65 GXC as a Hackney Carriage Vehicle to seat 4 Persons. The vehicle was pre-owned and first registered at the DVLA on 31 December 2015
Members and Officers then proceeded to inspect the vehicle that was available for inspection in the Civic Offices car park, and briefly adjourned the meeting for this purpose.
Upon the meeting reconvening, the Team Manager (Licensing) advised Members that the mileage of the vehicle currently was 25,282 miles.
For Members information MOT and service history was provided.
The Team Manager Licensing advised Mr Svensen that at the time the report was drafted, the MOT check history at indicated that the vehicle had an outstanding safety recall in place. She asked Mr Svensen if he knew why this was the case
RESOLVED: The Sub-Committee considered the application to licence Vehicle Registration number WM65 GXC as a Hackney Carriage Vehicle.
Members noted that the application falls outside the Licensing Policy at paragraph 2.1 due to the vehicles age.
Members further noted that the Policy at paragraph 2.2 allows it to be relaxed in exceptional circumstances, and examples of these were detailed in paragraph 2.4 of the Policy.
Having examined the vehicle, the Sub-Committee felt that the vehicle was exceptional in terms of its quality both interior, exterior and its safety qualities. The Sub-committee therefore granted the licence. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Team Manager Licensing presented a report which outlined the application received by Darker Enterprises Limited for the renewal of the Sex Establishment Licence in respect of the above premises.
She explained that as there was no delegated powers for the officers in regards to Sex Establishment Licences, the application had come before the committee to consider.
The Team Manager Licensing explained that the current licence was subject to standard conditions and special conditions as indicated at appendix A of the report.
The Team Manager Licensing explained that the applicant had complied with all statutory requires in relation to advertising for renewal of licence.
She advised Members that the Licensing team received no objections from the public, statutory consultees, ward members or South Wales Police.
South Wales Police also confirmed that the applicant had no convictions.
The Team Manager Licensing explained that there was no cause for concern by the licensing team in relation to the Guidance for Members: Grounds for Refusal as indicated at section 4.6 of the report.
A Member asked whether there had been any cause of for concern, complaints or other problems in the past with this establishment or the licensee
The Team Manager Licensing confirmed that there had been no issues to date.
A Member asked how often the establishment was inspected to insure that there is compliance with the conditions listed in appendix A.
The Team Manager Licensing advised that the premises was inspected once a year and have found no cause for concern on any occasion. If there were cause for concern, the premises would be inspected more frequently.
The committee adjourned to make a decision, the decision read as follows:
RESOLVED: “We have considered the application for renewal of the Sex Establishment Licence at Darker Enterprises Limited.
We have noted that there have been no representations from the public or statutory consultees, ward members or South Wales Police.
We have noted that the applicant & the manager have not done anything to make them unsuitable since the last renewal and have no relevant convictions and the police have no objections.
It has been noted that this is the only establishment in the area.
We have considered the character of the locality & the area to which other premises in the vicinity are put. We have noted the yearly inspections and that there are no issues with the layout and condition of the premises.
Therefore under schedule 3 of paragraph 12 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 none of the grounds on which we could refuse the application are made out therefore we are happy to grant the licence.” |
Urgent Items To consider any other item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Rule 4 of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Minutes: None |