Venue: Committee Room 2/3, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend
Contact: Mr Mark Anthony Galvin Senior Democratic Services - Committees
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence from Members. Minutes: None |
Declarations of Interest To receive Declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from members/ officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by Council from the 1st September 2008. Minutes: None |
Application for Club Premises Certificate - Porthcawl Athletic Association, Porthcawl PDF 62 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairperson welcomed all to the meeting, and introduced the two other members of the Panel to the applicants and objectors. He then explained the procedures that would take place for the hearing.
The Team Manager, Licensing informed the Panel that there had been a request for an adjournment from an objector to the application as he wished to attend the meeting but was away on holiday at the time. The Applicant was asked whether they would agree to adjournment or whether they wished to proceed and they confirmed they would like to proceed today.
The Team Manager, Licensing further informed Members that she had received an enlarged photograph of the area from an objector which was already contained as a small image within the reports and also an email from Mr and Mrs Jones who were in attendance at the hearing. She requested permission from the Chairperson for these to be considered at the hearing. The Applicant was asked whether they objected and they confirmed they did not. The additional document expanded upon representations already made.
The Panel briefly adjourned to consider the requests
The Panel considered the two preliminary points which were raised, the first being should they proceed today or adjourn: The Panel noted there were six objectors. Of those six, two were in attendance, two had said they did not wish to attend and two had not attended. Of the two that did not attended, one had not made any direct contact, however, the Panel heard through another that he is on holiday. The Other had contacted the Authority to say that he is on holiday and that he would like an adjournment. The Panel considered whether to adjourn and considered the detailed written reps which the objector had already submitted and what expansion was likely had he been able to attend. The Panel considered the desire of the applicants to proceed as planned. The Panel weighed up any prejudice likely to be caused by adjourning compared to proceeding and were happy on this occasion to proceed. The Panel further noted the additional evidence: A photo from Mr Thomas and an email from Mrs Jones The Panel noted that these expanded on representations already made and noted the Applicant had no objections to these being admitted. The Panel therefore agreed for these to be admitted as evidence. and upon their return the Chairperson announced that the Panel had considered the request for an adjournment. They noted that of the six objections received, two objectors did not wish to attend, two were in attendance at the hearing, one was away on holiday and one had not made any direct contact. The Panel further considered the expansion that was likely from the objector who could not attend as he had already submitted detailed written representations which would be considered by the Panel. Therefore, it was confirmed that the hearing would go ahead as planned. Further, the Chairperson accepted the additional documents and copies of which were distributed to ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |