Venue: Civic Offices, Angel Street. Bridgend CF31 4WB
Contact: Mr Mark Galvin
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence (if any) from Members/Officers. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from the following Members for the reasons so stated:
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1st September, 2009.
Minutes: None.
To receive for approval the Minutes of the meeting of the Coychurch Crematorium Joint Committee of 13 June 2014. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Coychurch Crematorium Joint Committee of the 13 June 2014 were approved as a true and accurate record.
Appointment of Clerk and Technical Officer PDF 35 KB Minutes:
Recycling of Metals Scheme Donations PDF 32 KB Minutes: The Bereavement Services Manager presented a report, which sought nominations and approval of organisations to receive charitable funding from the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) Scheme for the recovery of metals arising from cremations.
She reported that the crematorium participated in a national scheme for the Recycling of Metals, which were derived from cremation processes. Any surplus monies after deduction of costs from the sale of metals were distributed to charities associated with bereavement services, via the ICCM, both charities which receive support are nominated by member authorities of the Institute. The Joint Committee had previously supported applications from CRUISE (West) and Bridgend Samaritans.
The Bereavement Services Manager reported that currently, the nomination of charities to benefit accrued from the sale of metals were presented year on year to Committee for consideration and whilst every effort was made to ensure that equitable arrangements were in place, this approach could lead to an uneven distribution of the funding between the partner councils to the Joint Committee. She stated that in order to overcome this, it was proposed that a more proactive approach be undertaken in seeking funding opportunities for local charities and which would also be more efficient. It was proposed that the Joint Committee considers a list of organisations it wishes to support and to rotate these on a cyclical basis. The suggested charities are:-
· Eye to Eye (RCT) · McMillan Cancer Support · Bridgend Samaritans · CRUSE.
The Bereavement Services Manager reported that nominations would be for one charity per year and that further nominations were requested from the Joint Committee to be added to the list.
RESOLVED: That the above charities be supported and a bond be added to the list for funding from the National Recycling of Metal Scheme and that Members of the Joint Committee be requested to nominate further charities.
Minutes: The Bereavement Services Manager reported on a successful application by the Crematorium for a Green Flag Award in 2014. She stated that the Green Flag Award is a benchmark national standard for parks and open spaces and green spaces in England and Wales. The Crematorium received its first Award in 2010 and had been awarded annually thereafter. A re-submission for the Green Flag Award was made in January 2014 and Awards were formally announced in July 2014.
The Bereavement Services Manager reported that the Crematorium had once again been successful in securing this nationally recognised award for the standards of care and maintenance within the grounds of the Crematorium, confirming the commitment to maintaining high standards which could be appreciated by all visitors. She stated that the Award required an annual application and a further submission would be made in January 2015.
(1) The Joint Committee noted the success of the Crematorium in securing the Green Flag Award for 2014.
(2) The Joint Committee congratulated the staff at the Crematorium for impressive grounds.
Minutes: The Bereavement Services Manager reported that at the end of September, the Crematorium’s Organist/General Assistant will retire after 40 years’ service and had proved an asset to the services held at the crematorium and would be sadly missed. She stated that the Organist assists with the administration processes and especially the co-ordination of music for each service, which is an integral part of the facilities ongoing reputation and value to the public and the bereaved. The ongoing commitment to providing this level of service is core to the Business Model and services of the Crematorium.
RESOLVED: (1) The Joint Committee noted the retirement of the Crematorium’s Organist/General Assistant and approved the recruitment of a replacement.
(2) That a letter be sent on behalf of the Joint Committee thanking the post holder for his contribution to the Crematorium and wishing him well in his retirement be sent.
Audited Statement of Accounts 2013-2014 PDF 40 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Finance Manager Technical and Corporate presented the Statement of Accounts for the Financial Year ending 31 March 2014 which was due to be signed off by the external auditors, KPMG and to receive the Auditors report to those charged with governance.
The Finance Manager Technical and Corporate reported that the external auditors had carried out their audit of the 2013-14 Statement of Accounts and had made some minor amendments, including some suggested minor presentational adjustments. She stated that the net movement on the general fund (after adjustments between accounting basis and funding basis under regulations) of £481k had been added to the accumulated reserve for the Crematorium bringing the total of that reserve to £1.019m which is being held to fund future works. The total reserves as at the 31 March 2014 were £3.287m.
The Finance Manager Technical and Corporate reported that the only significant change to the Statement of Accounts was an accrual of £19k in respect of a credit note for an insurance payment paid in the year in error and subsequently refunded during 2014-15 and a net adjustment of £2k for cash in transit. The inclusion of these adjustments along with an adjustment in respect of an upward asset revaluation of £63k increased the surplus in the Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement from £464k to £549k and after accounting for adjustments between accounting basis and funding basis under regulations increased the accumulated surplus from £1,002m to £1,019m.
The Finance Manager Technical and Corporate reported that the accounts had been adjusted to reflect the requirements of IAS 1 “Presentation of Financial Statements”, with the change in accounting policy being applied retrospectively. The amendments of IAS 1 were only a change in the presentation requirements of the Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement.
The Finance Manager Technical and Corporate reported that the letter of representation confirmed to the best of knowledge and belief and having made appropriate enquiries of other officers of the Coychurch Crematorium Joint Committee, certain assurances to the Auditors regarding the Financial Statements for the Joint Committee for the year ending 31 March 2014. The Auditors had prepared an audit of Financial Statements Report for 2013-14 which summarised the key issues identified during the consideration of the Statement of Accounts and Annual Governance Statement.
RESOLVED: That the Joint Committee:-
(1) Approved the audited Statement of Accounts for 2013-14.
(2) Noted and agreed the Letter of Representation to be provided to KPMG and the Wales Audit Office.
(3) Noted the Auditors audit of Financial Statements Report for 2013-14.
Revenue Monitoring Statement 1 April to 31 July 2014 PDF 46 KB Minutes: The Finance Manager Technical and Corporate reported on the details of the income and expenditure for the financial year and give a projection of the final projected outturn. She provided an explanation of the variances between the budget and projected outturn and informed the Joint Committee that now that Margam Crematorium was fully operational again, the level of cremations appeared to have returned back to those of 2012-13 and it was therefore prudent that at this stage to reduce the income projection for the year by £100k to reflect this. The overall projected surplus for 2014-15 had decreased from £112k budgeted amount to £4k after allowing for the budget variations.
In response to a question from the Joint Committee, the Bereavement Services Manager gave an update on the current works being carried out to replace the cremators and that it was hoped to present a progress report to the next meeting of Joint Committee. She stated that the next major piece of work to be undertaken at the Crematorium would be the insulation of the cremators.
In response to a question from the Joint Committee, the Crematorium Manager and Registrar stated that the effect of the Crematorium in Barry was as anticipated and that income levels were based on 2012/13 with the number of cremations by 20%. She stated that whilst there had been an impact on the number of cremations from residents in Barry itself, funerals of residents living near the boundary of the County Borough continued to be held at Coychurch Crematorium as well as very large funerals.
In response to a question from the Joint Committee in relation to the sound system at the Crematorium, the Crematorium Manager and Registrar informed the Joint Committee that an opportunity had arisen when replacing the sound system to upgrade the system with additional speakers installed to enable people attending very large funerals who were unable to get into the Crematorium building itself to hear the funeral outside of the main building.
RESOLVED: That the Joint Committee noted the Revenue Monitoring Statement 1 April to 31 July 2014.
The meeting closed at 2.30pm. |
Urgent Items To consider any other item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should, by reason of special circumstances, be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency. |