Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices Angel Street Bridgend CF31 4WB. View directions
Contact: Mrs Julie Ellams Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008 (including whipping declarations)
Minutes: None |
Forward Work Programme Update PDF 62 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Scrutiny Officer presented an update on the Forward Work Programme, the items prioritised by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, potential items for comment and prioritisation and further items for consideration.
Conclusions 1. Members requested that information on education be included in the report on “Budgetary Impacts on Parc Prison” and that representatives from education and from Parc Prison attend the meeting to explain the service that was provided and aspirations for the future.
2. The Committee considered the criteria form attached to the report and expressed concerns over the safeguarding between licensing and the Authority’s school transport, particularly in relation to pupils with Additional Learning Needs. Members commented that current legislation meant it was up to the school transport company to inform the Council of any criminal convictions of its drivers etc and as such the Council were not doing their own checks. With this in mind it was concluded that the Committee put forward an item on the larger subject of School Transport, due to related issues that had also arisen in discussions over the annual draft budget, and that the concerns regarding licensing and safeguarding cheeks be incorporated in this report.
3. The Committee also requested that more external experts and service users be considered as invitees on each item for Scrutiny in order to assist with deliberations and provide a wider perspective.
Remodelling Children's Residential Services Project PDF 428 KB Invitees: Susan Cooper, Corporate Director, Social Services and Wellbeing; Cllr Phil White, Cabinet Member – Social Services and Early Help; Laura Kinsey, Head of Children’s Social Care; Pete Tyson, Group Manager – Commissioning; Lauren North, Commissioning and Contract Management Officer; Natalie Silcox, Group Manager Childrens Regulated Services.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairperson thanked the officers for the report and additional information requested at the previous meeting.
The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing introduced the Commissioning and Contract Management Officer and the Group Manager Children’s Regulated Services to the committee to present the proposals and the Group Manager Commissioning to explain the financial aspects.
The officers provided an overview of Children’s Remodelling, challenges with the existing model, the “No Wrong Door” model and how it could be redesigned to suit Bridgend. They provided a comparison of placement numbers including the proposed number of places that would exist within the service. They explained the five elements to the model including the Hub, the 4 bed medium term unit, transitional carers, supported living and supported lodging. They provided examples of how individuals would progress through the current service model and how the new proposals would change their journey.
The Group Manager Commissioning outlined occupancy levels throughout 2017, the average length of a placement, feedback following rota visits undertaken by elected members and care leaver data which demonstrated the need to maximise stable and sustainable accommodation options for young people leaving care. He explained the history of out of county residential placements and that current forecasts estimated that circa 4 out of county placements would still be required for risk and personal circumstances which suggested that a number could remain in-county if a more effective service model was in place.
The Residential managers were observing the meeting and had undertaken a full workforce planning exercise to inform staffing requirements for both residential units under the prosed model. The Group Manager –Commissioning referred to the Children’s Commissioning Consortium Cymru (4C’s) and systems and processes they were implementing which could be structured to support Bridgend’s needs, the training programme and the financial implications.
A member asked for confirmation that the trade unions had been involved in discussions regarding changes to job descriptions and if staff supported the changes. He was advised that trade unions had been involved and staff were happy with the proposed changes.
A member raised concerns about staffing costs, JNC and pay for psychologists. The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing stressed that the new proposals would not be possible without the work force and trade unions who were fully engaged. Details of the new structure were not yet available. Recruitment was always an issue but each position would be presented as an exciting opportunity.
A member recognised the significant amount of work that had been put into the proposals but asked why children were being taken into care. Bridgend were in the highest quartile in Wales and a specific report was required to explain the reasons and scenarios and to prevent the need for children to be taken into care. The authority needed to work corporately and to look “outside the box” and to start strategically planning for the future.
The Corporate Director explained that lots of authorities were seeing an increase in the numbers of looked after children. ... view the full minutes text for item 31. |
Urgent Items To consider any item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Minutes: None |