Agenda and minutes

Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - Monday, 4th July, 2022 09:30

Venue: remotely - via Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008 (including whipping declarations)





Councillor Melanie Evans declared a personal interest as a member of the Task Force for 21st Century Schools in her capacity as a Town councillor for Pencoed Town Council and as a School Governor for Croesty Primary School and Pencoed Comprehensive School.


Councillor Elaine Winstanley declared a personal interested  as her Employer sits on the Public Service Board.


Approval of Minutes pdf icon PDF 226 KB

To receive for approval the minutes of the meeting of 20 01 22




RESOLVED:     That the Minutes of a meeting of the Subject Overview and

                          Scrutiny Committee 1 dated 20 January 2022 be approved

                          as a true and accurate record.


Corporate Parenting Champion Nomination pdf icon PDF 27 KB


The Scrutiny Officer presented the report which requested the Committee to nominate one Member as its Corporate Parenting Champion to represent the Committee as an invitee to meetings of the Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting.


The Chairperson invited nominations, following which it was:


RESOLVED:     That Councillor Tim Thomas be nominated to represent

                          Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 as an invitee

                          to meetings of the Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting.


Nomination to the Public Service Board Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 24 KB


The Scrutiny Officer presented the report, which requested the Committee to nominate one Member to sit on the Public Service Board Scrutiny Panel.


The Chairperson invited nominations, following which it was:


RESOLVED:     That Councillor Richard Collins be nominated

                          by Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 to sit on

                           the Public Service Board Scrutiny 



Forward Work Programme Update pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Additional documents:


The Senior Democratic Services Officer – Scrutiny presented the Committee with the proposed draft outline Forward Work Programme (FWP) in (Appendix A) for discussion and consideration, requested any specific information the Committee identified to be included in the items for the next two meetings, including invitees they wished to attend, requested the Committee to identify any further items for consideration on the Forward Work Programme having regard to the selection criteria in paragraph 4.6 and asked the Committee to note that the Forward Work Programme for the Committee would be reported to a meeting of COSC, following the July cycle of SOSC meetings.


The Committee requested the following reports be added to the Forward Work Programme:


  • Upgrading of older school facilities that are not being replaced under School Modernisation and improving their energy efficiency in line with the 2030 Decarbonisation Agenda.
  • English Language Schools’ catchment areas / capacity.


That with regard to the Pupil Attendance, Exclusions, Health and Safeguarding report scheduled for the meeting on 12 September, the Committee look at:


·         In relation to increased referrals to Information Advice and Assistance (IAA) within the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), the way in which referrals from schools to IAA are dealt with and the support in the team (and specifically requested representatives from IAA and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in relation to pupil attendance/safeguarding), for the September report.


In addition, the Committee recommended:


  • Wellbeing be revisited within a suitable time frame to monitor progress and support.
  • Sight of the Corporate Management Dashboard for the Education Directorate on a quarterly basis at the appropriate time.
  • That Pupil Wellbeing be included and monitored as part of the Directorate Performance Dashboard in future.


RESOLVED:     That the Committee considered and agreed the proposed

                          draft outline Forward Work Programme in Appendix A,

                          subject to the inclusion of the above requested

                          reports and invitees and noted that the Forward Work

                          Programmes for the Subject Overview and Scrutiny

                          Committees would be reported to a meeting of COSC,

                             following the next cycle of SOSC meetings.


Urgent Items

To consider any item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in

accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency.



