Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices Angel Street Bridgend CF31 4WB. View directions
Contact: Andrew Rees Senior Democratic Services Officer - Committees
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008 (including whipping declarations)
Minutes: None |
To receive for approval the minutes of the meeting of 07/02/18
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 of 7 February 2018 be accepted as a true and accurate record. |
Forward Work Programme Update Additional documents: Minutes: The Scrutiny Officer presented a report identifying the items prioritised by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee including the next item delegated to this Committee. She also presented the Committee with a list of potential items for comment and prioritisation and asked the Committee to identify any further items for consideration using the criteria form. Members were also asked to approve the feedback from the previous meetings and the list of responses including any outstanding.
RESOLVED: The Committee:
i) Approved the feedback from the previous meetings of the Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 and noted the list of responses including those still outstanding. ii) Identified additional information the Committee wished to receive on the next item delegated to the Committee.
Dementia Support and Care in Bridgend County Borough Invitees:
Cllr Philip White – Cabinet Member Social Services and Wellbeing Susan Cooper – Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing Carmel Donovan - Integrated Community Services Manager Jacqueline Davies – Head of Adult Social Care Dermot Nolan - Clinical Service Manager - ABM UHB Gareth Bartley - Head of Partnerships and Development ABM UHB Sue Gwyn - Service Manager for Older Peoples Mental Health Services Kay Harries – Health and Social Care Officer, BAVO
Minutes: The Corporate Director, Social Services and Wellbeing presented a report providing an update on the support and care for people with dementia living in Bridgend County Borough (BCBC) and addressing the questions raised in respect of dementia in BCBC and regionally.
A Member requested a basic definition of dementia to help Members with a limited understanding of the subject. The Clinical Service Manager ABM UHB explained that dementia was a degenerative illness of the brain and the likelihood of developing dementia increased significantly with age. It mainly affected people over the age of 65 however could affect younger people from late forties on. It affected all components of living including short term memory loss and daily activities such as speech and mobility and eventually could impact on long term memory. The impact on each individual varied and there were various types of dementia which progressed at different rates and presented in different ways. There were drugs available to treat the symptoms of dementia and an early diagnosis improved the success of the drugs. Drugs could not prevent the illness but could allow the individual to stabilise.
A Member referred to the table showing the diagnosis by GP practice in BCBC. Members requested the population of each area so that it was clear exactly what percentage the figures represented. A Member explained that there were three surgeries in one ward, each covering a smaller number of patients and as a result, the table did not give an accurate picture.
A Member asked if the high number of cases in Portway Surgery, Porthcawl was linked to the number of care homes in Porthcawl. The Integrated Community Services Manager explained that Porthcawl also had a high ageing population and that together with the number of nursing homes in the area could be the reason for the high number of cases. She agreed to provide a map with boundaries for Members who were unfamiliar with the names of the surgeries and where they were.
A Member thanked officers for the report and asked why it focussed on managing the situation rather than trying to prevent it by looking at the health and wellbeing of the constituents. The Clinical Service Manager ABM UHB explained that early detection and diagnosis were effective in maintaining a person at maximum ability and there was evidence that a person could live well with dementia for some time. They were hugely reliant on GPs picking up early signs. The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing explained that there were two new extra care schemes due for completion in September/October which could accommodate those with dementia. There were also initiatives to keep people moving and a team promoting exercise and keeping fit.
The Health and Social Care Officer, BAVO, explained that in addition to the Dementia Friends projects, they were helping people within the community to have a better understanding. Work was ongoing with the prevention team on how to develop skills and target organisations to work within the speciality. ... view the full minutes text for item 40. |
Urgent Items To consider any other item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Rule 4 of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency.
Minutes: None |