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No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008 (including whipping declarations)
Minutes: Councillor Norah Clarke – Prejudicial interest declared as former volunteer with Credu Charity. Councillor Colin Davies – Personal interest declared as involved in SPF bid in Vale. Councillor Ian Williams – Personal interest declared as Bridgend Town Councillor, should regeneration and funding of the town be discussed. |
Approval of Minutes To receive for approval the minutes of the meeting of the 16 02 2022 and 18 07 2022
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Norah Clarke advised - point 5b in the Minutes dated 18th July 2022 that PRIF stands for Porthcawl Resort Investment Focus, not Forecast.
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of a meeting of the Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3 dated 16 February 2022 and 18 July 2022 be approved as a true and accurate record. |
The United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund Invitees
Councillor John Spanswick - Cabinet Member Communities Councillor Neelo Farr – Cabinet Member Regeneration Councillor Rhys Goode – Cabinet Member Wellbeing and Future Generations
Janine Nightingale - Corporate Director, Communities Ieuan Sherwood – Group Manager – Economy, Natural Resources & Sustainability
Additional documents: Minutes: The Corporate Director - Communities introduced the report on the United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) which was the UK Government replacement for the European Structural Investment Fund (ESIF), following the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union (EU) on 31 Jan 2020. She advised that Bridgend’s allocation to date was £23 million which had to be spent over three years and was around half of what they were used to receiving from the EU, so it had been a challenge putting the investment plan together. It was important for the Committee to understand that it was for initiatives across the County, they had worked with the third sector and colleges to put the plan together and should have a decision on the investment plan by mid-October.
The Group Manager, Economy, Natural Resources and Sustainability advised the purpose of the report was to provide an update on their work on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and an overview in Appendix one of the proposals that may go forward. He advised that alongside the People in Skills priority there was a dedicated resource specifically for a UK wide intervention called Multiply, to improve adult numeracy skills within the region.
He explained that local authorities had been invited to collaborate and feed into one overall local investment plan for the area. As part of the agreement, it had been agreed that Rhondda Cynon Taff would assume the role of the lead local authority for the region, so the UK Government would have one funding agreement direct to Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council and they would have back-to-back agreements with each of the other authorities in the region. There was flexibility as to how it was delivered within Guidance from UK Government, with options for grant funding for procurement, commissioning and in house provision.
He advised whilst they as an Authority were not required to develop their own investment plan, it was important to develop the information in Appendix one which set out their priorities and the best deployment of the Shared Prosperity fund monies. He wished to stress to the Committee that the proposals had been developed in the absence of detailed fund guidance from UK Government and as such was subject to change particularly as some of the proposed activities, delivery models and funding values may vary. Looking at delivery Cabinet had agreed a two-tier governance structure, an economic partnership which would draw in multi-sector partners from across the County, within the region and Wales and an internal economic programme board. He explained that whilst they had an overall allocation of £23 million, £3.99M of that was specifically allocated to the Multiply Programme which left £19.1 million for what was considered as core shared prosperity fund activity under three themes. The UK Government suggested that funding was broken down to fixed annual yearly allocations which equated to roughly 12% in year one, 24% in year two and 64% in year three. The multiply allocations were different, in year one ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Levelling Up Fund Priority Projects Invitees
Councillor John Spanswick - Cabinet Member Communities Councillor Neelo Farr – Cabinet Member Regeneration
Janine Nightingale - Corporate Director, Communities Ieuan Sherwood – Group Manager, Economy, Natural Resources & Sustainability Delyth Webb – Group Manager Strategic Regeneration Jonathan Parsons – Group Manager Planning & Development Services Richard Hughes – Chief Executive, Awen
Minutes: The Corporate Director - Communities introduced the report and explained the fund was the second half of the UK Government’s Levelling Up Agenda which had been announced in the UK Government’s spending review in 2020. It was a programme of mostly capital works with some revenue up to 2025, with an allocation of £4 billion overall across the UK, with £800 million for Wales. She advised each local authority could put in a bid for up to £20 million for each of their MP constituencies, with BCBC having two; Bridgend and Ogmore. Secondly a major transport bid for up to £50 million could be submitted. It was a capital fund which had some very specific criteria, such as supporting cultural assets, town centre and town and community regeneration and transport. She advised that bids submitted had to be 10% match funded, so money would need to be secured from either a third party, National Lottery funding or Bridgend County Borough Council itself. Two bids had been submitted one for the refurbishment of the Grand Pavilion in Porthcawl and one for the Penprysg Road Bridge in Pencoed to remove the level crossing and put in a new road bridge and footpath.
The Group Manager, Economy, Natural Resources and Sustainability presented an overview of the report, following which Members discussed the following:
Members queried whether £20M would be sufficient for the Grand Pavilion refurbishment project, taking into consideration rising prices and if not , where extra money needed could come from, and also whether Cadw were on board and accepting of the proposed alterations.
Officers advised that when opening up old buildings sometimes other unforeseen issues could become apparent, however lessons had been learned from previous schemes, and it was recognised that this scheme had a significant large contingency in it and a risk contingency against it. If there were unforeseen circumstances or costs rose, there would be a need to relook at the design and re-engineer accordingly, as there were not additional monies to spend on the building. Through value engineering they would look at the building and what elements they could do in latter phases should more money become available. The Group Manager Strategic Regeneration advised that that Cadw were familiar with the building and were on board along with the Authority’s own internal Conservation and Design Team.
Members expressed concern that if the project went ahead the Grand Pavilion would be potentially closed for up to two years and asked whether options were being explored to retain some stability for events to be provided in Porthcawl.
Officers advised once construction commenced on the building it was subject to the contractors’ risk and liability insurance, so although it had been considered it was not possible to allow the use of the building during that time. However, they would work with Awen who operate the facility regarding facilities in other places.
The Chief Executive of the Awen Cultural Trust explained that their priority would always be the local users and they ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Forward Work Programme Update Additional documents:
Minutes: Having considered the report the Forward Work Programme Update the Committee requested the following items be added to the FWP:
1. An update on Highway Maintenance. 2. Pedestrian safety in historic villages.
Taxi Licensing
The Committee:
- expressed concern that taxis are only permitted to use the one DVSA accredited MOT station appointed by BCBC and that if the vehicle fails, the fixing work cannot be done there so the vehicle has to be booked in to another garage to get the fixing work completed, then rebooked in to the permitted MOT station for an additional fee and a further test, which can result in taxi’s being off the road for longer, higher costs and a significant loss of earnings. The garage is also very busy with testing of South Wales Police and BCBC vehicles. - referred to other Local Authorities, e.g. Cardiff allowing the use of any DVSA accredited MOT station which makes things easier for operators and fairer for all DVSA registered MOT stations. - expressed concern about the potential further impact this may be having locally regarding the shortness of availability of taxis in the County Borough generally and particularly later at night. - queried how performance / reliability of taxi’s was monitored through licence renewals or otherwise and how the Authority reviews cancellations, late night cancellations, availability after hours and what is being done to enable improvement and a reliable taxi fleet. - referred the topic to the Licensing Committee for consideration and action. Porthcawl Regeneration Report
The Committee discussed the forthcoming report on Porthcawl Regeneration scheduled for the Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3 on 20 February 2023 and requested that the background to the Cosy Corner project be included in the scope of the report.
The Committee requested that representatives of the following organisations be invited to attend for the scrutiny of the report:
- Visit Wales - Credu Charity Limited, formerly the Community Interest Company, Porthcawl Harbourside
RESOLVED: That the Committee approved the Forward Work Programme in Appendix A, subject to the above additions and requests, noted that the Forward Work Programme and any updates from the Committee would be reported to the next meeting of Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee and noted the Recommendations Monitoring Action Sheet in Appendix B. |
Urgent Items To consider any item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency.
Minutes: None |