Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices Angel Street Bridgend CF31 4WB. View directions
Contact: Michael Pitman
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008 (including whipping declarations) Minutes: None |
To receive for approval the minutes of the meeting of the 14/11/2019 Minutes: That the Minutes of the meeting of Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3, dated 14 November 2019, be approved as a true and accurate record. |
Medium Term Financial Strategy 2020-21 to 2023-24 Invitees:
Mark Shephard, Chief Executive Cllr Richard Young, Cabinet Member – Communities Zak Shell, Head of Operations - Community Services Joanne Norman, Interim Group Manager – Financial Planning and Budget Management Victoria Adams, Interim Finance Manager – Budget Management: Communities, Education and Family Support Additional documents:
Minutes: The Interim Head of Finance and S151 officer submitted a report, the purpose of which was to present the Committee with the draft Medium Term Financial Strategy 2020-21 to 2023-24, which sets out the spending priorities of the Council, key investment objectives and budget areas targeted for necessary savings. The strategy includes a financial forecast for 2020-2024 and a detailed draft revenue budget for 2020-21.
The Chief Executive explained that he would not go through the report, but that the focus today was on the MTFS, following which the Chairperson invited questions from Members in respect of the Communities Directorate.
In respect of COM26, a member asked what the impact to service users would be and whether we have any user figures over the years. The Head of Operations – Community Services informed members that there were on average, 4000 users per annum and this has been consistent over the last few years however, the popularity of the service looks to be generally declining with a greater increase in private ownership of affordable, lightweight scooters, reducing demand. The report to Cabinet on the 21 January, highlighted several recommendations but noted that officers will continue to explore the opportunity for external grant funding to support the service.
In respect of COM51, a member noted the important area of income generation used by some councils in England and asked what opportunities there were for BCBC. The Chief Executive informed Members that BCBC did this on a limited scale e.g. The Innovation Centre, which we rent out, however this was about being prudent and identifying the right investment. He noted that if they exist we can make those investments, but we are not an authority on a huge scale. The Interim Group Manager – Financial Planning and Budget Management acknowledged the recent consultation ‘Shaping Bridgend’s Future’ pointed to the 61% of respondents that agreed that the council should consider commercial ventures to fund and protect front line services. A Member noted that some councils had implemented a landlord licencing fee at a cost of £500, and asked whether BCBC had considered this. The Chief Executive acknowledged that we do not currently do that, but happy to look into this.
A member noted that full cost recovery has been pushed back a year (COM42) but enquired how this will affect our ability to maintain these fields, etc. The Head of Operations – Community Services acknowledged that it certainly does not get any easier but despite many years of budgetary reductions, we have maintained a reasonable level of maintenance. This has been more challenging in respect of pavilions, and have deteriorated and has been discussed as part of Community Asset Transfers (CAT). There is an overspend on the parks budget because of maintenance. In terms of pitches, with current levels, we can maintain them at a satisfactory level. The Cabinet Member for Communities recognised that full cost recovery should be deferred as CATs were going ahead this year with clubs or town and community councils ... view the full minutes text for item 103. |
Forward Work Programme Update Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer – Legal, HR & Regulatory Services submitted a report, that:
a) Presented the items prioritised by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, including the next item delegated to Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3;
b) Asked the Committee to identify (if any) further items for consideration using the pre-determined criteria form.
Attached at Appendix A to the report was the overall FWP for the Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committees, which included topics prioritised by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the next set of Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committees in Table A, as well as topics that were deemed important for future prioritisation at Table B.
The Scrutiny Officer presented the Forward Work Programme and informed the Committee that the meeting scheduled for the 27 January 2020, was cancelled due to the budget meeting today. In respect of the next round of committee meetings, the committee will consider the item on Working Towards Plastic Free Bridgend, at its meeting in March.
Members agreed that the meeting of Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3 scheduled for the 27 April 2020, will consider the item on the Ford Engine Plant/Ineos.
Lastly, members were reminded that if they have any items they wish to put forward to scrutiny for consideration, to complete the criteria form and send to scrutiny officers for further scoping out.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
Urgent Items To consider any item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Minutes: None
The meeting closed at 11.49. |