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Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008 (including whipping declarations)
Minutes: Cllr JC Spanswick declared a personal interest in item 4 as he had benefited from Employability Training. |
Approval of Minutes To receive for approval the minutes of the meeting of the 28 06 21 Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of a meeting of Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3 dated 28 June 2021 be approved as a true and accurate record. |
The Bridgend County Economic Futures Framework Invitees
Janine Nightingale - Corporate Director, Communities Councillor Huw David - Leader Councillor Stuart Baldwin - Cabinet Member Communities Councillor Charles Smith - Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration Zak Shell - Head of Operations - Community Services Ieuan Sherwood - Group Manager - Economy, Natural Resources & Sustainability Sue Whittaker - Enterprise and Employability Manager
Toby Rhodes - Director - Perform Green Limited Peter Slater - Director - Industrial Communities Alliance Wales Jon Wood - Head of Innovation and Cluster Development - Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Minutes: The Corporate Director – Communities introduced the report, following which the Group Manager – Economy, Natural Resources & Sustainability presented the report and drew Members’ attention to Section 4 expanding on the economic futures framework, in particular the 4 main themes before highlighting Section 8 of the report. The Committee then received a presentation from the Director of Perform Green Limited, some strategic context from the Director - Industrial Communities Alliance Wales and context in respect of innovation across the Capital region from the Head of Innovation and Cluster Development – Cardiff Capital Region City Deal (CCRCD). Members were asked how well the key themes from stakeholders and data, resonated with them.
The Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration thanked the Director of Perform Green Limited, Director – Industrial Communities Alliance Wales and Head of Innovation and Cluster Development, CCRCD. He added that from the schemes he would pick out skills, as a priority as well as connectivity including the metro. He also highlighted the creative industries recognising that once film crews had left, there was the tourist potential. He explained that there was a need for the high-level strategy in order to assess priorities and what could realistically be provided.
Following the presentation of the report, Members of the Committee asked the following:
A Member thanked Officers for the report and advised that it certainly resonated. He noted the issues in the Community of Caerau, as mentioned in the report and asked why it had gone up from 35th in 2005 to 5th currently, in term of deprivation, having received millions of pounds of European funding and asked about the outcomes for funding. The report was comprehensive, detailed and highlighted the issues which local councillors were aware of, however he felt outcomes, funding, and more importantly, the management, of that funding, would be key to success.
The Corporate Director – Communities advised that the information in front of the Committee was the start of the economic strategy, which captured all the variables and the strengths as well as weaknesses, which it was important to acknowledge. This was almost a gap analysis, which showed where the county borough was doing well and then looked at the areas it needed to specifically focus on. It didn’t, at this stage, identify the direction of travel or what the funding mechanisms were in order to do the work because that work came next. Work was being done with all key stakeholders and those views and an understanding of the correct position would inform an action plan and funding road map. There was a reliance on external funding sources, and a number of them because European funding had ended, so there was a need to look at other mechanisms for funding initiatives going forward. This was all about partnership and a pan Wales approach but focusing on regional issues.
In terms of management of funding, there was very robust governance in place, but what was clear, was that previously the local authority may ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |
Forward Work Programme Update Additional documents:
Minutes: There were no requests to include specific information in the item for the next meeting.
There were no further items identified for consideration on the Forward Work Programme having regard to the selection criteria in paragraph 4.3, and this could be revisited at the next meeting.
RESOLVED: That the Committee approved the Forward Work Programme in Appendix A, noted that the Forward Work Programme and any updates from the Committee would be reported to the next meeting of COSC and noted the Recommendation Monitoring Action Sheet in Appendix B.
Urgent Items To consider any item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Minutes: None |