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Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008 (including whipping declarations) Minutes: None |
Strategic Transport Schemes
Councillor Huw David - Leader Councillor Stuart Baldwin - Cabinet Member Communities
Janine Nightingale - Corporate Director, Communities Jonathan Parsons – Group Manager Planning & Development Services Kwaku Opku-Addo – Strategic Transportation Planning Team Leader Joseph Cassinelli – Principal Planning Officer, Strategic Transportation Minutes: The Corporate Director - Communities introduced the report that provided an overview of the current and potential future strategic transport projects and schemes, which had been reported and endorsed by Cabinet in December 2021. She advised that they had been discussed at length with Welsh Government, Transport for Wales, and Network Rail before they had been put forward, so they were in line with national policies, plans and objectives as well as being key to being part of their local transport plan.
The Group Manager Planning and Development Services presented a summary of the projects listed in the report, which included:
The Chairperson thanked the Officers for the presentation of the report, following which Members of the Committee asked the following:
A Member referred to Brackla Park and Ride and the length of time it had been on the agenda and expressed that it was positive that there was movement on the active travel footbridge, however disagreed with the car park element being completed first due to the Section 106 agreement funding. He had also understood there was funding for the Singleton Junction. He commented that if Brackla station was to happen it would be 10-15 years away and the car park would have disintegrated or would not be fit for purpose. He felt that there were many good schemes but when it came to active travel, Brackla still appeared to be cut off from Bridgend Industrial Estate, there being no clear routes.
The Cabinet Member for Communities offered to discuss these matters with the Member outside of the meeting, as this report was regarding strategic transport projects.
The Group Manager Planning and Development Services advised that the Singleton junction had not fallen off the radar and they were potentially looking at it as an active travel scheme. He explained it was not on the list of projects as it was mainly a road project but had not escaped their attention in terms of active travel.
A Member referred to the proposed Brackla Halt Railway Station and asked about Network Rail’s attitude to it, as they had previously opposed the setting up of a station there. He referred to the former arsenal and munitions factory located there previously and that the Cardiff to Swansea line had a passing loop, but the Swansea to Cardiff line hadn’t and whether there was possibility of a feasibility study to look at this.
The Group Manager Planning and Development Services advised that he was aware of the passing loop and the history of the area and that they could certainly look at that as part of any feasibility, but that funding was needed to start that process and hopefully they could draw down funding to look ... view the full minutes text for item 147. |
Urgent Items To consider any item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency. I ystyried unrhyw eitemau o fusnes y, oherwydd amgylchiadau arbennig y cadeirydd o'r farn y dylid eu hystyried yn y cyfarfod fel mater o frys yn unol â Rhan 4 (pharagraff 4) o'r Rheolau Trefn y Cyngor yn y Cyfansoddiad.
Minutes: None |