Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices Angel Street Bridgend CF31 4WB. View directions
Contact: Mark Anthony Galvin - Democratic Services section
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008 (including whipping declarations) Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made:-
Councillor R Shaw – Prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 3., in that he was involved in the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) with several Clubs/Associations. He left the meeting whilst the item was being considered.
Councillor N Burnett – Personal interest in Agenda Item 3., due to her father being Chairperson of Bridgend Athletic Rugby Club.
Councillor JP Blundell – Personal interest in Agenda Item 3., due to him being a non-paying fee Member of Brackla AFC.
Councillor J Gebbie – Personal interest in that she had been involved in initial discussions regarding a possible CAT to be pursued in respect of an asset(s) in the location of Kenfig Hill, which had not yet commenced. |
Call-In Of Cabinet Decision: Playing Fields, Outdoor Sports Facilities and Parks Pavilions PDF 74 KB Invitees:
Mark Shephard – Chief Executive Councillor Hywel Williams – Deputy Leader Councillor Richard Young – Cabinet Member - Communities Zak Shell – Head of Operations - Community Services Guy Smith – Community Asset Transfer Officer Kevin Mulcahy – Group Manager - Highways & Green Spaces Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed all those in attendance. She thanked all the public speakers for attending and contributing towards debate on this important item.
She advised that there had been some criticism received with regard to holding the meeting so early in the day, as opposed to in the afternoon, ie around 5.00pm or later after people finished work. She confirmed however, that this was difficult given that the Council closed its offices at 6.30pm.
She finally confirmed that after the public speakers had given their submissions then they would retire from the lectern and remain in the meeting to observe proceedings, during which time they could not ask questions of the Invitees or ‘heckle’ during debate.
The Legal Officer advised that a number of Overview and Scrutiny Committee Members had signed the appropriate form calling-in the decision made by Cabinet at its last meeting with regards to the future support of Playing Fields, Outdoor Sports Facilities and Parks Pavilions. In terms of this, she reiterated that those Members were required to attend today’s meeting with an open mind and it was a decision for them whether the extent of interest they had shown in this item had been pre-determined or not.
If they had pre-determined the matter then they should declare a prejudicial interest and retire from the meeting. Or if they felt that they had not made any such pre-determination, then they could declare a personal interest (if they so wished, as it was a decision for Members to make ultimately), and remain in the meeting and include themselves in general debate, including asking questions of the Invitees.
The Member who had initiated the call-in advised that he had adopted an open mind to the Cabinet proposals and the report before Members, though he had adopted a stance objectively with regard to the Cabinet resolution. He assured those present however, that he had not pre-determined this matter despite what had been said on social media, ie that he was against the Cabinet’s proposals.
The Chairperson then invited public speakers to, in turn, to address the Committee through inviting their comments, objections and representations to the decision of Cabinet (made at its meeting on 22 October 2019).
There were also some written representations and objections received and these were read out by the Democratic Services Manager after the public speakers had given their respective submissions.
The list of public speakers together with those who gave written representations/objections were as follows:-
Name Club
1. Terry Boast Nantyffyllon RFC
2. Richard Edwards Bridgend Town AFC
3. John Sawyer Bridgend Sports RFC
4. Jamie Wallis Not known
5. Richard Walters Bridgend District Football League
6 Stephen Davies Chair, Pencoed FRC
7. Graham Thomas Tondu RFC
8. Rhys Jones Bridgend Athletic RFC
9. Darren Ward Brackla under 12’s Football Coach
10. Alun Bunston Bridgend Town Cricket Club
11. Ian Brunt Barckla FC Seniors
12. Keely Svikeris Not known
13. Chairman K. Hill RFC Mini/Junior Club
14. Andrew Jones Maesteg Park ... view the full minutes text for item 141. |