Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices Angel Street Bridgend CF31 4WB. View directions
Contact: Michael Pitman
No. | Item |
Election of Chairperson Minutes: It was moved; duly seconded and carried unanimous, that Councillor Spanswick be nominated as Chairperson for the meeting.
RESOLVED: That Councillor JC Spanswick be elected Chairperson for the combined meeting of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committees 1, 2 and 3. |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1 September 2008 (including whipping declarations) Minutes: None. |
Medium Term Financial Strategy 2020-21 To 2023-24 PDF 299 KB Invitees:
All Cabinet and CMB Deborah Exton, Deputy Head of Finance Jackie Davies - Head of Adult Social Care, Adult Social Care Zak Shell – Head of Operations – Community Services Martin Morgans – Head of Performance and Partnership Services Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairperson welcomed to the meeting the Invitees.
The Chief Executive gave a brief introduction of the report, following which he invited questions from Members.
A Member referred to page 5 of the report and in terms of policy context, he pointed out that some of the Council’s varying financial pressures related to new legislation and regulations imposed upon it by Welsh Government. These included for example, the Welsh Language Act regulations and obligations imposed by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act. The likes of these and others were often not funded by Welsh Government, so therefore he asked if representations were being made to the likes of them, Central Government and the WLGA etc., to ensure that an appropriate level of funding was made available to BCBC resource these.
The Chief Executive advised that the Leader regularly corresponded with Ministers in order to attempt to secure funding to financially support new legislative requirements imposed upon local authorities along the lines of those referred to above. On occasions Welsh Government would advise that extra resource had been provided in local authority settlements in order to exercise its right to fulfil obligations imposed upon them through new legislative requirements. Alternatively, sometimes no extra funding was provided and local authorities were instead required to provide this as part of its existing resources. He acknowledged however, that this was a problem in that if no such funding was provided, this was an ongoing continual burden for not just BCBC but other local authorities also.
The Council had to fulfil all of its functions in respect of new regulations, rules and legislation however, whether these came with funding or not as failure to do so, would result in a situation of non-compliance when the Council were audited on different elements of its work and performance by the Wales Audit Office.
The Interim Head of Finance and S 151 Officer added that funding from Welsh Government was sometimes allocated and sometimes not. An example of this, was that it had financially supported the Authority in relation to Health and Social Care but not on Additional Learning Needs (ALN) which had as a consequence, pressurised the Council’s budget.
A Member referred to Appendix B of the report and the Budget Reduction Proposals in respect of the current term of the MTFS in respect of Home to School Transport. She felt that this should be looked at more closely in conjunction to Safe Routes to Schools, in order to ensure that transport for children was continued where there did not exist a safe route to any school and conversely, consider reducing Home to School transport provision where there existed such Safe Routes to Schools. She added, that cuts should not be made where there was a considerable demand of pupils relying on school transport, wherever possible. An example of this, was at Coity Primary School where due to the absence of a safe walking route to school, some pupils were provided with home to school transport. ... view the full minutes text for item 18. |
Urgent Items To consider any item(s) of business in respect of which notice has been given in accordance with Part 4 (paragraph 4) of the Council Procedure Rules and which the person presiding at the meeting is of the opinion should by reason of special circumstances be transacted at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Minutes: None. |