No Shared Regulatory Services Joint
Committee meetings are available for browsing on this site please
follow the links shown below for meeting information.
Information about Shared Regulatory
Services Joint Committee
The Shared Regulatory Service is a partnership
between Bridgend Council, Cardiff Council and the Vale of Glamorgan
Council. The partnership is governed by a Joint Committee, which is
equally represented by Cabinet Members and Public Protection
Committee Chairs from each Council. The aim of the
partnership is to deliver more efficient, cost effective services,
increasing the resilience of Trading Standards, Environmental
Health and Licensing across the region.
Trading Standards promote, maintain and ensure a fair and equitable
trading environment whilst protecting the interests of consumers
and local businesses.
Environmental Health promote and protect the health, safety and
wellbeing of the public through the provision of advice, regulation
and enforcement in accordance with national and local policy.
The Licensing Service is responsible for the licensing of a wide
variety of activities, events and services, most of which we
encounter in our day to day life. Licensing upholds a high
standard to protect the public by ensuring licence holders are fit
and proper persons to carry out the licensing activity and to set
and maintain standards expected of licence holders.
The Shared Regulatory Joint Committee is administered by the Vale
of Glamorgan County Borough Council. However the
Agenda and
Minutes can be viewed.