Agenda item

Departure from Development Plan Planning Application P/19/140/FUL - Development of a Police Learning Centre, Gymnasium, Site Regrading, Access, Car Parking and Associated Works


The Group Manager Development and Planning Services presented a report on the above planning application previously considered by the Development Control Committee.


He advised Members that they would be familiar with him attending Council to provide updates on the LDP and other development planning matters, whereby he usually emphasised the importance of compliance with and delivery of the Development Plan. Occasionally however, reports were required to be referred to Council, in relation to any developments that are not in accord with the development plan where the Development Control Committee have resolved to approve.  This Committee is unable to make this type of determination and the matter must then be referred to Council for decision.


The current application before Members, seeks permission for the redevelopment of the north-western area of the SWP Headquarters site. It is proposed to develop a four storey Police Learning Centre (PLC) and Human Resources Building, a two storey gymnasium, new access arrangement, parking provision and associated hard and soft landscaping works. The scheme also involves the redirection of a mains sewer. The full detail and assessment was outlined in the report.


The application site forms part of a residential allocation in the Bridgend Strategic Regeneration Growth Area for approximately 138 units under Policy COM1 (5) of the Local Development Plan (LDP) (2013). South Wales Police (SWP) have undertaken a large-scale rationalisation programme of their existing facilities and assets and, their original rationalisation proposals, which involved the release of the entire northern part of their existing HQ facilities for alternative development has been replaced. They are now however, pursuing an alternative strategy which entails carrying on with their programme of refurbishment and improvement works and retaining the whole of their existing HQ site at Cowbridge Road.


On the basis that the SWP rationalisation strategy has evolved since the adoption of the LDP in 2013, the investment in the HQ site and that their asset plan going forward is now to consolidate their activities and facilities at their existing site at Cowbridge Road, there is now no realistic prospect of the delivery of any housing under Policy COM1(5) on this site and the housing numbers no longer count towards the Council’s land supply. Members may also recall that Council approved a new café building on site in 2017, also as a departure application.  The café has now been completed and is operational.


The facility in question, will provide the Police with their own in-house, on-site training, continual professional development, human resources and recruitment centre.  The PLC will provide 22 Training classrooms with associated breakout space, a human resource recruitment centre as well as office space for internal departments across the force. It will include provision for an assessments and standards unit, an operations training unit, investigative training and ‘policing through technology’ facilities.  The building would also accommodate an office for the Police and Crime Commissioner.


The new PLC building will be utilised roughly in the ratio of 75% for training and 25% for human resources.


The main access will be via the industrial estate to the north with enhanced pedestrian facilities from Cowbridge Road and a detailed transport assessment has been submitted and agreed by highway officers.

Planning law requires that planning applications must be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material circumstances dictate otherwise.


In this case, notwithstanding the loss of the housing allocation, it is clear that the residential development can now no longer take place in view of the previous development and revised estate strategy. Furthermore, the investment in the site and its comprehensive redevelopment is welcomed as SWP has made a firm commitment to consolidate and retain its operations within the County Borough. The strategy will ensure that a highly prestigious HQ facility will be retained within Bridgend, thereby retaining and creating highly skilled employment opportunities as well as providing a valuable social and community service to the residents and communities of Bridgend.


The Group Manager – Development and Planning Services concluded his report, by confirming that alternative housing allocations will be considered as part of the review of the LDP and consultation on the preferred strategy will commence at the end of the month.


There were no questions from Members on the report.


RESOLVED:                    That Council be minded not to refuse the development and after the Section 106 Legal Agreement between the South Wales Police and the Council has been signed, that the Group Manager – Development and Planning Services (within the Communities Directorate) be given delegated powers to issue a decision notice in respect of this proposal, to include the standard 5 year time limit for implementation and the Conditions attached to the recommendation.

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