Agenda item

2019 Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) For The Bridgend Local Development Plan (LDP) 2006 - 2021


The Group Manager Planning and Development Services submitted a report, in order to update Committee with the findings of the Bridgend County Borough Local Development Plan 2019 Annual Monitoring Report (AMR), attached at Appendix 1 to the report.


The report outlined certain background information, The 2019 AMR is required to be submitted to the Welsh Government prior to the 31

October 2019 and this target was met with it being submitted on 28 October 2019.


The main aim of the AMR is to assess the extent to which the LDP Strategy and Policies are being achieved. The AMR therefore has two primary roles,

firstly, to consider whether the Policies identified in the monitoring process are being implemented successfully and secondly, to consider the Plan as a whole against all of the information gathered, to determine whether a complete or partial review of the Plan is necessary.


The Group Manager Planning and Development Services proceeded, by advising that in order to monitor the LDP’s performance, it needed to be considered against a set of monitoring aims and indicators.


In this context the AMR was required to identify Policies that are not being implemented and for each such Policy:


  • Outline the reasons why the Policy is not being implemented;
  • Indicate steps that can be taken to enable the Policy to be implemented;
  • Identify whether a revision to the Plan is required;
  • Specify the housing land supply from the Housing Land Availability Report for that year and for the full period since the adoption of the Plan;
  • Specify the number of net additional affordable and general market dwellings built in the Local Planning Authority (LPA) area for that year and for the full period since the adoption of the Plan.


He continued by advising the LDP Manual supplements this requirement, by setting out additional factors that should be assessed in the AMR, and these were shown in Paragraph 3.6 of the report.


The Group Manager Planning and Development Services, confirmed that there have been many changes since 2013 that will impact on the successful implementation of the LDP, the most notable are the changes in the Welsh Economy and the changes in the regional context. The AMR therefore considers whether the development strategy that underpins the LDP remains valid and assesses whether or not the Strategy Policies contained in the LDP are being effective in delivering the Development Strategy and meeting the objectives of the Plan.


Paragraph 4.3 of the report listed in bullet point format, what the LDP Regulations and the LDP Manual specify what the AMR is required to include.


The report then stated, that an overview of the LDP Monitoring Data for the fifth AMR period provided an interesting insight into the implementation of the LDP over the past 12 months. The key findings in respect of this, were listed in paragraph 4.4 of the report.


He then explained that Chapter 5 of the AMR provided a detailed analysis of the success of the Plan to date, against the monitoring indicators and factors in terms of delivering sustainable development.


The Group Manager Planning and Development Services then gave a resume of the report’s conclusions.


A Member asked if the number of vacant retail properties in the Bridgend town centre, included those units that were currently empty in the Bridgend Indoor market.


The Presenting Officer advised that he would look into this point and link in further with the Member, outside of the meeting. 


RESOLVED:             That Members noted the content of the AMR report.

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