The Chief Executive presented a report which provided an overview of the Councils Performance in 2019-20 as of quarter two.
He advised that data collected for the half year returns suggested that the Council was on track to deliver 38 (93%) of its commitments to its three well-being objectives (green) with the other 3 (7%) missing some of their milestones (amber).
A Member asked in relation to the first indicator on page 95, the number of working days per full time equivalent lost due to sickness absence was 11.79. Has anything been put in place to tackle this.
The Chief Executive stated that an improvement target was now in place and a number of interventions were also in place to address the issues such as stress and anxiety. He advised that mindfulness courses had been put in place in recent months as well as advertising the access to counselling and was comfortable that enough had been put in place to see how well it did. He added that the emphasis needed to be put on the staff and ensure they were supported and keeping them in work rather than waiting for staff to go off work sick.
A Member asked if flu jabs were offered to staff members. The Chief Executed stated that flu jabs were only currently offered to certain frontline teams like social services etc.
A Member stated that fly tipping has increased and we had missed the target. He believed that the service needed to be looked at as it was not performing well. The Chairperson added that the trend had decreased from the same quarter last year, but the concerns were still there as the authority was 21/22 for cleanliness of highways.
A Member commented on the number of empty commercial properties in Bridgend with a number of them being in poor condition. He asked if we were able to compare with other authorities. The Chairperson explained that the much of this may had been down to shopping trends, i.e. with online shopping becoming increasing popular. She stated that landlords had not reduced their rates as a result, but that may change due to them being forced to pay business rates.
RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the half year corporate performance.
Members wished to make the following comments and conclusions:
In respect of DRE6.6.4i Percentage of employees completing e-learning modules, Members queried why the Annual Target had been reduced from 45% in 18/19 to 25% in 19/20, given that this target includes Mandatory-e-learning requirements?
In respect of DC01.1.3ii, DC01.1.3iii, DC01.1.3iv, Members suggested that more comment is required here, suggesting providing comparables with other towns, in order to compare like for like.
In respect of PAM / 035, Members queried the Qtr2 Actual Figure, 2.67 days, given that the narrative states 'This is a good performance and shows a responsive service'.
Members queried whether the amount of fly tipping (PAM/035), was impacting on our cleanliness target (PAM/010).
Members raised concern in respect of the Disabled Facilities Grants (PAM/015, PSR009a & PSR009b), given the average number of calendar days taken to deliver a grant.
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