Agenda item

Local Development Plan Preferred Strategy Consultation Report


The Development Planning Manager reported on the Consultation Report on the Local Development Plan (LDP) Preferred Strategy for Council to consider and endorse. 


He reported that Regulation 15 of the LDP Regulations requires the Council to publish its pre-deposit proposals (Preferred Strategy) for public inspection and consultation before determining the content of its LDP for Deposit.  He stated that the statutory consultation period on the Preferred Strategy was held from 30 September 2019 to 8 November 2019 and a total of 70 formal representations were received.  In preparation for the Deposit Stage of the LDP, the Council must draft an initial Consultation Report for publishing as soon as reasonably practicable after pre-deposit consultation under LDP Regulation 16A.   He informed Council that a Consultation Report has been prepared, outlining how the Council has undertaken public participation and consultation on the Preferred Strategy itself.  He stated that the Report identified the steps taken to publicise plan preparation, in accordance with the Community Involvement Scheme (CIS), before outlining the specific bodies engaged, summarising the main issued raised and identifying how the responses have been or will be addressed.  The Report provided significant detail on how this key period of consultation will influence development of the Deposit LDP.


The Development Planning Manager reported that a number of consultation methods were utilised to ensure efficient and effective consultation and participation, in accordance with the CIS.  He stated that the Consultation Report was not intended to be a comprehensive report on each comment received, rather a summary of the key issues raised in response to the specific questions on the consultation form.  A significant number of representations were also site specific in focus, although the Report did not attempt to evaluate the comprehensive merits of candidate sites.  He stated that all candidate sites would be evaluated as part of the Candidate Site Assessment Methodology, which is separate to the Preferred Strategy Consultation.  He informed Council that the Consultation Report was structured around each consultation question, sets out the main corresponding points received and details the Council’s subsequent responses.  The Consultation Report provides a detailed thematic overview of the main comments submitted by representors. 


The Senior Planning Officer informed Council that pressure had been brought on the Planning Department by the development industry for the release of greenfield sites for development, however this had been rebutted by the Department, supported by Inspectors’ reports.  A member of Council commended the approach taken by the Planning Department in rebutting the development of greenfield sites and that there was a need to have decent quality development in the County Borough.   


A member of Council questioned whether the Planning Department ensured future development was accessible to people with disabilities.  The Development Planning Manager informed Council that the Department works with Public Health Wales to ensure development is accessible to all and this would be included in the LDP.


A member of Council sought reassurance that a solution is found with the level crossing to enable development to the east of Pencoed.  The Development Planning Manager informed Council that the moratorium on development will remain, however once the findings of the assessment were known they would be the subject of a report to Members.


RESOLVED:           That Council endorsed the contents of the report and approval will be sought from Council prior to publishing the Deposit Plan for formal public consultation.          


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