All Cabinet Members and CMB
The Interim Head of Finance and S151 Officer advised members that firstly the Corporate Plan had been refreshed for 2020-21, following a corporate planning process carried out between October 2019 and January 2020 with many within the organisation involved in the process, including a bottom up as well as a top down inclusive process this year. Secondly, there was a much greater focus on the Future Generations of Wellbeing Act principles and thirdly, the report focussed on what the authority was trying to improve and the resources needed, which was evident in the ambitions set out.
Members raised the issue that there was no specific reference to climate change within the report and felt, as a committee, this was a rapidly growing issue and needed to show the position the authority was in. The Chief Executive noted that this was clearly something that had gathered momentum and recognised this. He confirmed that a report was going to Cabinet in April.
A member noted the figures in relation to Homelessness on Page 10 and sought confirmation of the progress being made – are we helping all our homelessness and who are we leaving out? The Cabinet Member for Future Generation and Wellbeing explained that she had recently visited both the Huggard and Ty Tresillian provisions in Cardiff, along with the Group Manager for Housing and the Head of Partnership Services and acknowledged the relationship with Cardiff and noted the ongoing piece of work to see how a provision could be provided within the borough.
The Member further recognised that there were people who were unable to be helped and that may fall through the net and asked what was being done. The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing acknowledged that many of these cases had mental health problems, but noted that a lot was being done to prevent them becoming homelessness in the first place. There was ongoing work with those that had lower level mental health problems. In terms of reaching out in the community, they were provided with help as part of their families. This was an issue not just supported by housing.
A member felt that the Education list on Page 10 should show Welsh Schools as a separate category.
A member noted that the last line of Page 12 stated a
‘good’ place for people to live, work, study and visit
felt that this should say ‘great’. The Chief Executive
acknowledged this but explained that the challenge is trying
to match the ambition at the front of the
document with the actions in the rest of the document, however he
was happy to make the suggested change.
A member noted a number of projects listed on page 16, which would deliver the outcomes to help Bridgend thrive over the long term and enquired how far are were along with these projects e.g. City Deal. The Chief Executive reminded members and officers that this was a long-term programme, where little would happen within the first two years, although he noted that some good initiatives had been undertaken. He confirmed that a report was going to Cabinet in March on City Deal. He felt it would be helpful to bring back a report on the flavour of ongoing work in terms of Valleys Taskforce, Ford, etc. The Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration noted on Page 16, the Bridgend Business Forum, and felt should promote Bridgend as a place to invest, but noted that there were many closely guarded businesses in Bridgend, who were happy that way.
A member noted the targets on Page 19 in relation to the ‘Percentage of Year 1 learners being taught through the medium of Welsh’ and ‘Number of Vacant Premises in Town Centres’ and felt these should be realistic and challenging. The Corporate Director Education and Family Support noted that this related to the number of learners, and explained to members that there were surplus spaces in Welsh Medium, so that this was a challenging target just to maintain the status quo. The Chief Executive explained in terms of vacant premises that it was always a balancing act but sometimes it was challenging to standstill. A member further noted on Page 19 within ‘vacant premises’ this may suggest that we want more empty shops and therefore needed more information within the box. The Chief Executive suggested that perhaps appendices should accompany the report to put some context to the some of the measures to the public. A member suggested that it would be useful as a percentage in each town centre e.g. 6 in Pencoed could be out of 7.
A member raised the issue that without a Welsh comparison, it was impossible to know where we are compared to other authorities, in the area of spend. There was research to be done, but this might be more meaningful to other people. The Interim Head of Finance and S151 Officer explained that this was what was trying to be done, but categorising the expenditure had become nigh on impossible as it was configured in different ways. This has been tried through spending assessment. What we are trying to do through the different services is trying to drill down as much as we can. We have made representations to the WG about cost, as most PAM’s do not have cost indicators. The Deputy Leader acknowledged that this was a Bridgend focused plan, but that a link in to My Council in terms of comparison data could be added.
A member noted that the indicator on page 23 for ‘Number of additional dwellings…..back into use’ seemed low. A member felt that the wording on page 25 ‘developing the skills and behaviours of staff’ could do with re-wording. A member felt that the indicator in respect of the ‘Percentage of managers attending the Managers Induction Programme’ should show a target. The Interim Head of Finance and S151 Officer agreed to take these suggestions away to look at.
Members discussed the indicators in relation to Tree Management on page 28 and noted that despite being difficult to measure, this indicator could be improved. The Chief Executive agreed that this was a hot topic at the moment and explained that there was a bid in for funding. We can bring something back to scrutiny. A member stated that this is also a matter that can be brought up with Town and Community Council’s (TCC’s). Members and Officers discussed the ‘Plant a tree in 73’ scheme and suggested promoting ‘Plant a tree before 23’ which could engage with TCC’s and schools. The Chief Executive noted the challenge was getting the balance right as they do require looking after and maintenance. A member further commented that as a council we should encourage landowners and residents to do this.
A member noted that this was a good plan that set out a vision and principles. He asked in respect of page 34 ‘Working with Others’, whether there was going to be a performance management process in terms of our partnership working and what role can scrutiny play. The Interim Head of Finance and S151 Officer explained that in term of partnerships, they are all different, and have entirely different governance arrangements. This had been discussed at CPA. The key here was that they could equally all hold us to account, but noted this was an area for further development; how do we bring that back in to the proper governance. In terms of CPA we have performance measures that come to the board and in terms of the work, there would be opportunities to look at Halo and Awen. The Corporate Director explained that all Directorates are working on the Business Plan that fed into the Corporate Plan. In terms of the Cwm Taf Regional Partnership Board, there were 4 elected members and Governance was being looked at to make it more affective. She noted a piece of work from Welsh Government coming on the work of partnership boards. A member suggested that the committee might wish to think about inviting people from the public service board to future items.
Members wished to make the following comments and conclusions:
Members commented that the growing issue of Climate Change had not been included in the revised Corporate Plan.
A Member commented upon an error in the first
and third paragraphs upon page 8 of the Corporate Plan.
Members requested that Welsh Medium Schools be included the Education list.
Members requested a pre-Council Briefing update upon progress on the City Deal and the Valleys Task Force (and Bridgend Business Forum)
Members requested that the statement on the last sentence of page 11 and 12 be amended to: “…help us make the county borough a great place for people to live, work, study and visit”.
Members questioned the target for Welsh learners taught through
the Medium of Welsh being static on page 19 of the Plan.
Members asked that the vacant premises in Town Centres be
provided as percentages on Page 19 of the Plan.
Members commented that it was difficult to view the Authority’s position against the Wales Average when viewing the Pie Charts. The Plan was Bridgend focussed but it was suggested that a link to My Council could be added to enable comparative data to be viewed.
Members queried the target for the number of additional dwellings brought back into use only being increased by only 2 this year.
Members felt that on Page 25 of
the Plan the phrase: “…the behaviours of staff”
could be misinterpreted and should be reworded.
Members asked that a baseline
be established for the target on the Percentage of Managers
attending the Managers Induction Programme who rated it excellent
or good on page 27.
Members felt that the target of 3 for “Undertake schemes to increase the County Borough’s tree cover” on Page 28 was not ambitious enough.
Members requested clarification on the target on page 28 in relation to ‘Undertake the Council Tree Management programme’ as they thought it was unlikely that the actions within the programme were 100% complete.
Members acknowledged that the Corporate Plan was a good Plan and set out the vision and principles and asked how the performance in respect of Partnership working would be managed.
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