The Leader welcomed Katy Young, Inspector, Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) to the meeting.
The Inspector, CIW, gave a presentation to Cabinet outlining the strengths and areas for improvement following an inspection of BCBC’s Older Adults services carried out in September 2019. At the time of the inspection, plans for improvement were already in place and some of the findings reflected the work they already intended taking forward. New boundaries had been introduced and they recognised that both operationally and strategically, this had been a significant piece of work.
The Inspector, CIW added that it had been a pleasure to undertake the inspection and staff and managers were positive and keen to do what needed to be done.
The Leader thanked the Inspector for the positive overview and for recognising that the authority was seeking to improve.
The Cabinet Member for Social Services and Early Help explained that he was pleased with the report and proud of the staff, particularly in light of 10 years of austerity and a restructure. The whole service was changing in Wales and partnership working had a significant role in this.
The Deputy Leader added that these were unprecedented times in terms of pressure on resources He was pleased with the report which provided both confidence and satisfaction. He asked if there had been any feedback on the action plan. The Inspector, CIW, replied that they were satisfied that the action plan met requirements and it was just a question of how it would be implemented.
The Head of Adult Social Care explained that the inspection had been robust, fair and balanced and that there had been a number of key findings as detailed in the report. The action plan to address these findings consisted of 17 actions across 4 themes.
The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing reported that she was pleased that BCBC had been seen as a learning organisation and that there had been full engagement with all the staff. There were concerns regarding capacity across Wales and discussions were ongoing regarding profiling, pay and conditions. A Joint Strategy was currently out for consultation. It was recognised that grant money impacted on their ability to recruit. They also had to be more innovative in the way they recruited such as using Facebook and LinkedIn. She thanked CIW for the way they had conducted the inspection and said that it had been a positive experience.
The Cabinet Member for Communities welcomed the report particularly in light of 10 years of austerity. The comments contained within the report were as expected. The Inspection had been undertaken during a period of great change and he was proud of staff and the position they had found themselves in.
The Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Future Generations asked when the next inspection would take place. The Inspector, CIW explained that there was a 4 year programme and also focussed activity and thematic activities each year. Time was allowed to make improvements between visits and to further the authorities own agenda.
The Leader added that regular, open and constructive engagement helped both parties to work together.
RESOLVED: Cabinet noted the report.
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