Agenda item

P/20/119/FUL - Bridgend Paper Mills, (WEPA), A4063, Llangynwyd, CF34 9RS


RESOLVED:                That above planning application be approved, subject to the following:-



1) That the applicant enters into a Section 106 Agreement to provide financial contributions  as follows:


-           a sum of £8,000 to fund legal traffic orders;

-           a sum of £60,000 (to be paid within 12 months from the date of consent) towards a feasibility assessment of an Active Travel route through the Llynfi Valley;

-           a sum of £20,000 to fund gateway traffic calming measures at Coytrahen.


2)  That the Group Manager – Planning and Development Services be given                             delegated  powers to issue a decision notice granting consent in respect of this proposal once the applicant has entered into the aforementioned Section 106 Agreement, subject to the Conditions and any Notes, contained in his report amended as set out in the Amendment Sheet and detailed below.




Expansion of current operation including an extension for a new paper machine and stock preparation area, new converting and warehouse facilities and ancillary buildings.


Subject to the following, in terms of the Conditions to the Officer’s Report:-


Condition 8 is not required as the details were included with the application.


Further to the receipt of additional information from the applicant, Condition 14 should read:


14.Within 3 months of the date of this consent, an amended Description and Project Process Report shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority to confirm that there is sufficient capacity within the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant to accept the increased levels of trade effluent and foul water flows.  The report shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, in conjunction with Natural Resources Wales prior to the beneficial use of the development, including any necessary revisions to the Environmental Permit.


Condition 17 should include specific reference to Phases 2 and 3 of the development due to the location of coal mining features and can be amended as follows:


17. Following implementation and completion of the approved remediation scheme for phases 2 and 3, (required by condition 16 above) and prior to the first beneficial use of that part of the development, a verification report shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority to confirm completion of the remediation scheme in accordance with approved details.


Condition 18 can be revised as follows:


18.Prior to the implementation of each Phase of the development above foundation/slab level, a detailed scheme shall be submitted to and agreed with the Local Planning Authority to demonstrate that the sound insulation values used in the noise modelling predictions within section 4.3 of the Noise Environmental Impact Assessment 57100_0219_Noise Assessment for the following enclosures and buildings will be achieved:


   The Department B baler will be fully enclosed. The Department B baler enclosure shall provide a sound insulation value Rw of at least 40dB(A)

   All elements of the walls and roof of Department C shall provide sound insulation value Rw of at least 50dB(A)

  The walls and roof of Department F shall provide a sound insulation value Rw of at least 40dB(A)


The agreed scheme shall be implemented in full and the sound insulation values of the enclosure and buildings referred to above shall be retained                      for the lifetime of the development.


Condition 20 can be amended as follows:


20.Unless otherwise stated, prior to the development being brought into beneficial use, the following mitigation measures shall be implemented in full in accordance with section 5.2 of the Noise Environmental Impact Assessment 57100_0219_Noise Assessment :


  Prior to Phase 3 of the scheme (High Bay Storage Building) being brought into beneficial use, a 6m high acoustic barrier shall be installed to provide screening between the proposed Department F and Brynsiriol Farm (Receptor NSR02 in the noise report) as shown on the’ Acoustic barrier floor plan and section’ Plan No: 51106-1005. The barrier shall be continuous in length, with no gaps and be rot proof.  The design details of the barrier shall be submitted to and agreed with the Local Planning Authority prior to its installation to include the type of barrier, its mass and the attenuation that it will provide. The acoustic barrier shall be maintained and retained for the lifetime of the development.

   Only ‘Finished Goods’ and ‘Pallets’ HGV movements shall occur between the hours of 23.00 and 07.00 hours. There shall be a reduction of 50% in peak hour HGV movements (as shown within the ‘Hourly for Model’ column in Table 2-12 of the Noise Environmental Impact Assessment 57100_0219_Noise Assessment) between the hours of 23.00 and 07.00 hours

  Between 23.00 and 07.00 hours, external loading shall comprise of no more than one vehicle at a time, i.e. although more than one vehicle may be parked for loading, external noise sources used for the loading of multiple vehicles must not operate concurrently.


The Reason for Condition 28 of the report should omit the words “to and from the School.”


Supporting documents: