The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change reported on the activities undertaken during 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 with regard to Council Tax Reduction (CTR) fraud, and Disabled Persons’ Parking Badges (Blue Badge) investigations and also summarised the results achieved during 2019/20 compared with the position for 2018/19.
The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change reported that on 1 November 2015, the investigation work for Housing and Council Tax Benefit
transferred to the Department for Works and Pensions’ (DWP) Single Fraud
Investigation Service (SFIS). She informed the Committee that in order to maintain effective and functioning counter-fraud activities for CTR, the Benefits Service employs a Fraud Investigator primarily to undertake the following:
The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change informed the Committee that the Fraud Investigator has developed a contact network with other Fraud Investigators within neighbouring authorities and officers across Wales meet quarterly to discuss CTR fraud, Blue Badge misuse and other fraud matters, and also to share best practice. She stated that fraud awareness training continues to be undertaken for Benefit, Housing Options, Council Tax and Customer Service staff and with outside agencies. Fraud awareness also forms part of the induction process for all new Benefit staff. The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change also informed the Committee that the Council is committed to maintaining and promoting a zero tolerance culture to fraud and corruption and as such developed a Fraud Prevention e-learning module to support the Anti-Fraud and Bribery and Anti-Money Laundering policies. The training to staff will enhance their understanding of how fraud may occur, to encourage prevention, promote detection of suspicious activities, to act with integrity and to respond effectively when incidents occur. The E-Learning module is scheduled for release in summer 2020.
The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change also reported on a summary of fraud referrals, which shows that during 2019/20 there was a 12.6% reduction in the number of referrals received across all sources.
However, there was no identifiable reason for the general reduction, but this would be pursued in the future. The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change informed the Committee that two CTR investigations undertaken by the Fraud Investigator led to successful prosecutions in 2019/20.
The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change reported that in July 2019, the Council worked in partnership with a specialist team from
Portsmouth City Council to undertake Blue Badge enforcement action. Working in selected County Borough locations, the two-day drive resulted in 68 interventions, 15 of which were serious enough for fixed penalties to be issued. She stated that of the twenty badges retained, 5 were securely destroyed as they were found to be cancelled or expired, 1 was returned to the badge holder with an official warning letter, 3 were returned to the badge holder with no further action taken, and 11 were considered serious enough to take forward for prosecution. Of the 12 cases taken forward for prosecution, 10 were found guilty by the Magistrates’ Court. Each was issued with a fine, a victim surcharge, legal and investigation costs.
RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the report.
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