Agenda item

Capital Programme Outturn 2019-20 and Quarter 1 Report 2020/21


The Interim Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change presented a report, the purpose of which was to:-


comply with the requirement of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance

and Accountancy’s (CIPFA) ‘The Prudential Code for Capital Finance in

Local Authorities (2017 edition)

provide an update on the capital outturn for 2019-20 (Appendix A to the report)

provide an update of the Capital Programme for the period 1 April to 30

June 2020 (Appendix B to the report)

seek agreement from Cabinet to present a report to Council for approval

for a revised capital programme for 2020-21 to 2029-30 (Appendix C to the report)

note the projected Prudential and Other Indicators for 2020-21

(Appendix D to the report)


She referred to the report’s current situation, that report provided Members with an update on the Council’s capital programme for 2019-20. The original budget approved by Council on 20 February 2019 has been further revised and approved by Council during the year to incorporate budgets brought forward from 2018-19 and any new schemes and grant approvals. The most recent programme for 2019-20, approved by Council in February 2020 as part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy, totalled £30.137 million, of which £13.964 million is met from BCBC resources, including capital receipts, revenue contributions from earmarked reserves and borrowing, with the remaining £16.173 million coming from external resources.


Appendix A provided details of the individual schemes within the capital

programme, showing the budget available in 2019-20 compared to the actual spend. The revised programme was only approved in February 2020, so there had been few amendments since then other than the following main changes:


·     new approvals of £1.964 million as a result of a new grant scheme from

the Welsh Government - the Hwb Infrastructure Grant

·     £0.403 million funding brought back from 20-21 to reflect spend profiles.


This results in the revised budget being £32.504m.


The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change therefore confirmed that the total expenditure as at 31 March 2020 was £22.822m, resulting in a total under spend of £9.682m.


The next section of the report explained that a number of schemes had been delayed due to the Covid-19 situation and subsequent slippage into 2020-21, for which £9.073m is required and these were shown in paragraph 4.1.4 of the report.


The next section of the report provided Members with an update on the Council’s capital programme for 2020-21 since the budget was last approved by Council and incorporates any new schemes and grant approvals. The revised programme for 2020-21 currently totals £62.305 million, of which £40.313 million is met from Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC) resources, including capital receipts, revenue contributions from earmarked reserves and borrowing, with the remaining £21.992 million coming from external resources, including General Capital Grant.


Details of the Capital Programme per Directorate for 2020-21 were detailed in Table 1 at paragraph 4.2.1 of the report.


Table 2 in paragraph 4.2.2 of the report, outlined the Capital Programme 2020-21 Resources and described how the total funding of just over £62m would be funded.


The Interim Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change then referred to Appendix B to the report, which provided details of the individual scheme within the Capital Programme, showing the budget available in 2020-21, compared to the projected spend at 30 June 2020.  


Paragraph 4.2.4 of the report, then outlined that there were a number of amendments to the Capital Programme for 2020-21, such as new and amended schemes, since it was last approved and these were detailed in the next section of the report.


A Revised Capital Programme was therefore attached at Appendix C to the report.


The final part of the report, gave information in respect of Prudential and Other Indicators for 2020-21 and that these were being monitored, as well as information on Capital Strategy Monitoring.


Appendix D of the report detailed the actual indicators for 2019-20, the estimated indicators for 2020-21 set out in the Council’s Capital Strategy and the projected indicators for 2020-21 based on the revised Capital Programme. These reflected that the Authority was operating in line with the approved limits.


The Deputy Leader pointed out that the emergency works to provide alternative teaching accommodation at Mynydd Cynffig Primary School as the original school building had to be closed on health and safety grounds, had meant an extra expenditure incurred by the Council that amounted to £1.2m and this had been an unexpected cost.


He was pleased however, to see introduced the installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Points at Ravens Court as well as the new Children’s Residential Accommodation Hub at Brynmenyn Primary School.


The Leader closed debate on this item by asking the Corporate Director – Education and Family Support if he could explain the works that were being planned for Croesty Primary School.


The Corporate Director – Education and Family Support replied, that this would comprise of a project that would result in extra accommodation being provided at the school for early years and foundation aged children.


RESOLVED:                        That Cabinet:


· noted the capital outturn for 2019-20 (Appendix A to the report)

· noted the Council’s Capital Programme 2020-21 Quarter 1 update to 30 June 2020 (Appendix B to the report)

· agreed that the revised Capital Programme (Appendix C to the report) be submitted to Council for approval

· noted the projected Prudential and Other Indicators for 2020-21 (Appendix D to the report)

Supporting documents: