Agenda item

Development of Strategic Equality Plan Action Plan 2020-2024


The Consultation, Engagement and Equalities Manager presented a report, the purpose of which, was to seek Cabinet approval and adoption of BCBC’s Strategic Equality Action Plan Action Plan 2020-2024.


She advised that, within the Strategic Equality Plan the Council must publish an action plan containing objectives that describe how equality issues for people in Bridgend will be addressed for the next four years.


Annual progress reports describing the work involved in implementing the current Strategic Equality Plan 2016-2020 have been presented to Cabinet Committee Equalities since 2016. Annual progress reports will continue to be presented during the lifetime of the Strategic Equality Plan 2020-2024.


The Consultation, Engagement and Equalities Manager, confirmed that the Strategic Equality Plan 2020-2024 was approved by Cabinet on 10 March 2020 (appendix 1 to the report). In order to develop the equalities action plan (appendix 2) the Council had:


·         Reviewed our Strategic Equality Plan 2016 – 2020 and our action plan for this period

·         Given further consideration to each of the nine protected characteristics covered by the three main aims of the general duty and the requirement to eliminate discrimination, harassment and other actions prohibited in the Equality Act 2010.

·         Considered the implementation of the Socio-Economic Duty (now deferred to March 2021)

·         Considered national and local issues and taken into consideration the Black Lives Matter campaign and the impact of COVID-19

·         Used feedback that we regularly get from local equality and diversity groups and via the Bridgend Community Cohesion and Equality Forum such as how accessible our services are and how we can help support, promote and raise awareness of issues such as hate crime and LGBTQ History Month

·         Worked with services to develop outcome focused actions that will be delivered over the next four years


The report then referred to the consultation process that had taken place with regards to the Action Plan and arising from that, there were 25 outcomes and 58 actions.


The Consultation, Engagement and Equalities Manager, added that within the action plan each of the objectives are linked to relevant protected characteristics, the Future Generations Act five ways of working and our corporate priorities.


The Strategic Equality Plan action plan 2020-2024 would be reviewed annually, to demonstrate progress against actions, incorporate new areas of work for the council, changes to legislation and the development of any new objectives for the duration of the plan.


The Cabinet Member – Wellbeing and Future Generations commended the Action Plan which she felt was clear in that it was user friendly in terms of establishing what we had committed to. She was especially pleased to see a commitment to the menopause campaign, play, eliminating holiday hunger and pay gap monitoring being extended to cover, any possible gap between BAME and disabled employees. As the Action Plan was evolving, she looked forward to seeing more work being added to it on the likes of hidden disabilities and healthy relationships, moving forward.


The Cabinet Member – Education and Regeneration was also pleased to note that the Action Plan addressed the issue of ‘Black Lives Matter’ and hate related bullying.


The Leader stated that he was encouraged by the increased offering of training within schools and he looked forward to both the Strategic Equality Plan and the Action Plan being monitored by the Cabinet Committee Equalities going forward.


The Deputy Leader closed the debate, by stating that he was encouraged to see progress in the implementation of the Real Living wage to all Council employees (benefiting those on the lowest salaries).


RESOLVED:                             That Cabinet approved and adopted the Authority’s Strategic Equality Plan Action Plan 2020-2024.


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